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精品资料学生姓名 年级 六年级 授课时间 教师姓名 课时 2 教学目标重点难点教学步骤Unit 6 The secret to good health只言片语1. 接下来的一天_2. 健康的生活_3. 健康的秘密_4. 最重要的事情_5. 八十岁_6. 做些简单的事_7. 得到充足的睡眠_8. 进行充足的锻炼_9. 吃太多糖_10. 吃太多油腻食物_11. 多吃蔬菜_12. 少吃肉_13. 保持好的饮食_14. 保持健康_15. 感觉良好_16. 面带微笑_17. 忧心忡忡_18. 散步一个小时_19. 至少_20. 每晚_21. 每天早上_22. 在公园_说文解字Mr. Li is not a doctor or a nurse, but he knows the secret to good health.【有章有法】名词所有格(参考UNIT 2讲义)1. _所有格:Curlys book, Teachers Day2. _所有格:a window of the classroom3. _所有格:a friend of my mothers4. _所有格1) 去学校的路:_ _ _ _ _2) 门 的 钥匙:_ _ _ _ _3) 问题的回答:_ _ _ _ _He is 80 years old but looks only 60.【有章有法】询问年龄1) He is 80 years old. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ _?2) He looks only 60. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ he _?He says you can do some simple things to stay healthy.【添砖加瓦】1. healthy1) 健 康:Curly is in good/ poor _.2) 健康的:Curly is strong and _.2. 保持健康1) Curly goes running early in the morning to _ _.2) It is important for everyone to _ _.First, get plenty of sleep, at least 8 hours each night, so you will feel good for the next day.【添砖加瓦】至多至少1) 至少:We should brush our teeth _ _ twice a day.2) 至多:It will take two hours _ _ to get there.Second, keep a good diet.【添砖加瓦】diet1) 保持好的饮食习惯:How can I _ _ _ _?2) 控制饮食/节食:No meat, please. I _ _ _ _.You should _ _ _ _ and take more exercise.Eat more vegetables and less meat.【添砖加瓦】多多少少修饰可数名词修饰不可数名词多少多少原级比较级最高级Dont eat too much sweet or oily food.And drink tea or water, not coke or coffee.【添砖加瓦】1. oily1) 油:Do you cook vegetables with much _?2) 油腻的:_ food is not good for old people.2. sweet1) _:Curly has a sweet tooth.2) _:Dont eat too many sweets. They are bad for your teeth.【有章有法】太多1) 修饰_:I have _ _ books.2) 修饰_:I have _ _ money.3) 修饰_:Dont play computer games _ _.Third, take plenty of exercise.【添砖加瓦】exercise1) 做早操(_名词):Students do morning exercises before classes.2) 做练习(_名词):I do exercises in English grammar every day.3) 锻 炼(_名词):I think it is a good idea to take exercise every day.Mr. Li walks for one hour in the park every morning and sometimes dances with his friends there.【有章有法】介词有千秋1. for1) _:I practise the piano for two hours every week.2) _:This is a birthday present for you.3) _:I study hard for my future.4) _:This exercise is hard for me.5) _:Thank you for your help.2. with1) _:I often go to the park with my parents.2) _:What are you going to do with the money?3) _:The boy with glasses is my brother.Finally, Mr. Li thinks the most important thing for a healthy life is to be happy.He never worries too much and always has a smile on his face.Thats why, even at 80, his hair is still black and not white.【添砖加瓦】1. smile1) _:Curly looked at the baby with a smile.2) _:She smiled at me.2. laugh1) _:Curly always makes everybody laugh.2) _:Dont laugh at other people.3. 担忧1) Dont _ if you cant finish it.2) There is nothing to _ _.3) She _ _ _ her family and everything.今日说法:祈使句一、 做不做做不做1. 努力学习。_2. 友好点。_1. 不要看电视。_2. 别吵。_二、 让不让让不让1. 咱们去看电视吧。_2. 妈,让我们几个出去玩吧。_3. 让他试试。_1. 咱们别去看电视了。_2. 别让他试了。_【小试牛刀】v 单项选择( ) 1. (2012暨大附中/2011华附奥校) Lets _ her _ an interesting story.A. to hear, speakB. to hear, talkC. listen to, sayD. listen to, tell( ) 2. (2013大联盟) Please _ your book when you come here tomorrow.A. takes B. brings C. bring D. takev 按动词的正确形式填空1. (2007大联盟) Lets _ (speak) English in class. _ (not speak) Chinese.2. (2010大联盟) _ (not stay) out too late, Wendy.3. (2012大联盟) _ (not eat) in the library, Tony.4. (2007省实天河) Let him _
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