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Acrel安科瑞电气江阴安科瑞电器制造有限公司总 部:上海安科瑞电气有限公司 服务热线:800-8206632网 址:http :/xivww t a crel+cn地址:江苏省江阴市南闸镇东盟园区东盟路5号 电 话:0510-86179966 86179967传 真:0510-86179975 邮编:214405E-mail: iy-acreK)01 vip. 163.com2008.05版www.acrel.cn立Acre广安科瑞电气创新高效团结诚信电量传感器选型手册江阴安科瑞电器制造有限公司 JIANGYIN ACREL CO丄TD简介BRIEF INTRlIDUCTIONBD系列电力变送器江阴安科瑞电器制造有限公司座落于江苏江阴市南闸东盟工 业园区,东临锡澄及沿江高速.交通便捷,是上海安科瑞电傀有限 公司控股公司。公司为上海安科瑞电气有限公司的生产基地,同时也有自主 产品,主要有电传感器.温湿度控制器、户内髙压带电显示器、 温度遛检仪、电液互燕器过电压保护麗等。其中电量传離第包括 AKH-0.66S列电流互感器.BA系列电流传感器、列模拟信 号变送88、BD聚列电力变送器。产品已广迂应用于冶金、石化、 电力自动化、連筑、水利等行业.并于电气成套一起出口国外.产 生了敦大的社会和经济效益。公司现有员工200多人,其中大专以上科技人员占61%( JR利 通过了 IS09001认证体系。公司还设有专门的技术研发中心,具有 支髙素质的产品研发队伍。在同行业中.率先引进无铅工艺,使 产品品质有了质的飞跌,大大提高产品竞争力,同时也为安科瑞产 品顺利进军欧美发达国家市场提供了条件。公司以“立足中国,放眼世界.诚做一淹智能配电供应商 为目标、本着11为客户创造价值*的经营理念,与社会各界朋友真 诚合作.共同发展!AKH-0.66系列电流互溜器Series current transformerBA系列交流电流传感器 Series AC current transmitterBBM系列模拟号变送器Series BM analog signal transmittersSeries BD electric transmittersJiangyln acrel Co. Ltd. is located in the Dongmen industrial park of Jiangyin city, Jiangsu proviiice, facing Xicheng and river side freeway in the east, with th advantage of fairly convenient traffic. This is one of Shanghai acrel Co. Ltd s holding companies.As Shanghai acrel Co. Ltd s product!on base, it also has its cwi products such as Power energy transducer, temperature & humidity controller. Indoor high voltage electrified display, temperature tester circular, current tansformer, over voltage protective device etc. The Power energy t3nsducers include: AKH-0.66 Series current transformer. BA Series current transmitters. BM Series analog signals transmitters. BD Series electric transmitters .and these products have been selecting to export abroad along with electrical complete equipment producing large social efficiency and ecorKimic ben efit.This company has a workforce over 200, the technical personnel with educational background above Junior college is over 61 %. of the entire personnel. This company passed the certification of ISO 9001 Quality Management System with success. This company has its separate technical research and development center with high quality technical developing team .In the same trade, this company firstly Introduce leadless technology to upgrade product quality and the marketing competitive power, and provide advantage helping AcrelR s products landing EU and America market smoothly.This company is taking To stay firmly roo怕d in China while looking ahead to the world. to be th first-class supplier of in怕lligent products in power substation & power distribution “ targets based on the business concept of Creating value for customer1* f g亠 operating with all walks of lite friends hon estly to promote comm on developme nt!AcrefAKH-O.66系歹ij电沛互感器 Series current transformer1. AKH-0.6列电流互感器#伯概述General#1.2技术指标Technical data43选型说明AKHO&6系列电潦互感器夕卜壳釆用阻燃、耐沒140龙的进口聚 碳醴脂压注成形,铁芯采用取向冷轧硅钢带卷绕而成,二次导线采 用离强度电硝漆包线,产品结构新轨 造型美观,安装方便,体积小, 质轻,准确度高,容童大。产品符合国际GB1208-2006Q.测 *CT-次电流5-6300A 二次电流 5AJA,0.1A,0.05A 保护 CT 一次电潦200 6300A 二次电 5A,1Aa0JA,0.O5A 剩余CT次电流05A,二次输出电压付或电流2mA,20mA 双绕组CT一次电流56S00A,二次电流5A、20mA,1A. 20mA额定工作电EAC0.66kV(等效AC069kW GB156-2003) 额定频率50-60HZ环境温度30C70C最高耐温120-C海拔高度 3000m工旗耐压3000V/1 min 50Hz用于没有雨雪直接侵袭,无严產污染最剧烈震动的场所Explanation for selection根据一次电流及母经截面等駆数选择对应的规格产品。一次导经 穿越互感器窗孔。打开胡盖,通过压线片进行二次接线二次接 线引出后逊盖复位Q计:电廃可宜接利用翻盖小孔加封铅印,以 防窃电。AKH-0.66 Series current transformer have features of novel construction. aesthetic design, easily instailing 3 smaller volume, lighter weight, high precision, higher capacity, its housing is formed by press mould with export flame retarding polycarbonate of heat resisting 140, rts core adopt quality silicone steel belt, its secondary wire adopt high strength enamel insulated wire.This product meets the requirements of GB12D8-2006 Primary currents-6300Aseand current SAJAJA.O 05A Protection CT primary current 200-6300A, secondary current 5A, 1A,0,1A0.05AZero sequence CT primary current 05A. secondary output voltage 1V or current 2mAt20mADual-winding CT primary current 5-6300A, secondary current 5A 20mA, 1 A. 20mA Rated operational voltageAC0.66kV Rated frequency 50-60Hz Ambient air temperature -30C *70*C max. heat resist 120TC Height above sea level3000m Power frequency withstand voltage 3000V/1mm 50Hw Used In place without direct rain and snow, without severe pollution and acute shockThe selection of specification product is based on related parameters such as primary current, bus seetkn etc. Primary wire passes through window of transformer. Opening the flip cover, connecting seco nd 且 ry wire by lug
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