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六级模拟测试 2 (附句子、短文翻译考点详解)Part 3.Vocabulary and Structure( 35 minutes )Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then click the corresponding letter beside the choices provided below.41 .Mrs.Brown is so about her housework that servants will not work for her.Chinese:布朗太太对家务活如此地挑剔以至于佣人不再为她工作。Answer:BAnalysis: 本题测试:形容词辨异。 A)peculiar “特有的,奇怪的” ; B)particular “特殊的,讲 究的,挑剔的” ;C)spectacular“公开展示的,引人注意的” ;D)popular “普及的,流行的” 。 42 .The dispute at the moment around whether other delegates should attend.Chinese:目前的争论围绕的是其它代表能否参加。Answer:DAnalysis: 本题测试:动词辨异。 A)evolve “进展,进化” ;B)resolve “解决,决心” ;C)involve “使卷入,包含” ; D)revolve “旋转,铙转” 。43 .The captain of the ship the passengers that there was no danger.Chinese:船长向乘客保证没有任何危险。Answer:BAnalysis: 本题测试:动词辨异。 A)insure “给保险,保证使得到” ; B)assure“使确信, 向保证”,常用句型是: assure sb.of sth.或 assure sb.that。 C)ensure“保证,担保” ,常用句 型是: assure sth.,ensure sb. sth.和 ensure that.。 D)secure“使安全,保卫” 。44 .Some disputes among these countries are by history.Chinese:这些国家之间的一些争端是历史遗留下来的问题。Answer:AAnalysis: 本题测试:动词短语辨异。 A)left over “遗留”; B)turn over “移交,交给” ; C)hand over“移交,交出” ; D)take over“接管”。45 .Sometimes they their students poor comprehension to a lack of intelligence.Chinese:有时他们把学生们较差的理解归因于他们不聪明。Answer:CAnalysis: 本题测试:动词辨异。 A)contribute “出一份力,起一份作用” ; B)distribute “引发, 散布”;C)attribute“把归因于”;D)oblige“迫使,使满足” 。46 .The school has been as the meeting place for the evening art club.Chinese:这个学校被指定为晚间艺术俱乐部的聚会点。Answer:CAnalysis: 本题测试:形似词辨异。 A)design “设计”。 B)resign “辞职”。 C)designate“指定, 选派”。 D)sign “签名,签署” 。47 .The of his long speech was that we must all work harder.Chinese:他的长篇演讲的实质是我们更加努力地工作。Answer:AAnalysis: 本题测试:名词辨异。 A)essence“本质,实质” ; B)definition “定义”; C)destination “目的地,终点” ; D)obligation “义务,责任” 。48 .The mercury in the thermometer is to changes in temperature.Chinese:温度计里的水银对于气温的变化十分敏感。Answer:AAnalysis: 本题测试:形容词辨异。 A)sensitive “敏感的”;B)sensible“感觉得到的,明显的” ;C)sentimental “多愁善感的” ; D)sensational “轰动的,激起情感的” 。49 .I place no on anything he says hell do.Chinese:我根本不相信他说他要做的那些事情。Answer:AAnalysis: 本题测试:名词辨异。 A)reliance(on,in,upon) “依赖,信任” ; B)faith(in) “信任,信 念”; C)belief(in) “相信,信心” ;D)confidence(in) “信任”。50 .The company are their new sort of tooth brush on television.Chinese:这个公司正在电视上推销一种新的牙刷。Answer:BAnalysis: 本题测试: 动词辨异。 A)calculate “计算”;B)promote “促进, 推销”;C)prompt“促 使,引起”; D)proceed “进行,开始” 。51 .By the time they reached Bienvenu, Lanny had some of his agitations.Chinese:当他们到达 Bienvenu 时, Lanny 的气将会消一些。Answer:AAnalysis: 本题测试: 动词短语辨异。 A)get over“克服, 度过”;B)get across“通过, 被理解”; C)get away “逃脱,离开” ;D)get by “通过,走过” 。52 .Everyman has the right to live where he wants to, the color of his skin.Chinese:不管他是什么肤色,每个人都有权住在他想住的地方。Answer:DAnalysis: 本题测试: 介词短语辨异。 A)instead of“ 代替”;B)despite of“ 不管,尽管”;C)in view of“考虑到,由于” ; D)regardless of“不管,不顾” 。53 .What is it that the author wants to to his reader through the story?Chinese:通过这个故事作者想向读者传达什么?Answer:AAnalysis: 本题测试:动词辨异。 A)convey“传递,传达” ;B)convince “使确信” ;C)convert “转变,变换” ; D)conform “使一致,使符合” 。54 .The tendency of a boy to become attached to his mother and to resent his father is toas the “ Oedipus Complex ” .Chinese:男孩依恋母亲并且痛恨父亲的这种趋势被称做“恋母情结”。Answer:CAnalysis: 本题测试:动词辨异。 A)define “解释,下定义” ;B)regard “把看作,把认为 (as)”; C)refer(to sth. as) “把某物称为” ; D)relate (to) “有关,涉及” 。55 .Great enthusiasm was by these meetings all over the country.Chinese:这些会议激发起全国人民的热情。Answer:AAnalysis: 本题测试:形似词辨异。 A)arouse “激发起,引起” ; B)arise “出现”; C)raise“提 高,举起”; D)rise “起来,升起” 。56 .Then she went back to a series of lectures which she prepared over here.Chinese:然后她回去做了她在这儿准备的一系列讲座。Answer:CAnalysis: 本题测试: 动词辨异。 A)account“说明, 解释”;B)convey“传递, 传达”;C)deliver “投递,发表” ; D)express“表达”。57 .When he came he found himself lying in the hospital, but he didnt know how that hadcome .Chinese:当他苏醒过来时,他发现他躺在医院里,但他不知道这一切是怎么发生的。Answer:CAnalysis: 本题测试:动词短语辨异。 A)come out “出来”,come about“发生”;B)come to“苏 醒过来”,come across“遇见,发现” ;C)come to“苏醒”, come about“发生”;D)come about “发生”, come across“遇见,发现” 。58 .During the exam, we are supposed to stay in our seats, keep our eyes on our work toanyone else.Chinese:在考试时,我们理应坐在座位上,眼睛看着自己的试卷,并且不能和任何人说话。Answer:AAnalysis:本题测试:谓语动词平行,所以选项 A 为正确答案。59 .Almost one-third of Alaska is forest-covered, the state contains the two largestnational forests in the United states.Chinese:阿拉斯加州的三分之一被森林覆盖,并且这个州还拥有美国两个最大的国家森林。Answer:DAnalysis: 本题测试:连词。空格中所填连词应该表示并列关系。 A)furthermore “此外(表示 递进)”; B)in addition “此外(表示递进) ”; C)but 转折; D)and 并列。60 .I was ill that day, otherwise I to Beijing with my parents.Chinese:那天我病了,否则的话,我会和我的父母一起坐飞机到北京。Answer:CAnalysis: 本题测试:含蓄条件和虚拟语气。此句是 otherwise 所引导的含蓄的虚拟语气,表 示对过去的事物进行虚拟,应用 would+have done 。61 .Great numbers of civil
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