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Book7M2 Part Two Highlights of My Senior Year 单词拼写和句子译I. 请根据句意及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示写出下面句子所缺单词的正确形式.1.It s good manners for students to be p for classes.2. What is five m by four? Twenty.3. He was charged murder but later found i of crime.4. My uncle remained a b until in his forties when he got married to an Amerian girl.5. Many tourists are attracted by a large variety of plants in the b garden in the city.6. The 装饰 of the house has taken me months to complete. .7. Congratuating you on winning a 奖学金 to Beijing University.8. It was so careless of me to have left all my 行李 on the bus.9. You re required to present your language level _证书 while applying for the job.10. I receive an email from my Franch pen friend every 两周 .11. We consider him as a man of 有创新思想的 personnalities.Key: 1. punctual 2. multiplied 3. innocent4. bachelor 5. botanical6. decrorations 7. scholarship 8. luggage/baggage 9. certificate 10. fortnight11. dynamicII. 请根据汉语意思及所给提示译以下句子.1. 据报道双方很有可能在这次会谈中取得突破. be likely to It s reported that both sides in the dialogue.2. 由你来确定下次会议得日期和地点.up to decide the date and place for the next meeting.3. 你能意识到音乐在我们的生活中所起的作用吗?play a part inCan you realize the in our daily life?4. 竞技性体育被看作是锻炼学生学会如何竞争的重要活动. be considered asCompetitive sports of training students how to copmpete.5. 汤姆迷恋上电脑游戏,这使他的父母很担忧. be keen onTom , which worries his parents.6. 究竟是什么事使你这么心烦意乱?强调句型7. 你失败的原因是由于你缺乏自信. 表语从句8. 就他而言,他更愿暑假找份工作来获得一些社会实践. as far as - concerned9. 在美国,一个学生的社交水平被看作与学术成就同等重要,这是事实.主语从句 10. 除了这里冬季的大雾天气外,我还是非常喜欢这个地方的. except forKey: 1. are likely to make a breakthrough2. It s up to you to3. part that music plays4. are considered as important activities5. is keen on computer games6. What is it that upsets you?7. The reason for your failure is that you lack confidence in yourself.8. As far as he is concerned, He would rather get a summer job to obtain some social experiences.9. It sa fact that a student s social skills are valued as much as academic achievements in America.10. I much like the place except for the foggy weather in winter here.
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