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h 论文发袤专家中国学木期刊网Avwvif.qikanwang.netB超在药物流产中的监测作用【摘要】 目的:探讨b型超声动态监测药物流产的临床应用价 值。方法:对药物流产的早孕患者,在流产前后进行超声检查,明 确流产效果,并比较子宫位置,孕囊大小,孕产次,孕妇年龄,有 无子宫肌瘤,有无合并慢性盆腔炎症等对流产结果的影响。结果: 在336例药物流产患者中,完全流产 301例,不全流产26例,流 产失败9例,其中前位子宫完全流产率高于后位子宫,孕囊最大经 线20mn较孕囊最大经线w 20mn者完全流产率低,孕产次2次, 完全流产率低于初孕及孕产次w 2次者(pv 0.05 )。孕妇年龄,有 无子宫肌瘤,有无合并慢性盆腔炎症等因素与药物流产效果无显著 相关性(p 0.05 )。结论:b型超声动态监测药物流产可预测及评 估流产效果,对临床治疗有重要的指导价值。【关键词】超声;药物流产【abstract objective to explore the clinical value ofthe b ultrasound monitoring dynamically in medical aborti on. method: the b ultraso und was performed in the pre-and post medical abortion .the results of abortion were evaluated and the effects of uteri ne poditi on(an terior or posterior),the maximal Iongitude of gestational sac size ( 20mm or w 20mm),preg nant freque ncy, the age of preg nant woma n ,if hav ing hysteromyoma and if in corporati ng chronic
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