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湖北省应城市杨岭高中杨柳刘艺平AEverybody likes a winner, and there are always people ready to cheer for a good loser. But who ever heard a song for the man who comes in second?So this is in praise of the almost winner, the nearly champion, the next to the biggest the second best. This is the song of Mister Two.You hear unflattering names for Mister Two. “ Alsoran”, they call him, and “ runner- up”, names that make you think of a fellow who couldnt quite make it.Dont let that fool you.Ask the winner of any race how good a man Mister Two is. He will tell you its Mister Two who made him run so fast, Mister Two pressing hard at his heels threatening always to overtake and pass him.Ask the salesman who won the contest what kept him plugging after hours, looking for extra orders. Ask the directors of the big company why they keep changing their product, seeking the new equipment, the added advantage. What drives them? What keeps them hopping? Its the salesman with nearly as many orders. It is the company with the product almost as good. Its Mister Two.In this country, were proud of the quality of our champions. Our big men come very big. Our fast men run very fast. Our wise men are the wisest and our greatest men are the greatest that a country could hope to be blessed with. And why is that ? Couldnt it be because great Mister Twos growing naturally in a land where the race is always open and everybody can run?So this is for you, Mister Two. This is your song. This is for all the days you tried for first , and came in second. Its for the nights when you wonder if you ought to go on trying, since nobody seems to noticeWe notice, Mister Two. We know the score. Winner or not, youre a natural champion. There couldnt be a race without you, Mister Two.1. People call Mister Two unflattering names to _ himA. praiseB. encourageC. laugh atD. comfort2. Mister Two is mentioned in connection with _.A. businessB. sportsC. Wisdom and greatnessD. all of the above3. it is implied in this story that _.A. the runner-up is as important as the winnerB. every leader needs someone to help himC. the second today many be the first tomorrowD. the second place is pretty good4. the person who wins needs to understand that _.A. winning is not everythingB. without a string desire he wouldnt have wonC. without strong competition he wouldnt have worked so hardD. there is a prize for being Mister TwoBIn 1997, Garry Kasparov, the Russian grandmaster of chess who was then the world champion, played a match against the I. B. M. supercomputer Deep Blue. Mr. Kasparov lost the six-game match by a single game. Now almost six years later, Mr. Kasparov begins a match against an Israeli program, Deep Junior, the three-time world computer chess champion. The match will be played at the New York Athletic Club, and shown in real time on the Web at / www.x3dworld.com . The play will start at 3:30 p.m. on Jan. 26, 28, and 30, and on Feb. 2,5, and 7.As early as 1957, Herbert A. Simon predicted that a machine would become the world chess champion in ten years. A game of chess is considered a calculation , and calculation, of course, is what computers are good at. The situation today is that both humans and machines can play world-class chess, but they do completely differently. Deep Junior examines three million positions per second. But even at that speed, it can not generally see that far ahead. That is because the number of possible chess positions is staggering. There are some 85 billion ways of playing just the first four moves for each side. The strength of world-class human players lies in their ability to decide who stands better in a given position, and that ability is hard to build into a machine. Mr. Kasparov admits that he examines only one to three moves a second, but he is not sure that they are the strongest ones.Although Deep Junior is much slower than the I. B. M. computer, experts said it had more chess knowledge built into it. It clearly considers more elements in judging a position. “ Junior is very humanlike,” Mr. Kasparov said. “ Its a computer version of me. It plays forcefully, imaginatively and takes risks. The match will be close, but I am determined to win. One thing I know is that humans days at the top of the chess world are limited. I give us just a few years.” 5. The score of the match between Kasparov and Deep Blue was _A. 0: 5B. 0: 6C. 2.5 : 3.5D. 1: 66. What does the passage lead you to believe about the match between Kasparov and Deep Junior ?A. It is hard to tell who will win itB. It is likely that Kasparov will win itC. It is likely that Kasparov will lose itD. It is impossible that the match will be close7. What conclusion can you draw according to the passage?A. The balance between humans and computers will hardly be brokenB. There will soon be no more hope for
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