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三年级新概念英语下学期连词成句校外专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. in, is, what, the, box (?)2. My John names (.)3. Childrens Day on is 1 June (.)4. river,this,very,is,wide,(.)(连词成句)5. at, blackboard, the, look, and, book, your, close (.)6. plays Sundays she on baskestball ( . )7. you, are, old, how (?)8. plant, has, this, leaves, green, (.)9. 连词成句。1music, I, and, have, maths, (.)2a, we, three, classes, science, week, have, (.)3school, I, like, new, my, (.)4early, it, too, is, (.)5do, art, you, like, (?)10. Shes, driver, a, (.)11. are, there, pears, thirty-three(.)12. head, Point, her, to, (.)13. this, made, is, T-shirt, of, cotton (.)14. about yourfamilyWhat(?)(只写序号)15. have aduckI16. panda Ia am (只填序号)17. goes, school, on, Mondays, Amy, to (.)18. amLingling I (只填序号)19. do Mondays what you on do ( ? )20. 连词成句。1you are How (?)2fine I am (.)3to Nice you meet (.)4dad This my is (.)5nice you How are (!)21. cat, a, now, green, its(.)22. the, clever, helps, sheep, monkey, the, (.)23. like, I, green (.)24. I, Su Hai, am (.)25. a, fox, I, am, (.)26. Open, eyes, your, (.)27. 连词成句。1go, the, lets, to, zoo (.)2pig, is, the, fat (.)3short, the, ruler, is (.)4that, who, is, woman (?)5many, how, eggs (?)28. is Where eraser my (?)29. black, is, a, one, The, dog (.)30. your, show, eraser, me (.)31. like I singing (.)32. names My John (.)33. fromImUKthe.(只写序号)页码 / 总页数
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