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蒇羁羇蒇薀螄芆薆蚂罿膁薅螄螂肇薄蒄羇肃薄蚆螀莂薃蝿肆芈薂袁衿膄薁薀肄肀膈蚃袇羆芇螅肂芅芆蒅袅膁芅薇肁膇芄蝿羃肃芃袂螆莁节薁羂芇节蚄螅膃芁螆羀聿莀蒆螃羅荿薈羈芄莈蚀螁芀莇袃肇膆莆薂衿肂莆蚄肅羈莅螇袈芆莄蒆肃膂蒃蕿袆肈蒂蚁肁羄蒁螃袄莃蒀薃蚇艿蒀蚅羃膅葿螈螅肁蒈蒇羁羇蒇薀螄芆薆蚂罿膁薅螄螂肇薄蒄羇肃薄蚆螀莂薃蝿肆芈薂袁衿膄薁薀肄肀膈蚃袇羆芇螅肂芅芆蒅袅膁芅薇肁膇芄蝿羃肃芃袂螆莁节薁羂芇节蚄螅膃芁螆羀聿莀蒆螃羅荿薈羈芄莈蚀螁芀莇袃肇膆莆薂衿肂莆蚄肅羈莅螇袈芆莄蒆肃膂蒃蕿袆肈蒂蚁肁羄蒁螃袄莃蒀薃蚇艿蒀蚅羃膅葿螈螅肁蒈蒇羁羇蒇薀螄芆薆蚂罿膁薅螄螂肇薄蒄羇肃薄蚆螀莂薃蝿肆芈薂袁衿膄薁薀肄肀膈蚃袇羆芇螅肂芅芆蒅袅膁芅薇肁膇芄蝿羃肃芃袂螆莁节薁羂芇节蚄螅膃芁螆羀聿莀蒆螃羅荿薈羈芄莈蚀螁芀莇袃肇膆莆薂衿肂莆蚄肅羈莅螇袈芆莄蒆肃膂蒃蕿袆肈蒂蚁肁羄蒁螃袄莃蒀薃蚇艿蒀蚅羃膅葿螈螅肁蒈蒇羁羇蒇薀螄芆薆蚂罿膁薅螄螂肇薄蒄羇肃薄蚆螀莂薃蝿肆芈薂袁衿膄薁薀肄肀膈蚃袇羆芇螅肂芅芆蒅袅膁芅薇肁膇芄蝿羃肃芃袂螆莁节薁羂芇节蚄螅膃芁螆羀聿莀蒆螃羅荿薈羈芄莈蚀螁芀莇袃肇膆莆薂衿肂莆蚄肅羈莅螇袈芆莄蒆肃膂蒃蕿袆肈蒂蚁肁羄蒁螃袄莃 八年级英语下册期末考试试题时量: 100(分钟) 分值: 100(分) 命题人: 王欢 审核人: 刘毅敏听力部分( 共20分 )I. 听句子,选择正确的答语。(每题1分,共5分)1. A. Happy Mothers Day , mom! B. Happy Birthday, mom! C. How are you?2. A. She likes singing love songs. B. Yes, she does. C. I love her.3. A. I think so. B. Beautiful! Ill get for mom. C. Yes, I do.4. A. Yes, I will. B. No, I wont. C. Ill help her clean the house, sweep the floor.5. A. I love you. B. Whats it for? C. How happy!II. 听对话及对话后面的问题,选择正确的答语。(每题1分,共5分)6. A. A shirt. B. A skirt. C. A sweater.7. A. A book store. B. A shoe-store. C. A restaurant.8. A. Trousers. B. Flowers. C. Watches.9. A. A cat. B. A dog. C. A parrot.10. A. A kiss. B. A CD. C. A book. 听短文及短文后的问题,选择正确的答语。 (每题1分,共5分)11. A. Six. B. Four. C. Three.12. A. A housewife. B. A teacher. C. A doctor13. A. A book. B. A small gift.C. A bag.14. A. Clean the house. B. Clean the room.C. Clean the classroom.15. A. A flower. B. A kiss.C. A handbag. 听短文,选择正确答案。(每题1分,共5分) 16. The Brown lived _ A. in a small house in London. B. in a small house not far from London. C. in a small town far from London. 17. Sometimes Mr Brown came back very late when his wife and child were asleep, and he _. A. woke up his wife to help him open the front door. B. knocked at the front door C. opened the front door with his own key.初二年级 英语期末试卷 第1页 共 8 页18. One night he couldnt come into his house because _. A. he couldnt find his key. B. Mrs Brown was not in. C. he came back very late. 19. _ after he knocked at the bedroom window and spoke like a child. A. No one answered him. B. Mrs Brown opened the door at last. C. His wife and child woke up at once.20. Mr Brown spoke like a small child because _. A. he knew his wife could wake up easily when she heard the childs voice. B. he wanted to make a joke with his wife. C. he wanted to wake up his son first.笔试部分 (共80分)I. 基础知识运用(每小题1分,共15分)单项选择,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入句子空白处的最佳选项。1. TheyhaveneverbeentoNewYork,_? A.havethey B.haventthey C.dontthey D. didnt they2. -Would you mind my opening the door?- _.A. No, of course not B. Yes, please C. Yes, you can D. No, you cant open it3. I hope _ a good job in a foreign company after I graduate _ school.A. to find; from B. finding; from C. to find; at D. finding; at4. Someoftheboysenjoy_football.A.play B.playing C.toplay D.played5. You are _ to return the book to the library in two weeks. A. supposed B. wanted C. shouted D. thought6. Whats the best gift John _ ever received? A. have B. has C. had D. having7. Lana said that she wasnt mad _ Marcia anymore. A. to B. at C. for D. on8. -Could you tell me _ youve been here? -Since last year. A. how far B. how often C. how soon D. how long9. -Nice to see you. I _ you for a long time.初二年级 英语期末试卷 第2页 共 8 页 -I _ in Beijing, Ive just come back. A. havent seen, am B. havent seen; was C. didnt see; will be D. didnt see; was10. He doesnt have any money , _. A. either B. too C. also D. but11. They are talking about something _ the telephone. A. in B. on C. at D. for12. Goldfish are easy _.A. look after B take care C to looking after D to take care of13. You must wait _ line when you are waiting _ a bus.A. on, in B. in, for C. in, on D. on, for14. We are going to have a picnic tomorrow. Whats the weather like,Mike? Why not _ the radio and listen to the weather report?
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