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2022年考博英语-西南林业大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题Although the study of animal communication has played a vital role in our understanding of human communication ever since the dawn of time, recent research in this area has revealed a number of striking similarities between animal and human communication. Researchers have discovered that animals 1 with humans a number of characteristics, including 2 associated with attraction and mating, territoriality, familiar ties, division of labor, and a number of other traits that we once 3 were uniquely “4”.For example, the 5 between squirrel monkey mothers and infants is not unlike that of human. When infants are separate from their mothers, they emit loud, easily 6, and individually recognizable sounds. 7, the mother can find her child and 8 its needs. 9, mother squirrel monkeys have their own form of “motherese ”, or adult speech that is 10 in order to communicate with their infants.问题1选项A.resembleB.shareC.contrastD.differ问题2选项A.whatB.thatC.thoseD.ones问题3选项A.assumedB.guessedC.justifiedD.reasoned问题4选项A.animalsB.humaneC.humanityD.human问题5选项A.bondB.tiesC.affectionD.joint问题6选项A.simulatedB.locatedC.situatedD.detected问题7选项A.In this wayB.ThusC.Because of thisD.Therefore问题8选项A.supplyB.helpC.getD.serve问题9选项A.ConverselyB.LikelyC.LikewiseD.Comparatively问题10选项A.alteredB.modifiedC.revisedD.adapted【答案】第1题:B第2题:C第3题:A第4题:D第5题:A第6题:B第7题:A第8题:A第9题:C第10题:D【解析】1.考查动词词义辨析。A选项 resemble“ 类似”;B选项 share“共用”;C选项contrast“对比;对照;显出明显的差异”;D选项differ“不同”。句意:人类交流研究人员发现,动物和人类有许多共同的特征。这里是说动物和人类有许多共同的特征,由此可知B选项正确。2.考查非限定性定语从句。A选项 “what”以及B选项 “that”不能引导非限定制性定语从句,故排除A,B选项。选项D “ones” 只能作为代词,不能引导非限定性定语从句,故排除。因此选项C为正确答案。3.考查上下文语义辨析。A选项assumed“假设;(承担)责任”;B选项 guessed “猜想”;C选项justified“调整;证明正当”;D选项reasoned“说服”。上文说到研究者对动物交流的研究就在我们理解人类交流方面起着至关重要的作用,可推测此处应填研究者的推论,B选项guess指的是毫无根据仅凭个人主观臆断,可排除,由此可知A选项正确。4.考查名词词义辨析。A选项 animals “动物,动物世界;牲畜”;B选项 humane “仁慈的,人道的;高尚的”;C选项 humanity“人道;仁慈;人文学科”;D选项 human“人类”。中文翻译为:我们猜想我们是独一无二的人类,判断出此处D选项正确。5.考查名词词义辨析。A选项 bond“纽带”;B选项ties “结”;C选项 affection “喜爱,感情;影响;感染”;D选项 joint“关节;接缝”。句意:松鼠猴的母亲和婴儿之间的纽带就像人类一样。判断出A项正确。6.考查形容词词义辨析。A选项 simulated“ 模拟的;模仿的;仿造的”;B选项 located“ 处于,位于;坐落的”;C选项 situated“位于的;处于境遇的”;D选项 detected“检测到的”。根据下文,the mother can find her child(妈妈能找到她的孩子)。可知B选项正确。7.考查连词。A选项 In this way“这样;用这种方法”;B选项 Thus “因此;从而;这样;如此”;C选项 Because of this“因为这个”;D选项 Therefore“因此”。由上文“当婴儿与母亲分开时,他们会发出响亮的、容易定位的、单独可识别的声音”的这种方式,可推测A选项正确。8.考查动词词义。A选项 supply“供给,提供;补充”;B选项help“帮助”;C选项get “使得;获得;受到;变成”;D选项serve“ 招待,供应”。根据find“找到”以及后文its needs “它的需要”, D选项“serve”所提供的服务是虚拟的,A选项“supply”所提供的服务是现实的,可知A选项正确。9.考查副词词义辨析。A选项 Conversely“相反地”;B选项Likely“很可能;或许”;C选项Likewise“同样地;也”;D选项Comparatively“比较地;相当地”。联系下文mother squirrel monkeys have their own form of “motherese”.(松鼠猴妈妈有自己的妈妈语),可知C项正确。10.考查动词词义辨析。A选项 altered“改变,改动,修改”;B选项 modified“修改;更改”;C选项 revised“修改;校订;复习”;D选项adapted“ 使适应,改编”。根据上文mother squirrel monkeys have their own form of “motherese ”(松鼠猴妈妈也有自己的妈妈语),下文in order to communicate with their infants.(以便与婴儿交流),B选项modified强调细小的变化,常含“缓和”的意味,可排除,D选项adapted(适应,改编)符合题意,D选项正确。2. 单选题Susan Teller traveled and lectured throughout the country to _ education and professional skills so that women could enter the public world.问题1选项A.advocateB.acquireC.proclaimD.prosecute【答案】C【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项 advocate “提倡,拥护;为辩护”;B选项 acquire “获得;取得;学到;捕获”;C选项 proclaim “宣告,公布;声明;表明;赞扬”;D选项 prosecute “检举;贯彻;从事;依法进行;起诉;告发;做检察官”。句意:苏珊泰勒在全国各地旅行和演讲,宣扬教育和专业技能,使妇女能够进入公共世界。根据句意,C选项正确。3. 单选题Are we going to see an end to the Arab-Israeli disagreement?问题1选项A.disasterB.controversyC.confrontationD.aggression【答案】C【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项 disaster“灾难;灾祸;不幸”;B选项controversy “辩论”;C选项confrontation“对抗;对峙”;D选项 aggression“侵略;侵犯;侵害”。句意:我们会看到阿拉伯和以色列的分歧结束吗。A选项 disaster(灾难)不能形容两个国家的分歧。B选项controversy(辩论),可以排除。D选项aggression(侵犯),这里并没有体现两个国家的侵略。C选项confrontation(对峙)最符合题意,由此得知C选项正确。4. 单选题In a sense, the new protectionism is not protectionism at all, at least not in the traditional sense of the term. The old protectionism referred only to trade restricting and trade expanding devices, such as the tariff or export subsidy. The new protectionism is much broader than this: it includes interventions into foreign trade but is not limited to them. The new protectionism, in fact, refers to how the whole of government intervention into the private economy affects international trade. The emphasis on trade is still there, thus came the term “protection.” But what is new is the realization that virtually all government activities can affect international economic relations.The emergence of the new protectionism in the Western world reflects the victory of the interventionist, or welfare economy over the marke
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