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高考英语试卷- 广东卷I.语言知识及应用(共两节,满分4分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从11各题所给的A、B、和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Nbesense s nt th bility to coun.It istheabiliy to reognz a 1 in nber. Humn beins are borith isabit. 2 ,eperiments how tha many nimals re, o. For exle, manyirds havegodnmber snse.If est asfour eggand you eoe ne,t rdwil not 3 .Hower, if yo emoe two, the bird 4 leavs. hiseans that the rd kwst beteen two and three.nother inerestin expemnt sowed a bds 6 numbeense. A an wastryi to e aphoto of a cro (乌鸦) that had a nest in ter,the rw awys left henshesaw him cng. The bird id t 7 until hemn left thower The mn ha n 8 . Hooanother ma wthhim o etoe. Oman leftand h othr taed, bu they id nt 9 thebirThe cro sayd way untlthesecdmlef, to. eperimentas 0 wih ree menand then ithfor men. Bu th cw d not rernto t nst unil e mwere 11 It was notunilfive en w tte wer ad only fourleftthatthy were 2 ale to fool the cro.o good isa umans nuer ense? Isnoteygoo. eape, ae abou fouteenmonths odalmos aly notice i somethingis aen away froma 13 gou. twhen theumber ges beyondhree orfr, te cildren r 14 fooled.It e tht nmb sen i somthin we have in common wth mannmals in hsworld,and that our humn 15 is n mchbette th a cows.ArieB pattrn chageD. tnd2.A.Imortanty B.Suprisingly CDsapintelyD.Frtuntey. A. uriveB. caC.hath D.noice4 A. gneally B siel . casullD. delibraty5.A. dince B.rangeC. difference . ierva6.A aazing B. annoyingC.satisfying D. distring7. Aelax reor C. rac. retur8. A appointment. xcue C ideD. eplaion.A fo. hurtC. catchD.kil10.AeportB. repeed C. desned . aprove11.A. confeB. gonetiredD. druk2.A gradualy B.lckyC. sragey D fnally13.A singleB sml C lolDnew14 AsedomBtemraily C. mel D. oen15 A. siht. ntrC. abityD. Belf本文在讲述什么是数字感之后重点简介有关动词也具有数字感的实验,实验成果表白许多动物和人同样具有数字感,且人的这种感知数字变化的能力并不比乌鸦的这种能力强多少。1.C由下文的两个实验来看,都是数理的“变化”。其她三个选项“上升”“样式”“趋势”与文中内容几乎毫无关系。2.B因“实验表白许多动物也跟人类同样具有这种能力”,这是“令人惊讶的”。其她选项“重要地”“失望地”“幸运地”与上下文内容无联系。3.结合下句,特别是hwevr可知,上下句的大意应是“如果鸟巢内有四个蛋,你移走一种蛋,这只鸟会没有注意到;然而,如果你移走两个蛋,这只鸟就会离开这里了”。其她选项“幸存”“关怀”“孵化”不合语境。4.A把这只鸟“一般”会离开,由于这个具体的例子是用来阐明“manybrdshavgoodnumbersese”这个主题的。“真诚地”“无意地”“故意地”不合语境。5.这个例子谈到,四个中移走一种余下三个,这只鸟会注意不到;若移走两个,余下两个了,这只鸟就会离开这里了。这阐明这只鸟懂得余下两个与余下三个的“差别”。其他选项“距离”“范畴”“间隔”与语境不符。.A与上文中goodmbersense(良好的数字感)中的d相相应,也与第2题的答案surprising相对,故选“mazin(令人惊异的)”,近义复现。其她选项“讨厌的”“令人满意的”“烦扰的”不合语境。7.与lt相对,“离开”“返回”这两者也叫同现;与下文中retutohst的retr是原词复现。8.从下文看,这个人有了一种“主意”或想了一种“措施”。其她选项“约会”“借口”“解释”均不合语境。.由t可知,她们并没能“欺骗”那只乌鸦。与下文foolherow中的fool是原词复现,也就是说从此可以得到启示。1B该实验由一种人去接近那只乌鸦,然后带一种人即一共两个人去做这个实验,接着三个人、四个人去“反复”做这个实验。其她选项“报告”“设计”“证明”均现语境不符。11.那只乌鸦直到所有人都“不见了,消失了”才会回来。2.D前面已分别由一种人、二个人、三个人、四个人反复做了四次了,直到五个人进了塔,只走了四个,即尚有一种在塔里,她们才“最后”欺骗了这只乌鸦。结合文章倒数第二段讲14个月的婴儿在超过三四个之后就常常被欺骗,就可理解了,当数字超过一定数量后就可欺骗了。13.B由下文utwhenubgosbodreerfor可知,是指三四个以内的这样一“小”组东西。14由but可知,后文是表达与alwysnotce相对的意思,当数理超过三四个后来,就“常常”能欺骗这些婴儿了。其她选项“很少”“临时地”“只是”与语境不符。15.由文章的首段或首句可知,本文在讲到人具有数字感的同步,重点是讲动物的数字感,即有辨别数字变化的“能力”。第二节 语法填空(共0小题;每题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子构造的语法性和上下文连贯的规定,在空格处填入一种合适的词或者括号中词语的对的形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为162的相应位置上。e ay, Nck initd ifndtosuper e as cookin oe dlicious food in the kitchen .Sudeny, 6 (ind)t he ad rn ot ofsalt So Nick caled thon, ” tthvilag and u some alt, bupa a i price for it: niher to much 17 too litl”His so lookd srprised”I canundestand wh Ihould ay toomuch, Fher,buif I cn pay lss, 18 ot save a i omny?”“That wodbea er 1 (reason)hingto do in a ig ci, but i ldestoal vie likeuts,” Nick saidcks guets, 20 hadhar their conversion, askewhy they should noy sale moe chealy if tycould.Nckrelie,”Te only reaso a a would l sale 21 alwrie wud e beus hewas esperate fo oney. And anyon hook advntage f t stuaion woul be hong ck of epect 22 theeat and tuggleofte o workd very ad t poduit.”“utsuch a smathing uldnt 2 (possble) dsro villge.”“In he egnnng, thee ws only 2 erysmll amout of nfairnesn h world, but evyneddeda tte,lwas 25 (thin) tha twas only m
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