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弟子规英文版Standards for Being a Good Student and Child 总叙Outline弟子规。圣人训。Standards for Being a Good Student and Child was taught by Chinese saints and sages of the ancient past.首孝悌。次谨信First it teaches you how to be dutiful to your parents, and to be respectful and loving to your siblings.then it teaches you how to be cautious with all people, matters, and things in your daily life, and to be a trustworthy person; to believe in the teachings of the ancient saints and sages.泛爱众。而亲仁。Furthermore, it teaches you to love all equally,be close to and learn from people of virtue and compassion.有余力。则学文。When you have accomplished all the abovedutiesyou can further study and learn literature and art to improve the quality of your cultural and spiritual lives.第一章 入则孝Chapter 1 At Home, Be Dutiful to Your Parents父母呼。应勿缓。When your parents call you,answer them right away.父母命。行勿懒。When they command you to do something,do it quickly.父母教。须敬听。When your parents instruct you,Listen respectfully.父母责。须顺承。When your parents reproach you,obey and accept their reproach. try hard to change and improve yourself, and start anew.冬则温。夏则凊。In the winter, keep them warm;In the summer, keep them cool.晨则省。昏则定。Greet them in the morning to show them that you care.At night be sure that they rest well.出必告。返必面。Before going out, tell your parents where you are going, as parents are always concerned about their children.After returning home, see your parents and let them know you are back, so they do not worry about you.居有常。业无变。Have a permanent place to stay and lead a routine life.Persist in whatever you do and do not change your aspirations at will.事虽小。勿擅为。Although a matter maybe consider trivial, but if it is wrong to do it or unfair to the other person,do not do it thinking it will bear little or no consequence.苟擅为。子道亏。If you do,you are not being a dutiful child because parents do not want to see that child doing things that are irrational or illegal.物虽小。勿私藏。Even though an object might be small,do not hold it.苟私藏。亲心伤。If you do,your parents will be heart broken.亲所好。力为具。Whatever pleases your parents if it is fair and reasonable,try your best to get it for them.亲所恶。谨为去。Whatever displeases your parents, if within reasoncautiously keep it away from them.身有伤。贻亲忧。When your body is hurt,your parents will be worried.德有伤。贻亲羞。If your virtues are compromised,your parents will feel ashamed.亲爱我。孝何难。When you have loving parents,it is not difficult to be a dutiful child亲憎我。孝方贤。If your parents hate you and you are still dutiful to them,only then will you meet the standards of the saints and sages for being a dutiful child.亲有过。谏使更。When your parents do wrong,urge them to change.怡吾色。柔吾声。Do it with a kind facial expressionand a warm gentle voice.谏不入。悦复谏。If they do not accept your advice,wait until they are in a happier mood before you dissuade them again.号泣随。挞无怨。Followed by crying to make them understand why.Do not hold a grudge against them if they result to whipping you.亲有疾。药先尝。When your parents are ill,taste the medicine first before giving it to them.昼夜侍。不离床。Take care of them night and day.do not leave their bedside during the first three years of mourning after they passed away.丧三年。常悲咽。Remember them with gratitude and often feel sad for not being able to repay them for their kindness in raising you.居处变。酒肉绝。During this period you should arrange your home to reflect your grief and sorrow.Avoid festivities and indulgence in foods and alcoholic drinks.丧尽礼。祭尽诚。Observe the proper etiquette in arranging their funerals.Hold the memorial ceremony and commemorate the anniversaries with your utmost sincerity.事死者。如事生。Serve your departed parentsas if they were still alive.第二章 出则悌Chapter 2 Standards for Being a Younger Brother Went Away from Home兄道友。弟道恭。Older siblings should be friend the younger ones.Younger siblings should respect and love the older ones.兄弟睦。孝在中。Siblings who keep harmonious relationships among themselves,are being dutiful to their parents.财物轻。怨何生。When siblings value their ties more than property and belongings,no resentment will grow among them.言语忍。忿自泯。When siblings are careful with words and hold back hurtful comments,feelings of anger naturally die out.或饮食。或坐走。Whether you are drinking, eating,walking, or sitting,长者先。幼者后。Let elders go first,younger ones should follow.长呼人。即代叫。When an elder is asking for someone,get that person for him right away.人不在。己即到。If you cannot find that person,immediately report back, and instead put yourself at the elders service.称尊长。勿呼名。When you address an elder,do not call him by his given name. This is in accord with ancient Chinese etiquette.对尊长。勿见能。In front of an elder,do not show
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