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外国专家证证办理流程(新版)外国专家证办理流程Foreign expert certificate handling process用人单位在线填写新的申请表the employer should submit the new application form for online processing of the certificate一,基本信息basic information1、护照有效页内信息内容1, valid passport data page2、护照照片2, passport photos二,教育信息Two, education information1、 学 历 证 书 及 相 关 职 业 资 格 证 书 (电 子 扫 描 版 , 入 境 后 需 带 原 件 )1,education certificate and relevant job qualification certificate (scanned version, original copies are also required after entering China)2、受教育经历(自高中填起,中间不要断档2、 educational experience (since senior high school, please provide information regarding any gaps)三,工作信息Three, Employment details1、工作经历(要求有三年以上的社会工作经历)1, work experience (more than three years of working experience)四,随行家属4. Accompanying family members1、护照有效页复印件1, a valid passport copy2、护照照片2, passport photos五,培训经历是否受过其他培训如果有请如实填写Training experience (Do you have any experience with training others? If yes, briefly describe in the space below)六,志愿者经历是否有过志愿者经历如果有请如实填写In six, Voluntary experience(Do you have any experience with volunteering? if yes, please give a brief description in the space below)七,补充信息Seven, supplemental information提交信息,等待内容初审(七十个工作日出结果,如发现内容缺失或错误,批注后发回修改,重新提交)Submission information, You will be contacted 7 to 10 working days after the submission of your application. If any required content is missing or if there are errors, please rectify and resubmit the application.内容初审通过打印申请表,If the application is successful an online document statingthis may be printed from the relevant website.并按要求准备纸质材料Document requirements一, 用人单位的一个申请An invitation letter from a Chinese employer.二,护照有效页复印件(当场检验原件)copy of valid passport (staff will check theoriginal passport)三,受教育经历(自高中填起,中间不要断档)educational experience (since senior high school, please provide information regarding any gaps)四, 工作经历 (要求有三年以上的社会工作经历)work experience (more than three yearsof working experience)五, 健康证明复印件(当场检验原件,境外健康证明需要到中国长春健康体检中心认证,境 内 需 要 直 接 到 长 春 健 康 体 检 中 心 参 加 体 检 , 三 五 个 工 作 日 出 结 果 ) 5.a copy of medical certificate (certificates from foreign countries should be authorized by the health examination centre of Changchun, China; domestic citizens may take the me dical examination at the health examination centre of Changchun, China, results will be released within 3 to 5 working days六 , 聘 用 合 同 复 印 件 ( 当 场 检 验 原 件 ) copy of the employment contract (theoriginal copy will be checked)七,当地派出所出具的居住证明复印件(当场检验原件)a copy of the proof of residency produced by the local police station (the original copy will be checked)八,随行家属Accompanying family members1、 护照有效页复印件(当场检验原件)In 1, copy of valid passport (the original copy willbe checked)2、护照照片2, passport photos3 、 健 康 证 明 复 印 件( 当 场 检 验 原 件 ) 3, a copy of the medical certificate (the original copy will be checked)九, 学历证书及相关职业资格证书复印件(当场检验原件)copies of education certificatesand relevant job qualification certificates( the original copy will be checked)十,聘用单位的组织机构代码证复印件In ten, copy of the employer s business licence十一,代办人身份证复印件copy of the agent ID现场核对网报内容是否与纸质材料相符,等待受理结果(七十个工作日出结果,登录系统查看)Please check the consistency of the submitted material, both online and in paper form, before submission. Allow for 7 to 10 working days for processing. You may log onto the website to view the results of the submission.审批通过,前往办证窗口领取证件。Once the application has been approved, proceed tothe application counter to obtain your documents.邀请确认函办理流程Invitation confirmation process用人单位前往审批窗口报送所需材料The employer submits the required materials to the relevant authority一, 作许可复印件(当场检验原件)First, working permit (original copy is inspected at the scene)二, 用人单位的一个申请Second, an application from the employer三、外国人在华保证书Third, foreigners present letter of guarantee in China四、被邀请人的护照有效页复印件Fourth, a copy of the invitee s passport photo page五、被邀请人的简历a resume from the invitee1、教育简历(中英文)Education record (in English)2、工作简历(中英文)Working history (in English)六,被邀请人的学历证书及相关职业资格证书(复印件)photo copies of the invitee s education certificates and relevant job qualification certificates七、用人单位的执照、组织机构代码证、办学许可证、税务登记证复印件photocopies of the license from the employer, copy of the employer s business licence, certificate that authorizes the running of a school, tax registrationcertificate八、用人单位今年三个月的完税凭证复印件the employer s three-month duty-paid certificate九、代办人身份证复印件a photocopy of the Agent s ID初审材料通过等待结果(三五个工作日)前往办理窗口领取邀请确认函.The material passes initial evaluation, results shall be released within 3-5 workingdays, receive the confirmed invitation letter at the application window.工作签证办理流程Work visa application process用人单位前往公安局出入境管理处报送所需材料The employer may submit the required materials at the entry-exit administrative office of Public Security Bureau 一、一个申请一张函one application for one invitation letter二、外国人在华居留许可申请表(填写后须由本人签字)foreigners fill in an application for a residency permit (signat
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