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用所给词的适当形式填空要点归纳【技巧点拨】用动词的适当形式填空”或 综合填空”是近5年广州小升初大联盟考试必考题 主要考察的知识点有:名词单复数、主谓一致、名词所有格、人称代词和无主代 词、数词、动 词时态、非谓语动词、国家及国籍、否定表达、形容词和副词等。 下面对各考点进行分析:一、单复数1、名词单复数2、be动词单复数3、代词单复数二、名词所有格This is Happy三、人称代词和物主代词1. 人称代词一主格(在句中作主语,陈述句中一般在开头,一般疑问句中一般是 第二个单词2. 人称代词一宾格(在句中作宾语,一般用在动词或介词后3. 物主代词一形容词性(用在名词前4. 物主代词一名词性(相当于一形容词性物主代词+名词II四、基数词和序数词1. 基数词表示数量2. 序数词表示顺序五、动词一时态1. 一般现在时A .主语为第三人称单数,动词要加一-s I或一-es II在否定句或疑问句中,已有did,动词就用原形。She doesn tB .其它情况,动词用原形2. 现在进行时-“ be现在分词”song.3. 般过去时A .规则变化:动词词尾加一-ed IIB .不规则变化(have a good time on New Year s Day.C .在否定句和疑问句中,已有did ,动词就用原形。Did you the zoo on Mon day? They did n t TV yesterday eve ning.4. 一般将来时A . be going to+动词原形B . will+动词原形六、动词一非谓语形式1. 不定式2. 动名词(play basketball. It s time for七、其它1. 情态动词+动词原形It means you should n t2. 祈使句中,谓语动词用原形Stan d(sta nd up, please.3. 国家和国籍4. 形容词和副词He can skate vell(good5. 否定Mr Gree n goes to work by bike every day, but Mrs Gree n【真题演练】1. 2011广州小升初13所民校联考四.用动词的适当形式填空。(10%1. My father(like(play baseball.2. He(visit the farm n ext week.3. Look! The baby panda(get dow n from the tree.4.She(be short in 2002, but now she(look taller.5. My sister swims very(well. But my brother swims (well tha n mysister.6. Miss Che n(start from Macao two hours ago. All of the stude nts(wait her here now.2. 2010广州小升初17所民校联考三、C根据句意,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。(7%39. The boy n ever(lie . Believe him!40. Now , the stude nts(collect stati onery for the childre n fromWen chua n . 41.(not stay out too late, Wendy .42. My uncle pla ns(study in London n ext year.43. The(story are very in teresti ng .44. Kitty is arrivi ng on Sun day , the(five of Janu ary.45. I can spe nd 20(many minu tes in bed now .3. 2009广州小升初16所民校联考六、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分1.1 (see his n ame in the n ewspaper yesterday.2. Wherehe(live? - He(live in Nanji ng.3.1 would like(be your pen friend.4. My father(like(play basketball.5. We(visit the farm next week.6.lt s two o clock in the after noon. We(have an En glish class.7.September is(nine month of a year.4. 2008广州小升初16所民校联考八、用动词的适当形式填空。(12分1、(studyat school last year?2、(teachus En glish yesterday.3、Joan usually (cleanher teeth before breakfast?4、Lucy ofte n (runin the eve ning.5、(cometo see us next week.6、Kate likes (da nee.7、(make a paper plane now?8、Miss White ofte n (haveclasses in the after noon?9、(playafter class.5. 2007广州小升初15所民校联考六、用所给词的适当形式或时态填空。(1 10=10分1. We ll have the meeting at half past eight. Will you please(come herea little(early?2. Let s(spengliEh in class.(not speakChi nese.3. Look. The childre n(play football.4. Would you like(go shopp ing with me?5. I do my homework in the eve ning. But I(not do it at this timeyesterday.6. Tom(go to pla nt trees n ext day. He(go to pla nt treesevery year.7. Which is the(popular food in China?【巩固提升】练习一、用所给词的正确形式填空1. -WhatSu Hailast Sun day? (do-She(go for a walk.2. -Did you go(swim last Saturday?-No. We(watch a film.3. -WhatWa ngBing usuallyafter school? (do-He usually(go home and(teach his little brother.4. -(be Miss Li in the teachers office now?-No. She sa_(e photos.5some water in the glass.a lot of people in the garde n.a teacher and some stude nts in the classroom. (there be6. Helen(like(draw horses. She is(draw in thestudy now.7. Itwo pens. Youthree pens. Our teacherfour,Ben and Liu Lutwelve. (have8. I(make a cake yesterday. She(fly a kite last Sun day.9. My sisterto the supermarket every Sun day. Tomorrow sheisto the supermarket with me. (go10. Yesterday(be my birthday, we(have a birthday partyin my home,I(get many prese nts from my frie nds. 11. Wehave anymasks. Yang Linghave any, either. (not 12. My rubberin thedesk just now, but itin my pocket now. (be 13.-Do youjump(far tha n my frie nd ? -No, I jumps as(far as your friend. 14.He(go(jog every day. I want to(go(jog with him inthe playgro und. 15. Sandy(have lots of CDs. She(liste n tomusic every day. 16. Sam(want(buy a lot of thin gs. 17.Look, my fatherbasketball with his frie nds. He is a goodbasketball. (play 18. Let(I have a look . Oh, itisn t(I ruler, I think this ruler is(he, give it to(he. 19.-Hurry up. We re -Den t worry. We still have(a(hour. 20.Look, the boys(swim in the river. 21. There(be some water onthe table. 22. He(live on the(two floor. 23. -Whatyou(do just now? -I(go for a walk. 24. My sister(be a nurse n ext mon th. 25.Mr Gree n ofte n(have a chat with his children after supper. 626. Look, my bag is as(new as yours. 27. This is my skirt.(youis there. 29. Let him(carry the heavy box 30.(not look out ofthe win dow, please. 31. The Greens(have breakfast now. 32. You must(look after your clothes, Lingling. 33. I m hungry
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