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The first: to implement safety first, prevention first and comprehensive treatment, safe development approach, protect the safety of employees in the enterprise production, carbon company equipment to ensure safe and reliable operation, these provisions are formulated. Article II: according to the provisions of the Peoples Republic of China production safety law and other relevant laws and regulations of the State, to limit the carbon system of work safety requirements and management of the company. Article III: the company adopted the administrative Chief for the security responsibility at all levels of responsibility system for production safety, establish a multi-level safety system, guarantee system and production safety supervision system, goals of guaranteeing safe production. Fourth: organizations at all levels within their respective scope of work for which the company around unified deployment, relying on staff to do production safety work. Article fifth units of the company should be based on States, relevant industry and group companies under the relevant laws, regulations, standards, and make the units rules and regulations, the institutionalization and standardization of safety production standardization. Sixth: the units of the company to implement the pipe must be safe principle, plan, layout, inspection, summary and assessment. The seventh article: new construction, renovation or expansion projects (hereinafter referred to as project) safety devices, must be the main part of the project designed, built and put into production and use. Eighth: units should actively promote safety assessment and risk analysis, improvement of working environment, consolidate enterprise security infrastructure, improve the level of safety management. Safety policy and objectives in section II the Nineth: carbon companies overall safety policy, goals are: safety principles: adherence to the safety first, prevention first and comprehensive treatment, safe development approach. Safety goals: 1, no personnel injured group of dead accident 2, personal injury accident 3 and above does not occur, without significant equipment damage accidents and above 4, no major equipment overhaul quality accident 5, major fires and above do not occur. 6, does not give rise to traffic accidents. 3 7, personal injury accidents per thousand. 8, the three wastes in line with national standards, larger, major pollution accidents to zero. 9, hidden rate up to 100%. The tenth article: carbon target levels of safety production control company: (a) control injuries and accidents, physical death, not a major equipment failure; (B) workshop injuries and disorders, personal injuries and accidents do not occur; (C) the team attempted to control and abnormal, absence of physical injuries and disorders. The 11th article: carbon units of the company in accordance with the provisions of the safety goals of the entity, and the implementation of Division and implement. Safety responsibility system in section III article 12th administrative job is our safety responsibility, work safety and safety of this enterprise objective overall responsibility. 13th: the Executive job as security responsibility for the basic functions: (a) is responsible for establishing and implementing the business leaders at all levels, departments一、选择题2002年真题1.根据国际贸易术语解释通则2000的规定,下列哪一种贸易需由卖方办理进口手续?A.FASB.DEQC.DDPD.DDU2.1997年7月20日,香港甲公司给厦门乙公司发出要约称:“鳗鱼饲料数量180吨,单价CIF厦门980美元,总值176,400美元,合同订立后三个月装船,不可撤销即期信用证付款,请电复”。厦门乙公司还盘:“接受你方发盘,在订立合同后请立即装船”。对此香港甲公司没有回音,也一直没有装船。厦门乙公司认为香港甲公司违约。在此情形下,下列选项哪个是正确的?A.甲公司应于订立合同后立即装船B.甲公司应于订立合同后三个月装船C.甲公司一直未装船是违约行为D.该合同没有成立3.下列哪一损失不属于中国人民保险公司海洋运输货物保险中平安险承保的责任范围?A.被保险货物在运输途中由于自然灾害造成的货物的全部损失B.被保险货物在运输送中由于意外事故造成的货物的全部损失C.被保险货物在运输途中由于意外事故造成的货物的部分损失D.被保险货物在运输途中由于自然灾害造成的货物的部分损失4.依据海牙规则的规定,下列有关承运人适航义务的表述中哪个是错误的?A.承运人应在整个航程中使船舶处于适航状态B.承运人应在开航前与开航时谨慎处理使船舶处于适航状态C.承运人应适当地配备船员、的设备和船舶供应品D.承运人应使货舱、的冷藏舱和该船其他运载货物的部位适宜并能安全地收受、的运送和保管货物6.设下列各公司所属国均为1980年联合国国际货物销售合同公约的缔约国,依公约的规定,下列哪几种情况适用公约?A.营业地位于中国的两个不同国家的公司订立的关于电视机的买卖合同B.营业地位于不同国家的两公司订立的补偿贸易合同,其中服务未构成供货方的绝大部分义务C.营业地位于不同国家的两公司关于食糖的贸易合同D.营业地位于不同国家的两公司订立的补偿贸易合同,其中服务构成了供货方的绝大部分义务8.2000年国际贸易术语解释通则有关FCA贸易术语下交货与装货义务的规定包括下列哪些内容?A.当卖方在其所在地交货时,应由买方负责装货B.当卖方在其所在地交货时,应由卖方负责装货C.当卖方在其他地点交货时,则当货物在卖方的运输工具上尚未卸货即完成交货D.当卖方在其他地点交货时,则卖方应负责将货物运至交货地点并卸下才完成交货9.根据联合国国际货物销售合同公约的规定,下列关于逾期承诺的效力的表述,哪些是正确的?A.如要约人毫不迟延地向受要约人表示接受逾期承诺,则逾期承诺仍然有效B.对由于邮递延误造成的逾期承诺,只要要约人毫不迟延地表示接受,则该逾期承诺仍然有效C.由于邮递延误造成的逾期承诺具有承诺的效力,除非要约人毫不迟延地通知受要约人其认为要约已失效D.非因邮递原因造成的逾期承诺应当为有效承诺,除非要约人毫不迟延地表示其认为要约已失效10.在国际海上货物运输中,如承运人签发的是指示提单,下列关于该提单的表述中哪些是正确的?A.提单正面载明了收货人的名称B.提单在转让时不需要背书,只要将提单交给受让人即可C.提单的转让必须经过背书D.提单中的收货人一栏没有具体的收货人名称,而是载明“凭指示”的字样11.下列哪些行为属于国际贸易支付中的拒付?A.付款人拒绝承兑B.付款人破产C.付款人死亡D.付款人避而不见1、答案:C.解析:依据 国际贸易术语解释通则2000的规定,E组、F组、C组、D组中买卖双方承担的义务是逐渐减小,卖方的义务是逐渐加大的。其中,FAS全称为Free Alongside Ship,意为“船边交货”,买方需要办理进口手续。DEQ全称为Delivered Ex Quay,意为“目的港码头交货”,买方需要办理进口手续(2000年通则将DEQ中办理进口清
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