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销售 Sales Contract甲方:xxxxxxxxxx有限公司Party A::xxxxxxxx Co., Ltd地址:xxxxxxxAddress: xxxxxxxx电话:+(86) xxxxxxTel: +(86) xxxxxxxx乙方:xxxxxxParty B: xxxxxx地址:xxxxxxxAddress: xxxxxxxxx电话:xx - xxxx -xxxxxxTel: xx -xxxx -xxxxxx双方依照中华人民共和国合同法以及中华人民共和国其它相关法律法规,按照平等自愿、诚信守法、协商一致的原则,共同约定以下合作合同(以下简称“本合同”)。In accordance with the Contract Law and other relevant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China, both parties have concluded the following contract (hereinafter referred to as “the Contract”), base on the principle of at-will, equality,mutual-consent, honesty and credibility. 一、 采购的产品1. The product 双方同意,由买方向卖方采购xxxxxxxxxxxxx。Both parties agreed that The buyer purchase xxxxxxxxxxx (hereinafter referred as “xxxxxxxxxxx”) from the seller. 二、 采购数量及价格2. Quantity and price买方本次下订单采购xxxxxxxxxxx,数量及价格见下表。 The buyer shall place an order of xxxxxxxxxxx , with quantity and price set below table,三、 样品、质量及抽检3. Quality and sampling Inspection如约定以样品作为质量标准,应约定:样品的封存办法视产品的类型不同而不同, 体积较小的产品可以在双方监督下,用信封封存且双方在封口盖章。大的样品也可以找公证保存。同时,双方也可以在合同或封袋上对质量进行书面描述。In the event that the parties agree to verify quality as per sample product, we need to stipulate that: Method of sample-sealing shall vary from different product. Sample of small size product can be sealed in an envelope with both parties chop on the seal, under both parties supervision. Sample of big size product can be preserved by Notary. Moreover, both parties can stipulate the quality in the contract or on the sealing bag. 卖方生产完成后应及时通知买方,买方将派人员到卖方工厂现场验收,包括检验货物的储存、包装、标签和装运,进行数量清点、表面检查、取样等。取样的方式是:每批由检验人员随机取样一百台。 The seller shall notify The buyer the finish of production and The buyer shall arrange inspector(s) to implement inspection & acceptance in the factory of The seller, include verify the storage, packing, marking, loading and will conduct sampling, analysis, tallying. The sampling shall be conduct as follow, the inspectors sample 100xxxxx from the batch. 取样后,在双方代表的监督下,根据第一条的标准对产品进行检查,验证产品是否合格。双方约定,如果抽样产品的合格率(仅限主要功能)低于90%,则买方有权解除合同;如果抽样产品的合格率(仅限主要功能)高于90%(含)低于95%,则产品的价格应在原先基础上下调2%。上述合格率应当按返工换货后的合格率计算。After the sampling, the products shall be inspected according to the requirement in Clause 1, under the supervision of both Parties, to determine whether the products are up to grade. It is agreed that if the pass rate(for main function) is below 90%, The buyer shall has the right to cancel the Contract and if more than 90%(inclusive) but less than 95%, the price shall be deducted 2% automatically. The aforesaid pass rate shall be the rate after one time reproduction. 如设备需要安装,亦可约定有关政府部门的验收并发合格证为验收,同时尽量使合同的质量标准与政府验收的标准一致;尽量避免提出客户验收的事项,使付款条件尽快成就。In the event that the product need to be installed, we suggest we governmental inspection & acceptance and issuance of certificate shall be the pass of contractual inspection & acceptance. Also we suggest the quality norm shall be the same as governmental inspection & acceptance. Thus we can speed up the payment. 四、 交货4. Delivery交货日期为:xxxxxxxx。卖方在深圳仓库(地址为xxxxxxx)交货后,应当提供必要的用于买方出口的单据:包括不限于清洁海运提单、三份签章的商业发票、三份装箱单、两份原产地证、商检证、CE证书等技术资质证书)。买方收货人员为:xxx(身份证号xxxxx)。如卖方要求延迟交货,则应当承担每天xx元的仓储费用。买方如对交付产品的瑕疵(包括不限于数量、质量、型号种类等)有异议,应当在交付后十五天内向卖方提出;(或买方如对交付产品的瑕疵(包括不限于数量、型号种类等)有异议,应当在交付时向卖方提出,对质量的异议应当在交付后十五天内提出。)The delivery date shall be xxxxxx. The seller shall, when delivery the goods in Shenzhen warehouse with the address at xxxxxxxx, provide necessary documents for The buyers exportation: include but not limited to full set of clean on board marine bill of lading, signed and sealed invoices in three copies, packing list in three copies, certificate of origin in 2 copies, Commodity Inspection certificate, CE certificate and other technical qualification certificate) . The goods receiver of buyer is xxx(ID number xxxxxxxx). In the event that the buyer request a postpone of delivery, the buyer shall pay a daily warehouse expense at RMB xxxx. The buyer is obliged to raise a claim within 15 days after the delivery to the seller in the event that there is any defect(e.g. quantity, type, quality)of the goods. (The buyer is obliged to raise a claim when delivery to the seller on defect of quantity, type and to raise a claim on quality within 15 days after delivery.) 五、 付款及进度5. Payment and proceedings买方应当于下订单后汇付25%的定金,并于深圳仓库收货后再汇付55%,收到卖方17%的增值税发票后,买方再支付20%余款。The buyer shall T/T 25% of the contract value after placing the order and shall T/T 55% after receipt the goods in Shenzhen warehouse. After receipt 17% VAT invoice, The buyer shall T/T the balance of 20%. In case that transactions are long term purchases, any late payment for one order shall cause that all orders delivered automatically change to due and payable. 如属长期采购,则约定如有任何一次交货的付款超过付款期限,则所有已交货都应当立即付款;In the even that there is installation and the payment be made after inspection and acceptance, it can
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