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Teaching Design for writing from reading年级高二学科英语教师陈桃艳课程名称Writing from reading学时1具体学习内容Unit 1 Living well Reading; Martys story课 型writing学习内容分析本节课是按照新大纲,高考的要求和根据学生的实际水平设计的,有针对性的引导学生在写作中更好的切合要求,形成规范,有助于教师与学生今后更好的开展备考的工作与学习。以刚学的课文入手,旨在让学生初步形成规范。课前让学生概括文章大意,思考相关的生活经验。课中对学生进行详细指导,让他们明确如何发表个人见解,如何衔接成文。课后设计了相关的练习,让学生巩固写作本类型文章。学习者分析1.学生已积累了一定的基础知识和写作经验,但是作为普通高中学校的学生,他们的基础不够扎实。2.学生对各类别的写作尤其是读写任务这一题型还不是很熟悉,有待形成规范。3.高二学生还不大会整理写作信息。教学目标知识与技能:1. 学习和掌握发表意见的常用表达。2. 初步学习整理信息。能力目标:1. 把握对读写任务的写作结构,从而形成规范。2. 在写作中能正确运用所学词汇与句型表达写作材料。情感目标:通过自主学习和小组讨论,培养学生自主学习和合作学习,培养合作、交流与分享的良好习惯教学重点学会读写任务的写作结构;整理写作信息教学难点避免中文式的表达。教学方法Task-based teaching and learning; co-operative learning; 教学媒体The multi-media and blackboard教学流程教学环节和内容活动目标Task 1:Revision1. Check the homework.2. Guide the students how to write a summary. 3. Give them a possible version. Marty, a boy with a rare muscle disease, is fairly positive, psychologically strong and independent. He suggests the non-disabled accept the disabled and encourage them to live a rich and full life.促进学生自主学习与合作学习,加深文章了解,为课堂学习扫除概括部分的障碍。Task 2: Writing-guidance.Discussions1. What did you learn from Marty?Possible answers : o 1. We should be optimistic about life.o 2. We shouldnt feel sorry for them. o 3. We should help them in a clever way.o 4. We should encourage them when they feel down. o 5. Just having a disability doesnt mean your life is not satisfying. o 6. Everyone can live well even if he has a disability.2. What qualities make the disabled successful?optimistic 乐观的strong-willed 意志坚强的determined 有决心的 perseverant 有毅力的challenging 具有挑战性的live a meaning life 过有意义的生活II.写作内容:1. 以约30个词概括Martys story 的内容2.然后以120个词就“live optimistically”这一话题谈谈你的看法,内容包括:(1) 他的故事给你的启示。(2) 用自己或者他人的经历论证这一启示。III. Analysis1.style(议论文)2. organization3.tense4.personIV. Guidance about Transitional sentences1. 发表观点的短语表达。in my opinion, as far as I am concerned, as for me,from where I stand, for my part, personally I think2. 引出例子的表达。This reminds me of 这使我想起了 Something similar happened to someone, as well.某人也有类似经历。When it comes to, I cant help thinking of 说到,我禁不住想起了III. Writing.IV. Post-class assignment1. Share their compositions with their partners and help each other to find out the mistakes and give some suggestions to each other. 2.Finish the composition.了解概括故事类文章的特点及常用的表达。整体把握就事论事的文章结构。引导学生组合信息,应用所学的结构和表达来写作明确读写任务的结构。形成一篇完整的文章。明确作文的评分标准。巩固所学内容Self-assessmentsSs learn how to grade from the chart access themselves.让学生反思本节课的收获和有待改进之处。教学反思学生学习教师教学
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