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欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助!Unit 2 Section .完形填空Once some salesmen would fly to New York. In their rush, with tickets and briefcases, one of these salesmen _1_ kicked over a table. On it there was a display of baskets of apples. Apples flew everywhere. _2_stopping or looking back, they all managed to reach the _3_ in time because they would nearly _4_ boarding.But one _5_ . He told the other salesmen to go without him,waved goodbye and said he would take a later flight. Then he returned to the girl _6_ apples were all over the floor.He was _7_ that he did so. The 16yearold girl was totally_8_! She was softly crying ,tears running down her cheeks, and at the same time helplessly groping for her spilled _9_ as the crowd passed by her. No one stopped,and no one_10_her.The salesman went down on his knees with her,_11_the apples, put them into the baskets, and helped set the _12_ up again. As he did this,he had noticed that many of them had become bruised. He set these bruised apples aside in another _13_.When he had finished,he took out his _14_ and said to the girl,“Here,please take this $20 for the_15_ we did. OK?” She_16_ through her tears. He added,“I hope we didnt spoil your day too badly.”As the salesman started to walk away, the blind girl called out to him,“ Mister.” He stopped and turned_17_to look at the girl.She_18_ every apple to select a_19_ . She handed it to the salesman with _20_in her eyes, “Mister, thank you.”文章大意:文章讲述了在登机的时候,匆忙中,盲人小女孩的苹果被踢翻了。其他人都匆忙离开,只有一个人留下帮助了小女孩。他的善良深深感动了小女孩。1A.hopelesslyBpainfully Ccarelessly Dbriefly答案:C从前面的In their rush可知人们都很匆忙,因此“不小心”踢翻了桌子。2A.WithoutBFor COnDWhile答案:A从后面的they all managed to reach可知他们都急着赶飞机,因此“没有停下来”,故此处要用without。3A.castleBgymnasiumCstadiumDplane答案:D从文章第一句的Once some salesmen would fly to New York可知他们要“飞到纽约”,因此是乘飞机,所以此处要用plane。4A.replaceBmissC. simplify D. select答案:B从他们的匆忙行为可以推知时间不多了,因此他们几乎“耽误了登机”,所以此处要用miss。5A.stoppedBsucceededCremovedDadmitted答案:A从后面的He told the other salesmen to go without him可以得知有一个人“停下了(stopped)”。6A.becauseBwhoseCthatDwhen答案:B此处是定语从句,先行词是the girl,指“小女孩的苹果”,所以要用whose。7A. confident B. foolishCgladDintelligent答案:C他自己那么做很开心,所以此处要用glad。8A.localBblindCpersonalDsensitive答案:B从下文的at the same time helplessly groping可知她的眼睛看不到,因此要用blind。9A.entrance B. mopCvaseDapples答案:D从前面的apples were all over the floor可知是苹果滚出来,因此她伸手摸苹果。10A.cared forBgot familiar withCdealt withDmade use of答案:A从前面的No one stopped没有人停下,可知也没有人“关心她”,所以用cared for。11A.set downBgathered upCdug outDate up答案:B从下文的put them into the baskets可知他们把苹果“收拢起来(gathered up)”。12A.stageBposterCparcelDdisplay答案:D根据前面的On it there was a display可知答案。13A.suitcaseBbasketCcurtainDcab答案:B由前面的put them into the baskets可知把不好的放进“另一个篮子(basket)”。14A.barBfareCwalletDjournal答案:C从下文的Here, please take this $20可以推知他掏出了钱包,故此处要用wallet。15A. shock B. shortcomingC. damage D. suffering答案:C从前面的had become bruised可知他们给造成了“损害(damage)”。16A.noddedBrefusedCremoved D. disagreed答案:A男子问问题,小女孩“点头回答”,故此处要用nodded。17A. up B. aroundC. overDout答案:B从前面的“Mister.”可知小女孩喊他,因此他“转过身(turned around)”去看小女孩。18A.ignored B. beggedC. feltDburst答案:C小女孩看不见,因此“摸每一个苹果”。19A.reddestBcheapestCloveliestDbiggest答案:D小女孩为了表达谢意,摸到一个最大的。20A. tears B. amazementC. request D. flame答案:A根据前面的through her tears可知小女孩眼里还有“泪花(tears)”。.阅读理解Your smartphone can do a lot of things. It can call people. It connects to the Internet. It enables you to play fun games. But there is a dark side to this smart little device(设备) of yoursit might also spread disease.“People are just as likely to get sick from their phones asfromhandlesofthebathrooms,” JeffreyCain, the president of the American Academy of Family Physicians, told The Wall Street Journal.This may be hard to believe, but scientists reached this conclusion after they tested eight random cell phones from an office in Chicago. All the tested phones showed high numbers of coliforms (大肠杆菌群), a kind of bacteria found in excrement, with about 2,700 to 4,200 units of the bacteria on each phone. In drinking water, the healthy limit is less than 1 unit per 100 ml of water. This bacteria can cause flu, pinkeye(红眼病) and diarrhea.Although computers, keys and pens all carry germs, our smartphones get far dirtier. They touch a lot of stuff, including our hands and the inside of our pockets or purses. We take them almost everywhere:the bus, the subway and who hasnt played Angry Birds or Fruit Niaja while sitting on the toilet?“Some things that we think are personal are actually more public than we imagine,” Cain said.Whats even worse is that after the phone returns from its dirty trip, it then spends most of its time cozying up to our faces. You dont think about how often you touch y
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