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2023年常用英语100句 常用英语100句 Greetings问候 1.Good morning/afternoon/evening! 2.Hi / Hello! 3.How do you do? 4.How are you? 5.Fine,thank you. Introducing 介绍 早上/下午/晚上好!你好! 您好! 你好吗? 很好,谢谢。 6.This is Mr Jones. 这位是琼斯先生。 琼斯先生,我想介绍您认识一下我的朋 7.Mr Jones,Id like you to meet my friend Zhang Wei. 友张伟。 请问您叫什么名字?8.May I know/have your name? 我叫张伟。9.My name is Zhang Wei /Im Zhang Wei. 我来自美国。10.Im from America./I come from America. Hosting 招待客人 11.Id like to invite you to a dinner party at XXX Hotel.我想请您在XXX大酒店吃饭 很高兴您能光临。12.Its a pleasure to have you here. 不要客气/请随便用。13.Make yourself at home/Help yourself,please. 祝您身体健康! 14.To your health! 15.I wish to propose a toast to our friendship and 我提议为我们的友谊与合作,干杯! cooperation.Cheers! Departing 道别 16.Goodbye/Bye. 17.See you tomorrow/again/later.18.I have to go now. 19.Can we get together later?20.Keep in touch. Time时间 再见。 明天见/再见/待会儿见。我必须走了。 我们以后还会再见吗?保持联系。 现在几点啦? 现在10点/10点15分。今天几号?今天星期几? 今天是5月15日/星期二。 今天天气怎么样啊? 天气真好,不是吗? 今天气温是多少度? 天晴/多云/下雨/下雪/有风。 我希望今天下午天会放晴。 张先生,请和我谈谈你的家庭吧。 你家有几口人? 他是做什么工作的? 我是一名销售经理。 我在一家大公司工作。 21.Can you tell me the time?22.Its ten oclock/ten fifteen.23.Whats the date today?24.What day is it today?25.Its May 15/Tuesday. Weather天气 26.How is the weather today? 27.Lovely day,isnt it? 28.Whats the temperatuer today? 29.Its fine/cloudy/ raining/snowing/windy.30.I hope itll clear up this afternoon. Family and Occupation家庭与职业 31.Tell me something about your family,Mr zhang.32.How many people are there in your family? 33.What is his job?/What is he? 34.Im a sales manager.35.I work in a big company. Making Plans 作安排 36.Do you have any plans for this weekend? 37.How long do you plan to stay in Weihai? 38.I plan to go to a concert. 39.I have no idea./Im otherwise engaged.40.Ill go to Beijing next Monday. Asking for Directions 问路 你这个周末有什么安排吗? 你打算在威海呆多久?我要去听一场音乐会。我不知道。/我另有安排。下周一我要去北京。 41.Excuse me,can you tell/show me the way to the bus 对不起请问到汽车站怎么走? station? 你可以坐公共汽车/坐出租车/步行去那里。 42.You can get there by bus/by taxi/on foot. 43.Go straight ahead to the traffic lights,then turn left.向前一直走到交通灯,然后向左转。 44.Please come with me,Im going in that direction.请跟我来,我也往那边走。 你不会走错的。45.You cant mi it. Shopping 购物 您要点什么? 46.Can/May I help you? 47.You need to go to the shoe department on the 您得上二楼的鞋靴部。 second floor. 我可以看一下这块手表吗?48.May I have a look at the watch? 这个卖多少钱? 49.How much is this? 我要了/我买下了。50.Ill take it.Seeing A Doctor 看病 51.Shall I take you to see a doctor? 52.Whats wrong with you,madam? 53.Im not feeling well. 54.First I need to take your temperature. 55.How often do I take the medicine,Doctor? Taking A Bus 乘车 要我带你去看医生吗? 夫人,哪儿不舒服? 我感觉不好。 我得先给您量个体温。 隔多长时间服一次药,大夫? 您要去哪儿?56.Where are you going? 57.Please take Bus No.6,and get off at the fifth stop.请乘6路公交车,在第五站下。 下一站是哪儿?58.Whats the next stop? 我要在10:30之前赶到威海市政府,你59.Ive got to be at the municipal government 能赶到吗? of Weihai by 10:30.Can you make it? 车费多少?60.How much is the fare? Asking for Help and Answering 请求和给予帮助 61.Can I help you (with something) ?/What can I do for you? 我能帮你做些什么吗? 劳驾,你能帮我一个忙吗?62.Excuse me,could you do me a favor? 我尽力而为。 63.I will do what I can. 乐意为您效劳。 64.Its my pleasure. 65.If theres anything I can help you with, please let me know.如有什么我能帮上忙的,请告诉我。 Expreing Approval and Disapproval 表示赞成与反对 是,没错。 66.Yes, thats right. 我同意你的意见。 67.I agree with you. 我就是这么认为的。 68.Thats exactly what I think. 恐怕在这点上我不能同意你的意见。 69.Im afraid I cant agree with you there. 呃,那个我不太肯定。也许 70.Well, Im not sure about that, perhaps. Suggesting 提出建议 你该去看医生。71.You should go to see a doctor. 你最好明天给他打个电话。 72.Youd better call him tomorrow. 73.Maybe you can ask her for help.74.Why not go by train? 75.If I were you, Id go back at once. Calling 打电话 也许你可以请她帮忙。 你为什么不坐火车去呢? 我是你的话,我就马上回 喂,我是苏宁。 可以跟约翰逊先生通话吗? 请稍候。 我一直在等您的电话。 他不在。您要不要留下口信? 76.Hello, this is Su Ning speaking. 77.Id like to speak to Mr Johnson, please.78.Please hold on. 79.Ive been expecting your call. 80.He isnt in.Would you like to leave a meage? Likes and Dislikes 询问意见与喜好 81.How do you like/What do you think of Chinese 你觉得中国饭菜怎么样? food? Chinese food? 你喜欢喝点什么,茶还是咖啡? 82.Which do you prefer,tea or coffee? 你觉得这部电影怎么样? 83.What do you think of the film? 与肉相比,我更喜欢吃蔬菜。 84.I like vegetables better than meat. 我不喜欢下雨天。 85.I dont like rainy days. Congratulating and Complimenting 祝贺与夸奖
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