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PEP小学英语六年级第七册Unit 4 I Have a Pen PalWhats your hobby?一、 教材分析本教材是人教版(PEP)小学英语第七册第四单元第一课时。主要内容是讲述某人的业余爱好的英语表达和一般现在时的简单用法。本课的主要重点是掌握五个短语及动词-ing形式:“dive-diving, ride-riding, make-making, collect-collecting, play-playing.”重点句型:“Whats your hobby? I like diving.”根据此目标和重点、难点,我采用了故事教学法,利用多媒体教学(包括课件、投影仪等),具有创新性和趣味性。通过真实情景中体验语言”的教学思路,完成教学目的。二、 课件使用说明:本课件采用authorware6.0 制作,应用框架结构,模块化设计。从故事引入到词组学习、练习、chant, song等自然过渡,层次清楚。课件界面上有交互图标,使用过程中可以随时调整教学步骤。三、 Teaching content: Words: diving, making kites, collecting stamps, riding a bike. Sentences: Whats your hobby? I like diving.四、 教学流程图Song: “If You Are Happy.”用第二课堂报名表引入新句型Warm up PresentationMake a surveyLearn the new words in a little story by CAI.Act out the story.PracticeGuessing gamePlay a box gamechant在任务型思想的指导下,让学生在真实的情景中运用学到的知识去make a survey.consolidation报名参加club, 学以致用。五、 Teaching procedure1. Daily Greeting.2. Sing a song: If You Are HappyToday some new friends come to our school, could you welcome them? Please turn back and say, “welcome to our school.” Turn back. Lets sing a song to welcome them. OK?(设计理念:在上课开始前边跳边唱一首活泼可爱、节奏感强的英语歌曲,能使学生迅速进入英语的环境中,快乐感受英语。)3. revisionYou sang the song very well. Children, I have many stickers, do you want to them? If you want, please you say more sentences. Now start from me: I like collecting leaves. (The Ss must say two, three, four. etc.)(设计理念:小学生学英语快,忘得也快,所以要帮他们重复复习,同时也为学生学习新知识做好自然过渡。)4. Presentation1)Make a survey(1) T: Please you look at my form, these are the activities of our school, and you usually join the group according to your hobbies. (Teach “hobby”) Look, I like playing basketball, what is your hobby? (Practice with five pupils.) Then today we will learn Unit4 Lesson 1.(2)T: Very good, please open your book, P48. There is a survey, first you should tick your hobby, and then ask your partners “ what is your hobby?” Got it? (Check four Ss)(设计理念:语言来源于真实生活,我利用学校第二课堂报名表,学生自然明白“hobby” and “whats your hobby?”,可谓引入自然,水到成。) 2) A story T: I like telling story. Do you like it? Present the story by CAI. 森林杂技团要招聘演员,很多小动物都争先恐后去应聘。在这个故事中,不断地重复“whats your hobby?” and “ I like .”课件演示两遍,教师跟学生讲一次,让学生开口说英语。(设计理念:学习语言需要大量的、真实的语言输入,我用flash 5.0 制作了一个生动、活泼、可爱的招聘故事,不仅使学生会跟着小丑说“whats your hobby?” 也会使学生替笨拙的小猪干着急,争着帮他回答:“I like I like”. 兴趣是最好的老师,学生一旦有了兴趣,就会主动参与到学习中。)5. Practice1) Act out the story in all.(设计理念:能带上可爱的小动物头饰,同学们雀跃欲试,争先恐后都想去表演,增强了学生的主动性和积极性。)2) Guessing game (设计理念:让学生在电脑上操作,根据提示,选择爱好,学生不仅动口,还动手,个个兴趣盎然。)3) Play a box game.两个学生用一个六面都贴了短语的盒子,一个学生一边丢一边问:“whats your hobby?” 如果盒子正面跟第二个学生说的一样,学生就赢了。(设计理念:体现“玩中学,学中玩”的教学思想,让学生轻松愉快地说英语。)4) Chant.Dive, dive, I like diving.Make, make, I like making kites.Collect, collect, I like collecting stamps.Play, play, I like playing the violin.Ride, ride, I like riding a bike.(设计理念:有意注意时间持续短,这个时候把所学的知识编成一个朗朗上口、节奏欢快的chant,学生边做动作边说,学生既练习了新知识,又可以放松。)6. ConsolidationTask 1: T: I want to have somebody be a little teacher to make a survey about the activities.Task 2: Boys and girls, there are so many clubs at school. They welcome all of us to join the clubs. Now please discuss in groups and decide what club you like to go. (设计理念:英语学习的目的就是要在交际活动中学以致用。这两个任务型活动交际性极强,为的就是学生在完成任务时能与其他同学用英语进行交流,同时教师也能检测学生是否开口说英语,是否会说了。)7. Sum up8. HomeworkThe students will make a survey about your families. (设计理念:语言来源于生活,同时也应用于生活。在真实的生活环境中能够用英语进行交际,也就达到了教学目的。)9. Writing on the blackboard(设计理念: 此板书清晰,使学生对本课时的重点和难点一目了然,起到了画龙点晴的作用。)Unit 4 Lesson 1What is your hobby?violin clubCollect collectingkite clubdiving clubbike clubI like Ride ridingPlay playingDive diving
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