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2022年高考英语高频词汇必背及训练81.optimistic adj.乐观的We are still optimistic, whatever the result may be.我们仍然乐观,不论结果如何。The stockholders are optimistic about the panys future.股东对公司的前景很乐观。反义词:pessimistic adj.悲观的Her pessimistic attitude turns him off.她那悲观的态度令他很不高兴。_,she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile.AShy and cautious BSensitive and thoughtfulCHonest and confident DLighthearted and optimistic2.climate n.(1)气候She is not used to living in a cold climate.她不习惯寒带生活。(2)(某一社会、时代的)风气,趋势;气氛,环境气氛social climate 社会风气political climate政治气候the current climate of opinion目前的舆论环境After the revolution,the climate of the country remained tense.革命以后,那个国家的气氛依然紧张。 climate/weather辨析climate:气候,指一个地区气候的总情况,如气温、降雨量等,还可指(社会)风气。weather:天气,指特定的一天或某个时节的天气的具体情况,如冷暖阴晴等。What will the weather be like tomorrow?明天天气怎样?I would rather live in France because of the climate.由于气候原因,我宁愿住在法国。单项填空(1)For the sake of her daughters health,she decided to move to a warm_.Aweather Btemperature Cseason Dclimate(2)Although farmers there mainly grow wheat,the_is also warm enough to grow rice.Acriminal Bclimate Cair Dsky3.flood(1)n.洪水,水灾(可数)The town was destroyed by the floods after the storm.暴风雨过后,小镇被洪水淹没了。(2)n.大批,大量流入There was a flood of plaints about the poor service at the restaurant.许多人投诉这家餐馆服务质量差劲。考点提示:a flood of words口若悬河a flood of tears泪如泉涌a flood of anger 勃然大怒(3)vt.& vi.淹没;大量涌到The river flooded the village.河水淹没了村庄。Workers continue to flood into neighbouring cities to look for jobs.工人们不断涌进邻近的城市找工作。完成句子(1)大批感谢信像潮水般涌来。Letters of thanks_.(2)大批的人涌进大厅。_crowded into the hall.(3)办公室堆满了应聘这个职位的求职信。The office was_applications for the job.(4)When we visited my old family home,memory came _ back.Aflooding Bto flood Cflood Dflooded4.reality n现实,实际;真实,实际存在His hope has bee a reality.他的希望已变成现实。考点提示:bring sb back to reality使某人面对现实,不再抱有幻想in realityin fact事实上,实际上,其实turn sth into reality使变为现实escape from reality逃避现实face up to reality面对现实real adj.真实的really adv.真实/正地realistic adj.现实的,实际的realize v实现realize ones dream实现梦想单项填空I am saving my money,so my dream of travelling to Europe will_.Ae true Brealize Cbe e true Dturn into a reality 5.affect(1)vt.影响Smoking affects health.吸烟影响健康。(2)使感动,被打动(一般用被动)All the girls were deeply affected by the sad movie.那部悲伤的电影深深地打动了所有的姑娘。His speech affected the audience deeply.她的演讲深深地打动了听众。(3)(指疾病)侵袭,使感染The left lung is affected by cancer.左肺受到癌症侵蚀。考点提示:(1)affected adj.做作的,不自然的affecting(moving,touching)adj.使人感动的affection n(C,U)感情;慈爱;挚爱Hearing the affecting story,all the children present were affected to tears.听了这感人的故事,所有在场的孩子都感动得流下了热泪。He felt great affection for his sister.他很疼他的妹妹。(2)effect n影响;结果;作用side effect副作用have an/no effect on.对有(无)影响cause and effect因果完成句子(1)The whole munity_(受影响)by the terrible accident.(2)Smoking can_(对有坏影响) your health.单项填空(3)If taken in the wrong way,the medicine will have some side_and_your health.Aeffect;affect Baffects;effectCeffects;affect Deffects;affects(4) With the governments aid,those_by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements.Aaffect Baffecting Caffected Dwere affected6.offer(1)vt.(主动)提供/给予,出(价),提出向某人提供某物offer sb money for sth开/出价给某人买某物offer sb sth for money以价格卖给某人offer to do sth主动提出要做什么offer oneself as.毛遂自荐She offered to carry the box for her mother.她提出要帮她母亲搬箱子。I offered him a glass of wine.我敬了他一杯酒。We offered him the house for 5,000 dollars.我们以5 000美元的价卖给他那所房子。I offered him 5,000 dollars for the house.我出价5 000美元买他那所房子。He offered himself as a guide.他毛遂自荐作一名向导。(2)n.出价,提议,意图accept/take an offer(of sth/to do sth)接受(做的)提议make an offer to do sth主动要做You ought to accept the offer.你应该接受别人主动提出的帮助。Thank you for your offer of help/your offer to help.感谢你提供的帮助。单项填空 (1)I have been_a large sum of money to go away,but I am determined to stay here.Asuffered Bforced Callowed Doffered(2)Why did you leave that position?I_a better position at IBM.Aoffer Boffered Cam offered Dwas offered(3)Can I help you with it?I appreciate your_,but I can manage it myself.Aadvice Bquestion Coffer Didea7.harm(1)n.伤害,损害,危害对有害do no harm无害mean no harm(to.)(对)没有恶意,无意伤害别人do more harm than good弊多利少,坏处大于好处e to no harm没有受到伤害He meant no harm;he was just joking.他并无恶意,仅仅是开玩笑。The heavy rain did a lot of harm to the crops.大雨对庄稼造成很大的损害。(2)v.损害,伤害,危害Dont harm your eyes by reading in the dim light.别在昏暗的光线下看书,这样会伤害你的眼睛。Getting up early wont harm you!早起对你无害。harmful adj.有害的,伤害的be harmful to sb/sth对有害harmless adj.无害的,无恶意的hurt/wound/injure/harm辨析hurt:伤害,可指肉
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