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课后练习答案(全新版大学英语综合教程第二版第册NIT5) Book 2t 5 Overcoming ObsalesTx ATrue eigey t Bo 2 Unit 5Vcbla. 1) strtled ) re) motion 4) swatig5) strthed ou 6) vin7) Ononeoasion 8) aniety )motis 10)ahmd 1) In m minds ey12) recurin2. 1) Mrs Whites bitha coincides wit her hsbands. ) Tey akeig profis o he suf hy sely ceaig an arifici shage, whhed the prices oarin /resuls i the soarng orices.3) thas bee a wee o lterate snsnand rain4) Poitsnd philoophy he ben his lfeongpasins, although he ste econoics atunversiy5) Tensiocamor he, as she wite fo he first TV intriew.3. 1)media;dedicatin to; grac.2) hs cmpetitors; n xctemt; hug hm; congrtulatehm on3) emotins; numerou; intesit;psion or I. Colloatin1) Mike, Gen, made he suggstin tha a re park b uilt near the ommunity.2) I a letr to his ughter, M Smt xresseisws tat she (should) conine her eucaton toacuire sti aother degee.3)Thee is no rean t old he biefthat huas ave odirect a eponibility safeuard the welfaref animal.) Chldren d to fel safe about hewold theygow up in, an it is nwie togve them th iea hat everythng thecomento conac wthight athreat.5) xty canesul frotention a ife as not tretd us fairly.6) Nobdy beieedhis la hthe ws nnoen.III Words wth MltleMenings1. ork o in he m for one o every morning.2. Florncehs wke as ceera the fctoy for five yars. The woundd an orked is wyacrs eld ohi hand and ke4. The safe ad oa tuck ofthi type wors u a aout weny-ive on.5. Itis dfl o ndersta w hm mindswor.T my disapointmen, te agers pa of promotig thew prductdesntwrkt ll. Theeacher hs a lo of xeence of working wtcilden wh do know w tear.8.he meicin bgan to workonehour aer thechiltokt. ComprhniveexecisesI Clze(A) etrelatd. In my minds ye2. ran3. oetitor4. intesiy5. nxiety6 ense7 weat tensin9.sarn1.rurring11. brugh me back toeart 1.ftsy 3. sweat 14conratlt15.nuers 1. media(B)Theme-relate1. engineer2 frget3. nic4.how5. build6.ccidet7. toght8. only 9 shrp10.touched 11ntrutons12fiall II.Translaton1.1) Itisth cretity ndddcaionof e workers andetivsthat turned t copan ino a proitb sines.) Te prics f fodan edinehae sard inte past hree on3) Weln toepai th upper floors o the offic buling.) i successhows t pularityan rtsti it somtimes coinide.5) don wantto blod andmoter lin ina hspital bed and goning pafly. Nueou ats bear out th arget/stateme/aim hi or to recver seedily rom negaiveoti,yo shou low yurself ry. You nednt / nhave t be ahame f ryin. Anxieyand sorrowcan low out of hbd along wittes. Cner the aseof Dona. ake Don a an xale/ on caeipint. Her sonutunaely died in a cr acient.Th intensty of e bw ae hrunabl to cry.She id, “Itwas no uni oweks tr thaI ben tocr A then I felt as ifa bgstoe had eenlifed from my shuders. It wash tears tat brought m back to arth andhelp me suviv the rii.”
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