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Lesson3An unknown goddess无名女神Some time ago ,an interestingdiscovery wasmadebyarchaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea.An American teamexploreda temple whichstandsinan ancientcityonthepromontory of Ayia Irini. The city an one time mast have beenprosperous,foritenjoyedahighlevelofcivilization.House_oftenthreestoreyshigh_werebuiltofstone .They had large rooms with beautifully decorated walls.The city was even equipped with a drainage ,for a great manyclay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets.The temple which the archaeologists explored was used asa place of worship from the fifteenth century B.C.until Romantimes .In the most sacred room of the temple ,clay fragmentsoffifteenstatuewere found .Eachof theserepresentedagoddess and had ,at one time ,been painted .The body of onestatue was found among remainsdatingfromthefifteenthCentury B.C,Its missing head happened to be among remainsof the fifth century B.C.This head must have been found inClassicaltimesandcarefully preserved.Itwasveryoldandpreciouseventhen.Whenthearchaeologistsreconstructedthefragments,thewereamazedtofindthatthegoddessturned out to be a very modern_looking woman .She stoodthree feet high and her hands rested on her hips .She waswearing a full_length skirt which swept the ground .Despitehergreatage,shewas verygracefulindeed,but,sofar,thearchaeologists have been unable to discover her identity.Today we ll learn a story is about an archaeological discovery in Greece.In the story the archaeologists found clay fragments in an ancient temple.These represented the fifteenth statues of goddess which had once been painted .The body of one statue was found among remainsNow listen to the story first ,letslook whether me cananswer the question or not.How did the archaeologists know that the statue was a goddess ?(Because the fragment.We found in the most sacred room of temple)Now learn the new words.(1).goddess.n.女神(2). archaeologistn. 考古学家archae =ancientology =to study-ist=.(人)biology生物学biologist生物学家geology地质学geologist地质学家physiology物理学physiologist物理学家(3).Aegean adj.爱琴海的(4).explore v.考察,勘探explorer. 勘探家exploration探险adventure探险venture探险(5).promontoryn. 海角。promontory of Ayia Irini阿依亚 .依里尼海角(6 ).prosperousadj. ( 经济上的)繁荣的,昌盛的。prosperous country.prosperous business(7).civilizationn. 文明(8).storeyn. 楼层storey storeys 楼层story stories故事Eg: a two storey houseThe house is two storeys high .英式美式阁楼atticattic顶层thetop floorthe top floor.二层The firstfloorThe second floor一层The ground floorThe first floor地下室basementbasement(9).drainagen.排水Drainagesystem 排水系统(10).worshipn. 崇拜a place of worship祭祀祷告的场所(11)sacredadj. 宗教的,神圣的Eg:In the most sacred room of the temple.在庙中最神圣的一间殿堂里( 12).fragment n.碎片Clay fragment陶瓷碎片(13)remainsn. 遗物,遗迹,废墟the remains of mealthe remains of ancient Rome(14).classicaladj. ( 希腊和罗马)古文化的classical studies古代文学研究 /古典研究classical music古典音乐(15).reconstructv.修复,改造,宫廷。build againreconstruct=rebuild.(16).rest. V. 倚放,放置rest on/uponEg:Her hands rested on her hips.(17).hipn. 屁股,臀部。(18).full-length adj.( 裙衣)拖地长的。A full-length skirt(19). gracefuladj. 优雅的(20). identity n.身份identitycard 身份证After learning the new words.Now try to answer the question,and do the ask and answer.(1).where was this interesting discovery made?(on the Aegean island of Kea)(2).How do we know the city must have been prosperous?(Because it enjoyed a high level of civilization.)(3).How high were some of the houses?(Three storeys)(4).what were they built of?(Stone)(5).what was the city equipped with?(A drainage system)(6).They found fragments of statues.How many statues?(Fifteen)(7).What did these statues represent?(Goddess)(8).What was interesting about the body and head of one of the statues?(The body was among remains dating from the fifteenth century and the head among the remains of the fifth century B.C)(9).What hid the archaeologists do to the fragments?(They reconstructed then)(10).And what was the result?(The goddess turned out to be avery modern-looking woman)Text. 课文讲解( 1 )Some time ago ,an interesting
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