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Unit 5 Look at me!Period 1教学准备:1、 学生每人带一件自己最喜欢的衣服。2、 单词卡片。Step1. GreetingFree talk:T: Whats your name? / May I know your name?S:T: Are you ?S: No, Im *. Step2. Introduce yourself and your friend.1 Can you introduce yourself and your friend? 2 Pair work.3 Try to introduce.( 随机问好)Step3. Story time1. Show a box: Heres a box. Whats in the box? Lets have a look. Oh, look, its a 2. Learn some new words: a T-shirt a skirt a cap (在教学新单词时,让学生初次接触:Look at this Its nice.)3. Learn some sentences: Look at my . Its nice. / Its great. 4. Show two people: Yang Ling and Mum.(1)Listen to the cartoon. Try to tick the picture.(2)The students listen and tick.(3)What clothes is Yang Ling trying on? All the students check the answer.(4)How does Mum praise Yang Lings clothes? Watch the cartoon again. And then tell your partner. (学习评价的语句: Its nice. / How nice. / Its great. / Great.)5、Listen to the tape, try to read the text(1) Read after the tape.(2)Read after the teacher.(3)Act out the dialogue. Practice in pairs. Go to the front and act the dialogue.Step4 Fun time1. Say a chant.Look, look, look at my T-shirt.Nice, nice, oh, its nice.(Change the special words, and make a new chant.)2. Play a game.Take out your new clothes, try it on and talk to your partner use the new sentences. Step5 Homework.1. Try to read the dialogue and try to recite the dialogue.2. Practice the clothes show.板书:Unit5 Look at me!Look at my T-shirt Its nice skirt How nice cap Its greatLook at me! Great教学建议:1、 尽量在教学过程中多表扬,多鼓励。对于刚学习英语的三年级学生来说,树立说的信心很重要,教师应多注意让胆小、怕开口的学生尽可能多地参与活动。2、 活动形式尽量多样化:同伴学习、小组回答、女孩男孩回答,激发学生的学习兴趣。3、 每一个教学环节都要有意义,有要求。4、 尽量在一节课中做到听、说、读、写兼顾。Unit 5 Look at me!Period 2教学准备:1、 人手一份衣物类图片,可以是单词,也可以是图。2、 Unit5中所有单词卡片。3、 两人一份Lily或Tom的图片。彩色卡纸若干。Step1. Warming1. Ask and answerT: Hello, look at my S: Its nice. / How nice./ Its great. / Great.2. Review the words and the sentences learned last lesson.T: In story time, you know Yang Ling is going to a fashion show. She tries on some nice clothes. What clothes does she try on?(Review the words: T-shirt skirt cap)T: What does Yang Ling say? What does Mum say?(Review the sentences.)3. Act the dialogue.Step2. Play a game1. Look at Yang Lings wardrobe. There are some other clothes in it. What else is in the wardrobe? Can you guess? Look!2. Learn the new word: jacket.3. Show all the new words in Unit 5 : a cap a jacket a skirt a T-shirt4. Magic eyes: show a part of the clothes, then the students guess.5. Play a game: Finding friends.(1) Take out the paper, read the words in group of four.(2) Listen to the orders and if you have it please stand up and read it loudly.Step3. Say a rhyme1. We all know Yang Ling has many nice clothes. Now, she is saying a rhyme. Lets listen to her.2. Listen to the rhyme.3. Try to read the rhyme by yourselves. If you have any questions, you may put up your hands and ask for some help.4. Learn the new words: new clothes they all look great 5. Listen again, try to follow it.6. Say the rhyme and action. (跟随教师做相应的动作,每组一句分组表演)7. Work in group.8. Act.Step4. Make clothes1. This is Lily. Shes not happy. She doesnt have nice clothes. She wants go to the fashion show, too. Now, lets try to make clothes for Lily. 逐步出示制作步骤(1)Cut down a (2)Draw some flowers.(3)Stick the skirt on the picture.Lily is happy. She has a nice skirt. She may say: 2Make clothes for Lily and Tom.两两合作,一人做上装,一人做下装。3. Talk about your clothes.Look at my Its nice. / How nice. / Its great. / Great.(根据学生制作情况,相应补充学习shorts)Step4. Homework1. Try to read the rhyme and recite it.2. Read the words five times.3. Try to make some clothes for yourself.板书:Unit5 Look at me!Look at my T-shirt Its nice skirt How nice cap Its greatLook at me! Great教学建议:1、 fun time中的制作衣服可以改为画,也可以改为拼装小熊。这样操作时更简便、省时。2、 可让学生提前制作衣服类单词的卡片,给衣服涂上颜色等,让学生在制作卡片的过程中预习即将学习的单词。Unit 5 Look at me!Period 3教学准备:1、 部分衣服图片。2、 头饰。3、 抄写本。Step1. Greeting and warming.T: (point at the clothes) Look at my S: Step2. Show the paper clothes.The students show the clothes and ask and answer.Step3. Cartoon time1. If you have nice clothes, you may say: Look at my If you want to praise the clothes, you may say: 2. Look, this is . Now, shes happy. But then shes unhappy. Do you know why? Lets listen to the cartoon.3. Learn the new word: new what colour 4. Read after the cartoon.5. Read together.6. Act out the cartoon.Step4. Letter time1. Play a game: Magic eyes, review the letter.2. Learn the new letters: Oo Pp Qq 3. Play a game: Say the letter one by one. 字母接龙4. Learn to write the letters.5. Write each a le
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