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新目标人教版七年级英语下册学案Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?Period 1【学习目标】1 教会学生表达做某事的能力。2 谈论自己的爱好和意愿。I can sing. Can you sing?Yes, I can. Can you dance?No, I cant. Can you ?【学习重难点】 1 会使用can.表示能力。2 会谈论喜好和意愿。【学法指导】角色扮演。通过谈论彼此的特长与爱好培养一种群体意识。【学习过程】l 预习Page1-3的内容,把下列的汉语译成英语.翻译词组1.参加俱乐部_2.说英语 _3.下象棋 _4.美术社 _5.游泳俱乐部_6.体育俱乐部_7.弹吉他 _8._.词汇1.Bethoven is a _(音乐家).2._(夏天)is very hot.3.Do you want to get more _(信息)?Look at the poster.4.Please _(联系)Mrs Zhang.5.Can you_(弹)the piano?No,I cant.III 单元练习选择填空1.Tom can play _ drums very well.A.aB.anC.the2.Dont talk _ others!Listen to the teacher.A.forB.toC.on3._club do you want to join?The chess club.A.WhichB.HowC.Where4.They want _ buy some tomatoes.A.andB.orC.to5.I _ play the guitar.Its too difficult.A.canB.cantC.doesnt6.What do you have _ lunch?A.atB.onC.for7._?Yes,I want some fruit.A.Can I help youB.What do you wantC.What do you want to buy8._shop sells ruler?_ next to my home.A.What;oneB.Where;The oneC.Which;The one9.I usually watch TV _ Sunday evening.A.inB.onC.at.动词填空1.On weekends I often _(go)to the movie with my friends.2.Can you _(swim)in the water?3.My teacher wants _(buy)a pingpong bat.4.My parents _(not eat)salad for breakfast.5.The shop _(have)many clothes.6._ you _(want)to join the music club?7.He cant _(play)the piano,but he _(play)basketball very well.8.Lets _(clean)our classroom.9.Where _(be)my pants?10.Hi,Jim!Nice _(meet)you.11.He always _(teach)in this room.12.Many students _(be) in the classroom.完成句子1.我的朋友喜欢弹吉他。My friend likes to _ _ _.2.我们学校的音乐会是在星期天。Our _ _ is on Sunday.3.你想加入摇滚乐队吗?Do you_ to join _ _?4.麦克喜欢和我交谈。Mike likes to _ _ _.5.我们怎么联系你?_ can we _ you?I.看图补全对话1)A:Can I help you?B:_.I want to join the music club.A:Can you _?B:No,_.A:Can you _?B:Yes,_.2)Tom _,but he _.He wants to _ club.3)Annie _,but she _.She wants to _ club.
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