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Go for it! (七年级下册)Unit3 Period One 教学设计Unit3 why do you like koalas?教学设计思想 本课以唱动物名称歌曲引入,首先让学生通过游戏中的练习,尽快熟悉各种动物的英文名称。通过听力引入本课的重点句型,即询问喜欢何种动物及其原因。然后让学生挑选自己最喜欢的一种动物进行对话练习。最后让学生在小组内做调查。寓教于乐,一举多得。 教学中运用任务型语言教学模式,培养学生对语言的综合运用能力。 课堂上以学生为主体,以任务为主线,重视体验参与,体现“以生为本”的现代教育教学理念。教学突出交际性,注重听说读写的实用性,促进语言综合运用能力的提高。重视个体差异,倡导过程激励,以多层次,多角度,多主体的结果与过程并重的评价方式激励进步。教学目标1.掌握下列单词 有关动物的名词:tiger,elephant,koala,dolphin,panda ,lion, penguin,giraffe.有关品质的形容词:cute ,smart, shy ,ugly ,clever,beautiful, friendly ,quiet,lazy.其他词类:zoo,box,map,animal,kind of .2.掌握下列句型Why do you like pandas?Because they are very cute.语言能力目标使学生熟练谈论自己喜爱的动物并给出理由。III.情感目标1.通过学习要培养学生自觉保护动物的意识。2.通过学习可以使学生更加热爱生活,热爱父母,热爱朋友,热爱自然。3.3.能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助。教学重点难点1.重点掌握动物单词的表达法,及谈论自己最喜欢的动物的表达法。掌握动物特点的形容词,并能谈论喜欢某一种动物的原因。2.难点表达动物的的意义和读音。如何用所学句型进行综合运用。任务特点1、学生学会如何谈论自己所喜欢的动物及原因,具有实际交际能力,符合中学生交往的原则, 3、了解父母朋友同学的各种爱好,更能激发学生的友谊、亲情,更多地去关心身边每一个人。教学步骤:Step One : Warming up1.Enjoy a song: Animals in the Zoo.2. T: Where are the animals in the song? Ss: They are in the zoo. T: What animals do you know in the song?Ss:Elephant, tiger, giraffe, panda, monkeyT: Now lets go to the zoo and see the animals,ok?Ss:Ok.Lets go.通过播放有关动物的歌曲引起学生的兴趣,把学生引入英语学习的气氛中Step Two : New words1. Show parts of animals bodies by slide show, let students guess what animals they are.Learn the new words.2. Practice the new words by matching the words with the animals.(通过匹配练习,巩固已学的动物名称)3. Then check the answers.Step Three: Do you know the animals well? Let students classify different kinds of animals by finishing the chart. The names of the animalsAnimals that can live on landAnimals that can live in waterLet students work in groups, and write down the animals they know.Step Four: New drills1. listening parcice2. Teach the words: cute, clever,smart.3. Present the dialogue:T: Do you like lions?S: Yes,I do. T: Why do you like lions?S: Because they are cute.4. Let students work in pairs according to the Sample conversation.Step Five: Summary (Chant) A Chant Tiger, elephant, koala Dolphin,panda, lion. Penguin and graffe.Step Six: Homework. Make a survey: what animals do your groupmates want to see?Ask groupmates what animals they want to see in a zoo, fill in the chart as below:NameFavorite animalsWhyLucypandascute and friendlyPresentation: show their pair work Report:Lucy wants to see pandas. Because pandas are very cute and friendly 课堂教学过程结构流程 教师教的过程任务呈现图片及单词引导 监督 组织联系分析评价 知识拓展 搜索资料师生合作巩固新知识 1c执行任务猜测游戏 1a 学 生 学的过程任务报告 1b主动学习操练运用2a 2b
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