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冀教版八年级英语上Unit1-Unit3词组Lesson 11.a pair of. 一对、一双、一副. 2.summer holiday暑假3.between.and.在.和.之间 4.talk about sb/sth谈论某人、某事5.talk to/with sb和某人交谈 6.on Wednesday在星期三7.be back home回家 8.be back to school返校9.arrive in/at 到达 10.live with sb 和某人居住Lesson21.think about/of 想到 2.look like 看起来像3.on a piece of paper 在一张纸上4.be glad/happy to do sth 高兴做某事5.it's fun to do sth 做某事是愉快的事情6.a picture of 一张.的照片 7.take photos/pictures照相8.would like to do sth 想做某事 9.wish to do sth 希望做10.wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事11.in the same class 在同一个班Lesson 31.want sb to do sth 想让某人做某事2.go for a walk= go for walks 散步 3. get out of bed=get up 起床 4.write down 写下(注意 如果副词作宾语只能放在writ 和down 之间)5.have an English class 上英语课6.play the piano/violin 弹钢琴、拉小提琴7.to one's surprise 使某人惊奇的是8.one more= another 另一个 (注意 数词+ more = another + 数词) 9.the same as 与.相同Lesson 41. on the weekend= on weekends 在周末2. all year round 整年 3.something different 不同的东西4.in winter 在冬季5. be made of 由.制成(能看出原材料)be made from (看不出原材料)6.come from 来自于 7.on a school day 在学校的一天8.a shop assistant 商店营业员 9.a clothing shop 服装店Lesson 51.a pair of runners 一双跑鞋2.not.anymore = no more 不再 3.say to sb= tell sb 对某人说4.get / bring /take out sth 取出某物5.the next day 第二天 6.look silly 看起来可笑7.laugh at sb 嘲笑某人 8.go home 回家Lesson 61.in front of 在.前面 2.be ready to do sth 准备做某事3.be ready for sth 为某事做准备4.introduce sb to sb 把某人介绍给. 5.someone special 特别的人 6.be/get married 结婚7.loud people 吵闹的人8.a very good singer 一个不错的歌手9.walk to school 步行上学 10.Don't be nervous 别紧张11.one of the teachers 其中的一个老师 12.a group of 一组Lesson 71.after school 放学后 2.one .the other. 一个.另一个(两者)3.buy sb sth=buy sth for sb 给某人买某物4.a pair of jeans 一条牛仔裤 5.shop for clothes 买衣服6.on Monday 在星期一7.a girl named/called Mary 一个叫Mary 的女孩8.have lunch 吃午饭 9.invite sb to sp 邀请某人去某地10.invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事11.go to the movies 去看电影 12.next Sunday 下个星期天13.write to sb =write a letter to sb 给某人写信14.tell a funny story 讲一个有趣的故事15.tell sb about sth 告诉某人关于某事Lesson 81.twin brothers 双胞胎兄弟 2.each other 相互3.all students of Class One 一班的全体同学4.have gone to sp 去了某地 5.have been to sp 曾去过某地6.time flies 时光飞逝 7.a pair of white runners 一双白运动鞋8.every morning 每天早晨 9.marry sb 嫁给某人10.a yellow cotton shirt 黄色棉衬衫11.be scared to do sth 害怕做某事 12.at the same time 同时13.teach us English 教我们英语14.Each of us is different 我们每个人不同Unit 2 词组Lesson 91.show sb sth = show sth to sb 把某物出示给某人看(注意:如果直接宾语和间接宾语都是人称代词只能用 show sth to sb. eg. Please show them to me .)2.some of your paitings 你的一些图画3.be good at = do well in 擅长. (后接名词、代词或V-ing)4.need to do sth 需要做某事 (其主语通常是人)5.need sb/sth to do 需要某人或某物做某事6.have art 上美术课 7.one of my favourites 我最喜欢的其中之一8.in two minutes 两分钟之后 (多用于将来时)9.hurry up = be quick = come on 赶快10.be late for late to have a class 上课迟到11.See you later.回头见需要区别:sometime 未来的某个时间 (多用于将来时,用when 提问)sometimes 有时 (用于一般现在时,用how often 提问)some time 一段时间 (用how long 提问)some times 几次 (用how many times 提问)举例:(1).He will go to France sometime if is posiible.某个时候如果可能的话,他将去法国。(2).He sometimes goes to work by bike.他有时骑车上班。(3).It took me some time to solve this problem.解决这个问题花了我一些时间。(4).He have been to France some times.他到法国许多次了。Lesson 101.a lot of homework 许多家庭作业(注意:a lot of = lots of 即可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词。修饰可数名词相当于many,修饰不可数名词相当于much.)2.make sb do sth 使某人做某事(注意:make + 宾语 +宾补 。宾补一般为 不带to 的动词不定式或形容词。)3.physical education 体育 4.see sb do sth 看见某人做某事 see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事 (注意:感官动词如果和often ,sometimes,usually 等词连用,宾补用动词原形)5.write to sb = write a letter to sb 给某人写信6.be short for 是.的简称 例:TV is short for television.=We call television TV for short.7.The best way to learn English is to use it. 学英语最好的方法是运用它。8.help sb (to) do sth= help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事9.have a math exam 进行数学考试10some good advice 一些好的建议11.too much homework 太多的家庭作业 12.study together 一块学习Lesson 111.in the hall 在大厅里 2.at noon 中午3.learn more about 了解更多的关于.4.do ones homework 做家庭作业5.read books 看书6.turn out the light= turn off the light 关灯7.Its time for Its time to have class 是上课的时间了8.stop doing sth 停止做某事stop to do sth 停下来做另一件事情9.in the gym 在体育馆Lesson 121 . a quarter to three 两点四十五a quarter past three 三点一刻half past three= three thirty 三点半2.play games 玩游戏 3.begin class 开始上课4.get home 到家5.如何询问时刻: What time is it?= Whats the time?Lesson 131.on time 准时 2.make a mistake 犯错3.work on 从事. 致力于. 4.half an hour late 迟到半小时5.in the library 在图书馆 6.No noise 不要喧哗7.be quiet 安静 8.rows of books 一排排的书9.on the shelves 在书架上 10.run into 跑进11.look in 向里看 12.see you tomorrow.明天见Lesson 141.know about 了解 2.social studies 社会科学3.different countries of the world 世界的不同国家4.the Spring Festival 春节5. Childrens Day 儿童节Motherss Day 母亲节Father s Day 父亲
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