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长达5天的雾霾红色预警终于消除了,关于雾霾你都了解多少呢?这些社会话题完全有可能出现在我们的雅思考试中,老师为大家整理了相关问答,备考雅思的同学们一起看看吧。What is Smog ? 雾霾是什么?Smog is a mixture of air pollutants雾霾是空气污染物的混合物How Did Smog Get Its Name?雾霾这个名字是怎么来的?The term smog was first used in London during the early 1900s to describe the combination of smoke and fog that often blanketed the city.“雾霾”这个词第一次在20世纪90年代的伦敦被使用,用来描述经常覆盖了城市的烟和雾的结合物。Who Is Most at Risk from Smog?谁是雾霾高危人群?Anyone who engages in strenuous outdoor activityfrom jogging to manual labormay suffer smog-related health effects.任何从事紧张户外活动的人-从慢跑到体力劳动-都可能遭受和雾霾相关的健康后果。Children 孩子Adults who are active outdoors 户外活跃的成年人People with respiratory diseases 有呼吸疾病的人People with unusual susceptibility to ozone 对臭氧易感的人群Great London Smog伦敦大雾霾Translated by JasmineOver 4,000 deaths were attributable to the Great London Smog of December 1952超过4000人的死亡是由1952年12月的伦敦大雾霾引起的During the 19th century, the increase inindustrialisationin the major cities of Britain gave rise to a dramatic increase in air pollution. Throughout the autumn months, during periods of calm,smokeparticles from industrial plumes would mix with fog giving it a yellow-black colour. Suchsmogs, as they became known, often settled over cities for many days. Wind speeds would be low at these times causing the smog to stagnate, with pollution levels increasing near ground level. London became quite famous for its smogs, and many visitors came to see the capital in the fog.在19世纪,工业化在英国大城市的增长引起了空气污染的急剧增多。整个秋季的平静时期,从工业烟雾云当中而来的烟雾颗粒和雾气混合起来,呈现出黄黑色。这种雾霾后来被人们所熟知会在城市上空停留很多天。风速在这个时期会比较慢,造成雾霾的沉滞,伴随着污染水平的增长接近地表水平。伦敦因为它的雾霾变得非常有名,很多游客都来看这个雾都。During the first part of the 20th century, tighter industrial controls and the declining importance ofcoalas a domestic fuel led to a reduction insmogpollution in urban areas. However, on December 4th 1952, an anticyclone settled over London. The wind dropped and the air grew damp; a thick fog began to form. The Great London Smog lasted for five days and led to around four thousand more deaths than usual. The deaths were attributed to the dramatic increase in air pollution during the period, with levels ofsulphur dioxideincreasing 7-fold, and levels ofsmokeincreasing 3-fold. The peak in the number of deaths coincided with the peak in both smoke and sulphur dioxide pollution levels.在20世纪的初,更严格的工业控制和下降的煤作为民用能源的重要性带来了城市地区雾霾污染的减少。然而,在1952年12月4日,一股高压反气旋笼罩伦敦。风速下降,空气变得潮湿;厚重的雾气开始行形成。伦敦大雾霾持续了5天,导致了比正常水平高大约四千的死亡人数。这些死亡是由这期间急剧增长的空气污染导致的,二氧化硫水平增长了7倍,烟雾水平增长了3倍。死亡数量的最高峰和烟雾以及二氧化硫的水平高峰一致。In response to the Great London Smog, the Government passed its firstClean Air Actin 1956, which aimed to control domestic sources ofsmokepollution by introducing smokeless zones. In addition, the introduction of cleaner coals led to a reduction insulphur dioxidepollution.作为对伦敦大雾霾的回应,政府在1956年第一次通过了第一个清洁空气法案,目的在于通过引入无烟区来控制国内烟雾污染源。另外,更干净的煤炭的引进使得二氧化硫污染下降。阅读词汇积累:smog 雾霾industrialization工业化gave rise to导致;使上升stagnate(v.)沉滞;淤塞domestic fuel民用燃料anticyclone反气旋,高气压beattributed to是由导致的sulphur dioxide二氧化硫dramatic increase急剧增长7-fold七倍peak最高峰,定点coincide with与一致in response to对的回答/相应aim to目标在于
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