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Unit five Doctors and Managers can learn from each other一 Background information1. Manager:Anyone who uses management skills in their work.2. Management in all business areas and organizational activities are the acts of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources, and natural resources.Health administration or healthcare administration is the field relating to leadership, management, and administration of hospitals, hospital networks, and health care systems. Health care administrators are considered health care professionals.The discipline is known by many names, including health management(健康管理;卫生管理), healthcare management(卫生保健管理), health systems management(卫生系统管理), health care systems management, and medical and health services management二、 text analysis1. open up 打开;开发;开始;展示,揭发 The bullet wound in his shoulder was opened up for treatment.切开她肩上的枪伤进行治疗。They are opening up a new oil field.她们正在开发新的油田。The chance meeting with the president opened up new possibilities for him.与总统邂逅提供应她新的机会。The story of the hero opened up a new world to me. 这位英雄的事迹使我大开眼界。2. Resource资源,财力;措施;智谋(物质财富、精神资源)source来源,来源=originnatural resources 自然资源 Human Resource人力资源 financial s.inner resources 内在力量;精神财富 a man of great resource 足智多谋的人innovation is a source of wealth source of strength.milk is rich in calcium, which is the best source of calcium. 牛奶中具有丰富的钙,是人类最佳的钙源之一3. Privilege:He enjoys diplomatic privilege. 她享有外交特权Education is a right not a privilege. 教育是一项权利而不是特权。That is your privilege, and your burden. 你们的优势就是你们的责任Life is a gift and privilege, one we should appreciate every day of our lives. 生命是一件礼物和一种特权,我们每天都应当爱惜我们的生命。 4. inhabit: Wild notions inhabit his mind. 她的脑子里有些怪念头。 5. Alongside: 介词 prep. 1.在旁边;沿着的边 There was a restaurant alongside our university. 2.(表达比较)与放在一起比较 Put this cloth alongside real silk, and you will at once see the difference.把这块料子同真丝放在一起比较, 你就会立即看出差别。3.与一起;与同步 Its a pleasure to work alongside such men. 与这样的人一起工作是一件乐事。6. commit1. 犯罪;做错事 commit suicide/mistake/crime2. 判处(徒刑等The judge committed him to prison. 法官判她入狱。3. to say that someone will definitely do something or must do something词块 commit somebody to something 给某事保证某人例句 My agent has already tted me to an appearance.词块 commit sb. to doing sth. 某人承当做某事例句 the contracts commits him to playing for the team for the three years.Commit to using environmentally safe products in the workplace. 承诺在工作场合使用环保安全的产品。 4. to decide to use money, time, people etc for a particular purpose指定用于;调拨,调配供使用:词块 commit sth. to sth. 拨出供使用例句 A large amount of money has been ted to this project.Committed: 承当义务的7. overwhelming: Floods overwhelm streets in NE ChinaA resident waits for a bus on a flooded street in Shenyang, Liaoning province August 5, . Officials in Chinas flood prevention headquarters said the floods this year, which killed hundreds, will not be as damaging as the one in 1998. Vehicles pass through a flooded street in Shenyang A man carries his son across a flooded street in Shenyang,Floods affect more than 6 million people in NE China。Floods have left 85 people dead and 67 others missing in Northeast Chinas Jilin province since June, when the flood season began, In spite of the overwhelming evidence, he refused to admit his guilt. 尽管铁证如山,她却拒不认罪。 Overwhelming evidence has shown that these things contribute to healthier and longer lives. 大量可靠的证据证明这些有助于健康和延长寿命。 2. 战胜 We overwhelmed the enemy by superior forces.我们以优势兵力打垮了敌军。Be overwhelmed by被压倒; 招架不住They are worried that some countries appear to be overwhelmed by the diseasethe place is about to be overwhelmed by swine fluBe overwhelmed with被.覆盖,因.而不知所措的;忙着做overwhelming majority 压倒的多数 ; 绝大多数overwhelming superiority 绝对优势 overwhelming sorrow 压倒性的悲哀;极度的悲哀;8. Celebrate: assign great social importance to1.It is also a time to celebrate the diversity in America. 圣诞节也是一种充足展示美国人多样性的节日。 2.People of different faiths come together to learn, grow and celebrate their diversity. 不同宗教的人走到一起学习,成长和庆祝她们的差别。 3.Therefore, we should do more than just tolerate our diversitywe should honor it and celebrate it. 因此,我们不应当仅仅是容忍多元化,我们应当为多元化而光荣,我们应当为多元化喝采! 4.How can we learn to celebrate cultural diversity without surrendering our own inheritance based on such Biblical teaching? 根据圣经中的这些教训,我们要如何学习去拥抱多元文化,而又不丧失自己的文化传承呢? 5.We recognize value, respect and celebrate the cultural differences and diversity of background and thought of our employees. 我们认同员工的不同价值观, 尊重并崇尚不同的文化背景的差别性及员工信奉的多样性。 9. be rooted in: to have developed
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