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广西崇左市江州区民族中学七年级英语下册 unit1 Can you play the guitar Section (2a-self check)导学案(无答案)(新版)人教新目标版一、学习目标:1、情感、态度、价值观目标:通过加入各种各样的活动,增加自己的实践机会, 进一步展示自己的多种能力。2、能力目标:学会写作各种海报。3、知识目标:学习广告和海报的写作方法。二、重点:能够用 Can 制作招聘或应聘广告。三、难点:掌握阅读短文中出现的词组:help .with.be good at. be good with等几个。四、预习案:-不看不讲一填一填 1.在某方面帮助某人 2。交朋友 3。在周末 4。繁忙的 5. 给某人打电话 6。做游戏 二根据提示,完成这份广告,首字母已给出。 Welcome to our Sport Center Do you like s ? We have many c ,for example: the v club,the b club,the p club,the tennis club,the f club,the s club anb so on. Come anb join us soon!五、探究案:-不议不讲活动一一仔细阅读课本2a的文章,小组讨论,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。 ( )1.Peter likes playing 2a的文章basketball and volleyball.( ) 2。Ma Huan cant play ping-pong.( ) 3。Ma Huan likes to play games with people.( ) 4。Alan can sing and dance.( ) 5。Thay all cant play chess.二.选出两到三个学生分别大声朗读2a的文章。活动二1.讨论完成课本2b,2c的练习。 2.教师教读2b的三则广告。 3.小组讨论,找出三个短文中不理解的句子或词组,大家一起克服。 4. 选出几个学生朗读 短文 。 ( 学生展示环节) 5. 讨论完成课本3a。(注意理解单词musician)六、 巩固案:-不练不讲 1。讨论完成课本Self Check的第1,2,3题。 2。用所给词的正确形式填空 (1)。There are two (piano)in the music club in our school. (2). He is good at (swim). (3). He can (play)the drums. (4).Can he play the guitar (good)? (5).You can help me (speak) English every day. (6).We want two good (music)for our rock band.(摇 滚乐队)。七、 课后记:知识超市一We need you to help with sports for English- speaking students.Help sb. With sth.意为“在。方面帮助某人”,with是介词,后面要跟名词或动名词。相当于 Help sb. (to) do sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”请完成下列题目:1. 你能帮我学英语吗? 2. I often help him do his homework.(同义句) 二 Are you good with old people?Be good with 意为“与。相处得好,与。合得来”相当于 get on well with 。 be good at意为“擅长做某事”。Be good for 意为“对。有益处”。 be good to 意为“对某人友好”。请完成下列题目:1. 他与孩子们很合得来。He is very children.2. 他擅长拉小提琴。He the violin.3. My teacher is good us all.(用介词填)
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