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2022年高中英语 Unit 3 A Healthy Life language points 教案 选修6一、 基础词汇:1. 香烟n. cigarette 一包烟a pack of cigarettes 烟草n. tobacco 烟草公司a tobacco pany2. 酒,酒精n. alcohol 酒精的,含酒精的adj. alcoholic 工作狂n. workaholic3. 滥用;虐待n./vt. abuse 酗酒alcohol abuse 嗜毒drug abuseabuse ones power/trust/confidence4. 健康n. fitness 健身中心 fitness centre 健康的adj./(形状尺寸等)合身v. fit 保持健康keep fit5. 性,性别n. sex adj. sexual 性健康sexual health 同性恋homosexual6. 压力,重音;强调n./vt. stress adj. stressful / stressed lay/place stress on sb. in time of stress be stressed give stress to the second syllable stress the importance of I must stress that.7. 禁止;禁令n./ vt. ban 限塑令a ban on plastic bags ban sb. from doing sth.8. 欠款的;到期的;合适的adj. due be due to do sth be due for sth. 由于(短语)due to = owing to9. 粗糙的,粗暴的adj. tough a tough game/assignment/problem/journey tough measures10. 入了迷的,上瘾的adj. addicted 对(做)某事上瘾be addicted to sth. / to doing sth.11. 使习惯于vt. accustom accustom oneself to sth/doing sth be/get/bee accustomed to sth/doing sth12. 撤回;退出;提款vt./vi. withdraw n. withdrawal撤军withdraw the troops withdraw from13. 心情/心境/脾气n. temper 脾气不好in a bad temper 发脾气lose ones temper忍住怒火keep ones temper 脾气不好的bad-tempered 性情温和的sweet-tempered14. 自动的adj. automatic an automatic washing machine/rifle do sth. automatically15. 精神的,智力的adj. mental 心理健康mental health adv. mentally He was mentally disturbed. 他是个精神分裂患者。16. 停止,离开vi./vt. quit If you dont give me a pay rise, Ill quit/quit this job.17. 效果;影响n. effect have an effect on put/bring sth into effecte into effect take effect in effect18. 呼吸n. breath take a breath hold ones breath out of breath=breathless19. 强壮的adj. strong 强烈地adv. strongly 力量,力气n. strength 加强,巩固vt. strengthen20. 放松vt. relax relax oneself adj. relaxed / relaxing 放松n. relaxation 21. 失望n. disappointment 令某人失望的是to ones disappointment in disappointment22. 虚弱的,软弱的adj. weak n. weakness vi./vt. weaken weaken ones faith in 23. 惭愧的,害羞的,羞耻的adj. ashamed be ashamed to do sth./of doing sth.可耻的 不道德的adj. shameful 羞耻,惭愧;耻辱;令人遗憾的事n. shame24. 尽管in spite of = despite =regardless of in spite of the fact that=though25. 冒险;风险vt./n. risk risk doing sth. risk ones life to do sth. run/face/at the risk of doing sth. at risk26. 合法的,法律的adj. legal adv. legally 违法的adj. illegal adv. illegally27. 生存,幸免于难vi./vt. survive n. survival 在地震中幸存survive the earthquakev.n. arrivearrivalwithdrawwithdrawalrefuserefusalproposeproposaldisposedisposal removeremoval28. 注射vt. inject inject ones leg/arm n. injection29. 偏见n. prejudice a prejudice against modern music 种族偏见racial prejudice30. 使窘迫,使尴尬vt. embarrass adj. embarrassed / embarrassing n. embarrassment31. 局促不安的,笨拙的adj. awkward feel awkward be awkward with二、 精讲词汇l stressn. (精神或物理)压力,强调,重音 lay/put/place stress on sth. 强调,着重于vt. 强调Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress. 精神压力We worked on pronunciations, stress and intonation. 重音I must stress that everything I told you is strictly confidential. 强调(v.)I think the pany has places too much stress on cost and not on quality. 强调(n.)When you have an injury you start putting stress on other parts of the body. (物理)压力【拓展】in times of stress 在紧张的时候stressful adj. 压力重的,紧张的 stressed adj. 焦虑不安的,心力交萃的l Do you think smoking should be banned?ban vt. (banned, banned)禁止,取缔 to forbid sth. officially; to forbid sb. to do sth. officiallyban sth. We started a campaign to ban chemical weapons.ban sb. from (doing) sth. He was banned from driving for six months.ban n. 禁令 There is to be a total ban on playing puter games in the office during work hours.【区别】ban / forbid ban(banned, banned)来自法律或者社会舆论、道德的压力,尤指官方命令,常含“严厉谴责”之意。ban sth.ban sb. from (doing) sth.forbid(forbad, forbidden)常用词,指权威者(可以是个人,如家长、主人、雇主、医生,可以是国家或政府机关)的禁止或不允许forbid sb. to do sth.forbid doing【练习】a) We are banned from drinking alcohol during working hours.b) The doctor forbad him to smoke.l I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live.due adj. 欠款的,预定的,到期的(不置于名词前);合适的(只位于名词前)The bands first album is due for release later this month. 预定的The next train is due in five minutes. 预定的Payment is due on October 22, xx. 到期的After due consideration, we decided to appoint Mr. Smith to the job. 合适的due to 由于,因为(不能置于句首,在句中做定语、表语或状语) The delay was due to heavy traffic. 延误时由于车辆太多造成的。 Later she was released due to poor health. 不久她由于身体很差而被释放了。 Mistakes due to carelessness may have serious consequences. 由于疏忽大意造成的错误可能带来严重的后果。【相关搭配】 be due to do 预期做某事,预定要做某事 be due to sth./ sb. / doing sth. 归因于,欠某人 be due for sth. 应有,应得到这个队的成功在很大程度上是她努力的结果。The teams success was largely du
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