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上海版牛津小学英语1b知识归类Module 1 Using my five senses利用我的五种感觉 Unit 1 Look and see看(第一周)第一节1. 动物类单词: frog青蛙, rabbit兔子, bee蜜蜂, bird鸟数字类单词:seven7, eight 8, nine 9,ten 10(请将每个单词写一行,并写一遍汉语意思。)2. 句子: I am a (bee, bird, rabbit, frog) 3. 请大家理解一下我的字母朋友:N n nose 鼻子 第二节4. 动物类单词: panda熊猫, bear,熊5. 日常用语: -What do you see? - I see a第三节6. 日常用语: - What colour is it? - It s7歌曲:I am a cat. miao miao miao. I am a dog. Woof, woof, woof.I am a bear. I am a mouse. I am a rabbit. Jump jump jump.(请表演歌曲给爸爸妈妈看吧!)8.我来当老师!听录音,教爸妈一起阅读课本第2页第5页。本周教师评价签字: 日期:请客观评价孩子在家表现ABCD作业完成是否即时表演节目是否活泼流畅配套磁带是否坚持按时听家长留言签字: 日期:M1 Unit 2 Listen and hear听(第二周)第一节1. 动物类单词:sheep 绵羊, hen 母鸡, dog 狗, cat猫, pig猪(请将每个单词写一行,并写一遍汉语意思。)请大家理解一下我的字母朋友:O o ox 公牛第二节2日常用语: -What do you hear? - I hear a第三节3. 动物类单词: tiger老虎, monkey猴子(请将每个单词写一行,并写一遍汉语意思。)4歌曲:There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH! B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O! And bingo was his name, Oh! There was a farmer had a dog, and bingo was his name, OH! .(请表演歌曲给爸爸妈妈看吧!)5.我来当老师!听录音,教爸妈一起阅读课本第6页第9页。本周教师评价签字: 日期:请客观评价孩子在家表现ABCD作业完成是否即时表演节目是否活泼流畅配套磁带是否坚持按时听家长留言签字: 日期:M1 Unit3 Taste and smell(第三周)第一节1. 食物类单词: rice大米, soup汤, egg鸡蛋, noodles面条(请将每个单词写一行,并写一遍汉语意思。)2. 日常用语:Taste the noodles.尝尝面条。 Smell the soup.闻闻汤。 请大家理解一下我的字母朋友:P p pencil 铅笔第二节3. 日常用语:- Can I help you? - Soup, please. - Here you are. - Thank you. - Taste it, please. - Hmm Yummy. Yummy.第三节4. 听懂口令:Stand up. 起立。 Touch your nose.摸你鼻子。Smell the flowers.闻闻花。5. 欣赏:Smell the egg. Smell the rice. Egg and rice, Nice, nice, nice.Taste the soup. Taste the noodles. Soup and noodles, Yummy, yummy, yummy.6.我来当老师!听录音,教爸妈一起阅读课本第10页第13页。本周教师评价签字: 日期:请客观评价孩子在家表现ABCD作业完成是否即时表演节目是否活泼流畅配套磁带是否坚持按时听家长留言签字: 日期:Module 2 My favourite things 我最喜欢的东西Unit 1 Toys I like 我喜欢的玩具(第四周)第一节1. 玩具类单词: ball 球; doll 娃娃; bicycle 自行车; kite风筝(请将每个单词写一行,并写一遍汉语意思。)请大家认识一下我的字母朋友:Q q queen 女王第二节3. 日常用语:I like我喜欢 I like the我喜欢那个 I like the and the 我喜欢和第三节3. 日常用语:Its super. / It s nice. 它真好。4. 对话:-Can I help you? - I like the bicycle(kite).- Here you are. - Thank you.- I like my bicycle. It s super.I like my kite. It s nice.5.歌曲:复习以前学过的歌曲。(请表演歌曲给爸爸妈妈看吧!)6.我来当老师!听录音,教爸妈一起阅读课本第14页第17页。本周教师评价签字: 日期:请客观评价孩子在家表现ABCD作业完成是否及时表演节目是否活泼流畅配套磁带是否坚持按时听家长留言签字: 日期:M2 Unit2 Food I like 我喜欢的食物(第五周)第一节1. 食物类单词: jelly果冻, ice cream冰淇淋, sweet糖果, biscuit饼干(请将每个单词写一行,并写一遍汉语意思。)请大家认识一下我的字母朋友:R r rabbit 兔子第二节2. 日常用语: -Do you like? - Yes./ No.(请将每个单词写一行,并写一遍汉语意思。)4. 表演:-Do you like biscuits? - One for you and one for me.(三次) -Oh!.! - Sorry. I like biscuits very much.第三节4. 歌曲:Row row row your boat,Gently down the stream,Merrily merrily merrily merrily, Life is but a dream.(请表演歌曲给爸爸妈妈看吧!)5.我来当老师!听录音,教爸妈一起阅读课本第18页第21页。本周教师评价签字: 日期:请客观评价孩子在家表现ABCD作业完成是否及时表演节目是否活泼流畅配套磁带是否坚持按时听家长留言签字: 日期:M2 Unit3 Drinks I like我喜欢的饮料(第六周)第一节1.饮料类单词: cola可乐,juice果汁,milk牛奶,water水(请将每个单词写一行,并写一遍汉语意思。)2. 日常用语:- What do you like? - I like请大家认识一下我的字母朋友:S s snake 蛇第二节3. 日常用语:Happy Birthday! 生日快乐! Lets sing a birthday song. 让我们唱英语生日歌。4. 听懂口令: Drink some milk.喝一些牛奶。 Drink some water.喝一些水。Thank you. You are a good girl.谢谢,你是一个好女孩。第三节5.歌曲:Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday . Happy birthday . Happy birthday to you. 6.我来当老师!听录音,教爸妈一起阅读课本第22页第25页。本周教师评价签字: 日期:请客观评价孩子在家表现ABCD作业完成是否及时表演节目是否活泼流畅配套磁带是否坚持按时听家长留言签字: 日期:Module 3 Things around us.我们周围的事物。Unit 1 Seasons季节(第七周)第一节1. 季节类单词: 春天spring, 夏天summer 形容词:warm温暖的,hot热的(请将每个单词写一行,并写一遍汉语意思。)请大家认识一下我的字母朋友:T t tiger 老虎第二节2. 句子:Spring is green.春天是绿色的。 Spring is warm.春天是温暖的。 Summer is red.夏天是红色的。 Summer is hot.夏天是热的。3. 听懂句子: I smell flowers.我闻花。 I sing a song.我唱一首歌。 I drink some juice.我和一些果汁。第三节4.歌曲:Tell me tell me what is it. Tell me tell me what is it. Its a book. Its a book. Its a book. Yes its a book.Tell me tell me what is it. Tell me tell me what is it. Its a pen. Its a pen. Its a pen. Yes its a pen.Tell me tell me what is it. Tell me tell me what is it. Its a ball. Its a ball. Its a ball. Yes its a ball.
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