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大学英语3网络自主学习单元测试2试卷编号: Quiz2考试时间: 80 分钟满分: 100 分注意事项考试内容:新视野读写教程unit3&4Part 1 Multiple Choice (Each item: 1) Directions:Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.1.Can you give me a (an) _ of how much it will cost to take the journey?A. assessmentB. evaluationC. admissionD. estimate2.Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, education is one of the most _ areas in Japanese life.A. sophisticatedB. competitiveC. considerateD. superficial3.He badly _ his back digging in the public garden on Childrens Day.A. stretchedB. exertedC. pulledD. strained4.His plan sounds _, so youd better carry out.A. feasibleB. uselessC. worthyD. weak5.When we shook hands I was conscious of his firm _ .A. fistB. handholdC. styleD. grip6.As a defense against air-pollution damage, many plants and animals _ a substance to absorb harmful chemicals.A. avoidB. employC. dismissD. discard7.After a short holiday, he _ himself once more to his studies.A. appliedB. convertedC. engagedD. exerted8.It is a joy to hear _ apologies that are from the bottom of ones heart.A. realB. trueC. sincereD. realistic9.Drinking alcohol can _ your ability to drive properly.A. effectB. affectC. removeD. avoid10.The purpose of the seminar is to train some of the employees to work _ in the branch offices abroad.A. laterB. lateC. latelyD. latest11.As the door to China is open, Western ideas and _ come in.A. moralB. valuableC. moralsD. value12.Climate and weather affect every _ of our lives.A. factorB. respectC. aspectD. consideration13.The East and the West can work together for their _ benefit and progress.A. commonB. mutualC. sameD. together14.English is the necessary foreign language in our schools _.A. classB. courseC. lessonD. curriculum15.It might be _ to give your attitude towards study a second thought.A. worthB. worthyC. worthwhileD. worthily16.Over half of the population of the country _ in traditional sports.A. takesB. practicesC. goes forD. participates17.She isnt beautiful. But she is _ pretty.A. kind ofB. a kind ofC. of a kindD. a sort of18.We must _ a better way to save money if we are to buy a new house.A. work outB. work atC. work byD. work for19.If he had been more careful with the details, his plan would not have _.A. fallen offB. fallen throughC. fallen awayD. fallen over20.In a time of social reform, peoples state of mind tends to keep _ with the rapid changes of society.A. stepB. progressC. paceD. touch21.Remember that customers dont _ about prices in that city.A. disagreeB. payC. consultD. bargain22.Our journey was slow because the train stopped _ at different villages.A. continuallyB. continuouslyC. graduallyD. unceasingly23.This crop does not do well in soils _ the one for which it has been specially developed.A. further thanB. other thanC. beyondD. rather than24.The singer was certainly loud. But I wasnt bothered by his loudness _ by his lack of talent.A. thanB. so much asC. asD. more than25.Well visit Europe next year _ we have enough money.A. providedB. untilC. butD. unless26.In the 1700s North American colonists proclaimed their wealth and social _ by wearing elaborate clothing.A. responsibilityB. eventsC. organizationD. status27.A _ to this problem is expected to be found before long.A. solutionB. settlementC. responseD. result28.A good deal of the _ for their success must go to John Francis, the captain.A. reputationB. respectC. creditD. fame29.This rapid growth has been achieved by a _ handful of people.A. simpleB. scarceC. slightD. bare30.I like my teacher, but feel no _ for her.A. affectionB. likeC. feelingD. motion31.The grandfather _ all the members of the family for the annual picnic.A. putB. assembledC. collectedD. had32.Many old readers do not like the modern _ of The Hol
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