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最新教学资料人教版英语www.ks5u.comUnit 1 Section .单词拼写15,000 head of _(牛) died of the disease in one month.2Theres room for one more piece of _(行李)3They _(插入) a tube in his mouth to help him breathe.4Today we _(哀悼) for all those who died in the two World Wars.5The rocks stick out of the water at a 45degree _(角)6I have no doubt that the man is guilty and that he deserves the _(惩罚)7The driver had to b _suddenly to avoid a dog on the road.8She now has a _over the people who used to be her bosses.9I dont think youve quite g _the seriousness of the situation.10The childrens poor health was a _from their physical appearance.答案:1cattle2luggage3inserted4mourn5angle6punishment7brake8authority9grasped10apparent.用方框内所给短语的适当形式填空1When planting seedlings I prefer to _the rows in advance.2This book is so difficult that Im tired; I cant _what the author means.3Water is said to _oxygen and hydrogen.4It all happened _years ago, so none of us can remember it.5The university is _a school in England for the research project.6I didnt _her because she always seems to be in a fog.7He would prefer to meet me downstairs _upstairs.8I _going to Europe for a visit next summer vacation.9He made up his mind to _ membership in the Party.10Did it ever _you that we might take a new step forward?答案:1mark out2take in3consist of4a great many5teaming up with6vote for7rather than8feel like9apply for10occur to.完成句子根据相关的汉语提示,完成下列句子。每空仅限一个单词。1他直接前往巴黎,未在任何地方停留过。He _ _to Paris without stopping anywhere.2当潜水者去探险时,他们就开始进入了一个全新的领域。The divers enter into a whole new world when they _ _.3在中国,BBC电台已和新浪网联手给英语学习者提供类似的学习机会,使他们即使在上班途中也能学习英语。In China, the BBC has _ _with Sina.com to provide English learners with similar opportunities _ _they can learn English while traveling to work.4他们用白漆把网球场地划了出来。They _ _the tennis court with white paint.5我的酒店在哪里?我该走哪条路呢?Where is my hotel? Which is_ _ _ _?6你的谎言骗不了我。I am not to be _ _by your lies.7你对本市的各地都已经很了解了吗?Do you have _ _ _ _where everything is at in town?8我们上星期才搬的家,还没安顿下来呢。We only moved house last week and we havent _ _yet.9她已和许多人一起申请参加训练。 _ _ _many others, she_ _a training place.10请等一等就轮到为您服务了。Please wait until_ _ _ _to be served.答案:1went straight2go exploring3teamed up; so that4marked out5the way to go6taken in7a good idea of8settled in9In common with; applied for10it is your turn.完形填空I went straight to my personal doctor and he took a blood sample. I was really_1_when he told me it showed a lack of vitamin D because I always thought I was very healthy.Looking at the_2_of the blood test, he said my levels were very low. He said that I had probably had a lack of vitamin D_3_I wasnt getting enough sunlight. That_4_a lot of sense.For the past few months I had_5_seen the sun. As a(n) _6_, every day I had been in the theater or in a film studio, so I had_7_to receive enough natural light. And working in a theater and performing most evenings also_8_I got up later than most people. It was like I had been living in a_9_time zone from someone else.My doctor said I_10_to take vitamin D,_11_I went to the chemists and got a vitamin D spray(喷雾). All I had to do was spray it into my_12_once a day. That_13_the vitamin D was absorbed quickly into my body.My doctor had said I would_14_a difference within three months but almost right away I felt better and my energy levels increased_15_. It was strange how simple my_16_had been, but what a huge effect it had_17_my lifeit made me so tired!Strangely, after my experience, I_18_seeing a lot of things on TV about vitamin D and lack of sun. I have_19_taking vitamin D, so_20_that will stop it from happening again. 文章大意:本文讲述的是作者是一名演员,因为经常在室内工作,导致吸收阳光不够,从而得了维生素D缺乏症。1AsatisfiedBboredCexcited Dshocked答案:D逻辑推理题。听到自己得了维生素D缺乏症,作者当然感到震惊。2Aresults BcausesCeffects Dprocesses答案:A背景常识题。根据上文提到的took a blood sample可推断,此处是指血液的检测结果。3Aif BbecauseCwhen Dthough答案:B句式结构题。医生说作者得了维生素D缺乏症是因为很少见阳光,故表示原因。4Agot BofferedCreceived Dmade答案:D习语搭配题。make sense是固定短语,表示“有意义、讲得通”,承接下文,表示作者承认医生说得对。5Aregularly BusuallyChardly Dnearly答案:C逻辑推理题。根据上文作者对医生的诊断认可,可推断作者几乎没有晒到太阳。6Amusician Bteacher Cactor Dmanager答案:C逻辑推理题。根据下文I had been in the theater or in e film studio与working in a theater and performing most evenings可知作者应该是名演员。7Atried BfailedCmanaged Drefused答案:B逻辑推理题。正因为作者每天都在室内工作,所以他未能吸收足够的阳光。8Asuggested B
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