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-中考英语必背1600词短语汇总(初中英语短语)-双语版答案1ability n. a man of ability 有能力的人2the ability to do sth 做*事的能力3able adj. be able to do sth有能力做*事4about prep.be about to 即将5look about me 我环顾四周我四下观看6run about 跑来跑去到处跑7What/How about .怎么样.8above prep. adj.above all 最重要的9反义词为belowabove的反义词10abroad adv. from abroad 从国外,从海外11go abroad 出国12accept v.accepted the invitation to the party 承受晚会的邀请13 received a lot of gifts收到许多礼物14accident n.by accident意外地,偶然地15a traffic accident 交通事故16according to prep.according to .根据;依照17across prep.across the street横过马路18through the forest. 穿过森林19act n. & v.act as担任(起.作用)20actor/actress n.男演员/女演员21active adj.take an active part in : 积极参加22add v.add to;2 add to 3增加,添加到23add up 加起来,总计24add up to 总计达25addto( add 2 to 3)增加,加上26advice n.a piece of advice一条建议27ask for advice 寻求建议28give advice提建议29take/follow ones advice承受、遵照*人的建议30advise v.advice sb to do sth 建议*人做*事31afraid adj.be afraid of 害怕32be afraid for 担忧33after 副介连after all 终究,毕竟34afternoon n.in the afternoon 在下午35on Monday afternoon 在周一下午36on the afternoon of 在.的下午37again adv.again and again 一次又一次地,反复地,再三地38now and again 有时39against prep.against the law/plan/doing/反对方案/反对做.40stand against the wall靠着墙站41age n.long ago 很久以前,从前42some time ago 不久前43a while ago. 刚刚44a short time before在那时不久之前(过去*时算起)45agree v.agree to 同意46agree with与意见一致47agree on 同意有同样看法48agreement n.同意;一致;协议49air n.by air 乘飞机50in the (open) air, 在室外,露天,在半空中51airport n.at the airport在机场52all adj. & pron.all day 整日53all kinds of 各种各样的54all over 遍布55all right 行,可以56all along 一直,始终57not at all 一点也不58in all 总共,总计,合计59allow v.allow sb to do sth 允许/准许*人做*事60allow doing 允许做61along adv. & prepall along 始终,一直62along with 与一起63get along (well) with 和.相处很好64aloud adv.read aloud 大声朗读65and conj.and so on 等等66angry adj.be angry with 对*人生气67be angry at 对.发怒68be angry about 对*事生气69answer n. & v.the answer to .的答案70arrive v.arrive at/in 抵到达达*地71as adv. conj prepasas(用于比拟)与一样72as a result 结果73as if仿佛,好似74as long as 只要,和一样长75as well也76ask v.ask sb to do sth要求/请求/让*人做*事77ask for请求,要求,自找麻烦78asleep adj.fall asleep 入睡79词型转换:sleep/sleeping/sleepy/asleep睡觉/睡着的/困乏的/睡熟的80Atlantic Ocean n.Atlantic Ocean n.大西洋81attention n.pay attention to 注意.82autumn n.mid-autumn 中秋83in autumn在秋天84the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节85back adv. & n.at /on the back of 在.的反面86bad ( worse, worst)be bad for 有害于.87baseball n.play baseball 打棒球88basketball n.play basketball 打篮球89because conj.because of (接n.或者名词词组) 因为 (接名词或者名词词组) 90because 后接句子因为后接句子91before 副介连before long 不久以后92the day before yesterday 前天93long before 很久以前94begin began, begunbegin-end start-stop开场-完毕开场-停下95beginning n.at the beginning of 在.的开场,在.之处96begin with 以.开场,从.开场97bit n.a bit 一点儿98blow (blew, blown)blow out吹灭99boat n.by boat 乘船100boring adj 词型转换:boring/bored无聊的101born adj. & vbe born 出生102borrow v.borrow from/lendto 借入/借出103both pron. & adj.bothand, .和.两者都.104both of, 两个都.105both/all 两个/全都106bottle n. a bottle of milk一瓶牛奶107bottom n.at the bottom of 在.的底部108bowl n.a bowl of rice/porridge 一碗饭/粥109bo* n.a bo* of 一盒/一箱.110break broke, brokenbreak down 损坏,失败111breakfast n.have breakfast, 吃早饭112havefor breakfast, 早晨吃.113bread n.a piece of bread 一片面包114breathe v.breathe in 吸气,全神贯注地听115breathe out 呼气,说出116bring brought,broughtbringto, 带来,引来,引起117bring sb. with, 携带118bring sth for sb. 为*人带来*物119bus n.by bus, 乘公共汽车130on a bus, 在公交车上121at the bus stop 在公交车站,在汽车站122business n.on business 出差,办公事123busy adj.be busy (in) doing something.忙着做124be busy with 忙于125buy sb sth/ buy sth for sb 为*人买*物126call v.call at : “访问后接地点名词127call on 打-后接表示人的名词128call back 叫回,召回129callfor help 喊帮助130camera ndigital camera 数码相机131camp n. & v.go camping 野营度假132candle n.light candles点蜡烛133card nPla
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