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市公安交警队推进三项重点工作汇报材料市公安交警队推进三项重点工作汇报材料20_年市交警支队根据公安部要求,全力推进三项重点工作建设,统一安排部署,将“社会矛盾化解、社会管理创新、公正廉洁执法”作为20_年度工作重点,全面开展专项建设,推进队伍正规化建设。一、采取切实有效措施,始终坚持以人为本的管理理念,全面推进社会矛盾化解交警支队结合本地实际情况,深入推进“大走访”爱民实践活动,定期组织民警深入帮扶单位倾听群众呼声、帮助解决实际困难;建立完善公安交警部门接访制度,对近年来涉法涉诉信访案件进行进一步清理,逐案明确责任班子和责任人员,登门入户进行接访;加大交通肇事逃逸案件侦破力度,对交通肇事逃逸案件实行专案经营、网上追逃,建立对重点疑难案件的挂牌督办、侦破有奖制度,健全道路交通肇事逃逸案件侦破长效机制;加强和规范道路交通事故处理工作,加快交通事故快处快赔中心建设;大力加强车辆和驾驶人管理服务工作,积极筹建网上号牌自编自选、驾驶人考试网上预约;大力推行阳光政务,加强公安交警部门政务外网建设,及时向社会公告交通管理政策。加强各级公安交警部门办事窗口的政务公开栏建设,做到执法依据、执法标准、办事流程及时更新、全面公开,切实保障人民群众对公安交管工作的知情权、参与权、监督权;认真梳理交通事故积案,定期清理交通事故积留案件,对民众反映强烈的案件进行通报,同时利用新闻媒体开展正面宣传,及时化解矛盾。二、大刀阔斧改革,始终贯彻与时俱进的创新思想,全面推进社会管理创新进一步推进道路交通安全隐患排查治理工作,积极争取市政府的支持,整合政府职能部门的管理资源,探索建立道路交通安全隐患排查治理新机制,促进道路交通安全隐患排查治理工作的常态化;建立健全农村道路交通安全管理机制,推广农村牧区机动车和驾驶人“户籍化”管理,提高摩托车、低速载货汽车、三轮汽车的上牌率,积极发挥农牧区交通安全协管员等辅助力量的作用,争取村村建立交通安全协管员,力促形成长效管理机制。不断深化“平安畅通县区”创建活动,部署开展“平安畅通乡镇”建设活动;加强应急能力建设,针对特大道路交通事故、交通堵塞等有针对性的开展应急处置;加大对严重交通违法行为的查处力度,按照警力跟着警情走、警务围绕实战走的原则,大力推行勤务制度改革,提高路面见警率和民警的管事能力。针对酒后驾车、超载超速、疲劳驾驶、无牌无证等严重交通违法行为,开展集中统一行动,切实减少路面交通违法现象;加强道路交通安全宣传教育工作,以开展“文明交通计划”活动为载体,积极构建政府领导、部门负责、全社会共同参与的交通安全宣传大格局。以实施“文明交通行动计划”为契机,树立一批“文明执法标兵”、“优秀文明交通志愿者”、“文明驾驶人”,充分发挥典型的示范作用。加强与新闻单位、媒体、学校、以及政府机关、企事业单位、社会团体的配合,综合运用各种资源,不断拓展交通安全宣传的广度、深度。三、以“从严治警”为抓手,全面推进公正廉洁执法交警支队始终坚持公安工作的民意导向、始终坚持“从严治警”,全面推进公安队伍正规化、管理精细化、工作信息化。推进执法教育培训,结合本地实际,加强交通民警教育培训;完善执法考评和综合考评,加强对交管执法工作的全面管理,突出对执法量和执法效果的考核,促进形成办案力度、质量、效率、效果有机统一的正确执法导向。建立执法业绩档案制度,把执法档案作为交通民警绩效考评、调整岗位、晋职晋级和追究执法过错责任的重要依据,促进提高执法能力和水平;加强执法典型培养和推介力度,进一步推介张根利同志先进事迹,树立学先进、赶先进、超先进的争先创优氛围;健全交警执法监督制约机制,加强接受外部监督制约机制建设,自觉社会各界监督,依法接受其他司法机关的制约。加强交通执法形象监督员队伍建设,建立覆盖社会各层次的形象监督员队伍。健全社会民意调查机制,充分运用特定对象民意调查成果,定期分析群众反映强烈的热点问题;加大执法违法案件查处力度,健全交警警务督察制度,完善交通民警违纪违法行为惩处制度,健全交通民警执法过错责任、违法违纪责任和领导干部失职渎职“问责制”。加强对违反“五条禁令”的监督检查,一经发现严肃查处。comprehensive coordination ability, writing ability, supervision ability, logistics ability, innovation ability, continuously consolidate and maintain the education on Party membersapos;advancement activities and enhance awareness of the Communist Youth League education achievements, and vigorously promote the construction of civilization advanced units, units and staff home building activities, balanced, focused, pragmatic, innovation, high standard, high quality, high level, high efficiency to complete various tasks throughout the year.First, pay close attention to research information, efforts to improve decision-making servicesIn accordance with the “information reflect the information, promote the work of information leading work” requirements, adhere to grasp the team construction, mechanism construction and quantitative assessment, give full play to the assistant role of leadership, actively promote the innovation of research information development, and vigorously promote the research work of information to mention upgrading, efforts to improve the ability and level of decision-making.(a) adhere to the decision in the first place.To make the decision service as the focus of the work, participate in the point, and in the key place, in order to promote the democratization of decision-making, scientific advice.Based on the cityapos;s youth career “11th Five-Year” good bureau and the Communist Youth League work across the development, focus on the implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development theory and practice subject adolescents and youth work process of building a socialist harmonious society, pay close attention to the global, strategic, forward-looking major problems, grasp the overall situation, pay attention to plan and implement the specific tasks assigned by the leadership from the overall situation, think ahead on major issues concerning the overall situation, in-depth Study, grasp the dynamic, put forward suggestions, reflect in time.(two) adhere to the investigation.As an important way to firmly grasp the important link of scientific and democratic decision-making, focus on key leadership concern, concern and hot points of youth practice work, adhere to the practice to investigate and research, fully and accurately grasp the actual situation, for the leadership decision-making comes from practice, practical to provide first-hand information.To enhance the initiative, according to municipal Party committee leadership activities, week activities, in the “research” make great efforts to provide more targeted for leadership, predictability and effectiveness of comments and suggestions.(three) adhere to the information planning as an important means of e_panding.The sources of information, through the network, the media and other channels, increase integration efforts the work of the Communist Youth League and youth information dynamic information resources, increase the information planning efforts to refine the Communist Youth League, and give full play to the role of information reference, to improve the quality of information as a fundamental, outstanding information work sensitivity and timeliness, timely, accurately, comprehensively reflect the municipal Party committee, munic
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