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合同法(英文版)2007-111-25合同法(英文版版)中华人民共和国国合同法(英英文版)【标题】 CCONTRAACT LAAW OF THE PPEOPLEES REEPUBLIIC OF CHINAA【时 效 性】有效【颁颁布时间】11999.003.15【实实施时间】11999.110.01【发发布部门】NNationnal Peeoples Conngresss CONTTRACT LAW OOF THEE PEOPPLES REPUBBLIC OOF CHIINACONTRACCT LAWW OF TTHE PEEOPLES REPPUBLICC OF CCHINA(Adopteed andd Prommulgatted byy the Seconnd Sesssion of thhe Ninnth Naationaal Peoopless Conggress Marchh 15, 1999)GENERALL PROVVISIONNSCHAPTERR 1 GEENERALL PROVVISIONNSCHAPPTER 22 CONCCLUSIOON OF CONTRRACTSCCHAPTEER 3 EEFFECTTIVENEESS OFF CONTTRACTSSCHAPTTER 4 PERFOORMANCCE OF CONTRRACTSCCHAPTEER 5 MMODIFIICATIOON ANDD ASSIIGNMENNT OF CONTRRACTSCCHAPTEER 6 TTERMINNATIONN OF TTHE RIIGHTS AND OOBLIGAATIONSS OF CCONTRAACTSCHHAPTERR 7 LIIABILIITY FOOR BREEACH OOF CONNTRACTTSCHAPPTER 88 MISCCELLANNEOUS PROVIISIONSSSPECIFIIC PROOVISIOONSCHAPTERR 9 COONTRACCTS FOOR SALLESCHAAPTER 10 COONTRACCTS FOOR SUPPPLY AAND USSE OF ELECTTRICITTY, WAATER, GAS OOR HEAATINGCCHAPTEER 11 CONTRRACTS FOR DDONATIIONCHAAPTER 12 COONTRACCTS FOOR LOAANSCHAAPTER 13 COONTRACCTS FOOR LEAASECHAAPTER 14 COONTRACCTS FOOR FINNANCIAAL LEAASECHAAPTER 15 COONTRACCTS FOOR WORRKCHAPPTER 116 CONNTRACTTS FORR CONSSTRUCTTION PPROJECCTSCHAPTERR 17 CCONTRAACTS FFOR TRRANSPOORTATIIONSECCTION 1 GENNERAL RULESSSECTIION 2 CONTRRACTS FOR PPASSENNGER TTRANSPPORTATTIONSEECTIONN 3 COONTRACCTS FOOR GOOODS TRRANSPOORTATIIONSECCTION 4 CONNTRACTTS FORR MULTTI-MODDAL TRRANSPOORTATIIONCHAPTERR 18 CCONTRAACTS FFOR TEECHNOLLOGYSEECTIONN 1 GEENERALL RULEESSECTTION 22 CONTTRACTSS FOR TECHNNOLOGYY DEVEELOPMEENTSECCTION 3 CONNTRACTTS FORR TECHHNOLOGGY TRAANSFERRSECTIION 4 CONTRRACTS FOR TTECHNIICAL CCONSULLTANCYY AND TECHNNICAL SERVIICECHAPTERR 19 CCONTRAACTS FFOR STTORAGEECHAPTTER 200 CONTTRACTSS FOR WAREHHOUSINNGCHAPPTER 221 CONNTRACTTS FORR COMMMISSIOONCHAPPTER 222 CONNTRACTTS FORR BROKKERAGEECHAPTTER 233 CONTTRACTSS FOR INTERRMEDIAATIONGENERALL PRINNCIPLEESChapterr One Generral Prrovisiions Articcle 1 PurpooseThiis Laww is fformullated in orrder tto prootect the llawfull righhts annd intterestts of contrract ppartiees, too safeeguardd sociial annd ecoonomicc ordeer, annd to promoote soocialiist mooderniizatioon.Articlee 2 Deefinittion oof Conntractt; ExcclusioonsForr purpposes of thhis Laaw, a contrract iis an agreeement betweeen naaturall perssons, legall perssons oor othher orrganizzationns witth equual sttandinng, foor thee purppose oof esttablisshing, alteering, or ddischaargingg a reelatioonshipp of ccivil rightts andd obliigatioons.Ann agreeementt conccerninng anyy perssonal relattionshhip suuch ass marrriage, adopption, guarrdiansship, etc. shalll be ggovernned byy otheer appplicabble laaws.Articlee 3 Eqqual SStandiing off ParttiesCoontracct parrties enjoyy equaal leggal sttandinng andd neitther pparty may iimposee its will on thhe othher paarty.Articlee 4 Riight tto Entter innto Coontracct Volluntarrily AA partty is entittled tto entter innto a contrract vvolunttarilyy undeer thee law, and no enntity or inndividdual mmay unnlawfuully iinterffere wwith ssuch rright.Articlee 5 FaairnesssThe partiies shhall aabide by thhe priinciplle of fairnness iin preescribbing ttheir respeectivee righhts annd oblligatiions.Articlee 6 Goood FaaithThhe parrties shalll abidde by the pprinciiple oof goood faiith inn exerrcisinng theeir riights and pperforrming theirr obliigatioons.Articlee 7 LeegalittyIn cconcluuding or peerformming aa conttract, the partiies shhall aabide by thhe rellevantt lawss and adminnistraative regullationns, ass welll as oobservve soccial eethicss, andd may not ddisruppt soccial aand ecconomiic ordder orr harmm the publiic intterestts.Articlee 8 Biindingg Effeect; LLegal ProteectionnA lawwfullyy formmed coontracct is legallly biindingg on tthe paartiess. Thee partties sshall perfoorm thheir rrespecctive obliggationns in accorrdancee withh the contrract, and nneitheer parrty maay arbbitrarrily aamend or teerminaate thhe conntractt.A laawfullly forrmed ccontraact iss prottectedd by llaw.Chapterr Two Formaation of CoontracctsArtticle 9 Cappacityy; Conntractt throough AAgentIIn entteringg intoo a coontracct, thhe parrties shalll havee the approopriatte cappacitiies foor civvil riights and ccivil acts.A parrty maay apppoint an aggent tto entter innto a contrract oon itss behaalf unnder tthe laaw.Articlee 10 FForms of Coontracct; Wrritingg RequuiremeentA ccontraact maay be made in a writiing, iin an oral conveersatiion, aas welll as in anny othher foorm.A contrract sshall be inn writting iif a rrelevaant laaw or adminnistraative regullationn so rrequirres. AA conttract shalll be iin wriiting if thhe parrties have so aggreed.Articlee 11 DDefiniition of WrritinggA wriiting meanss a meemoranndum
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