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江苏省2014届高三英语一轮复习 阅读理解攻略训练(5)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AMaybelle said she wouldnt be coming with me to the library. I asked why, and she said she could get all the short stories she wanted off the Internet. Saved walking all the way to the library, and putting up with my long chat on the way there, and on the way back. Maybelle is very direct like that, always has been.But, Maybelle, weve been walking to the library every Monday for the last fifty years! She said, Why dont you get Internet? We can send each other emails. So I had to get Internet. I called the local high school. They said theyd send me a good student to tell me all about computers and such.Evil thing, this Internet. Makes you lose old friends, forces you to learn new complex ideas, even if youre too old. But Maybelle said you have to be modern; otherwise, youre dead.The kid came the next day. Tall skinny black kid, by the name of Arsenius, said his work would cost more.I said, All right. As long as I get Internet.You need a computer, then you need to get hooked up, he said.Lets buy a computer and get hooked up, then.How much you want to spend?Whatever it takes.How many rams you want?I wasnt going to show him my ignorance, so I said, Whatever it takes.Lets go to the mall. You got a car?In the garage.When I opened the garage door, he gasped. Daddys car is still there, a57 Chevy. I never drive it. Walk everywhere.I said, Lets walk. Its only a mile or so.He said, Lets drive, or you will faint on me in this heat.Young man, I dont faint, never have. Were walking.I get paid by the hour, he said. Walking will cost you a lot more. Also, you feel like carrying a computer a mile or so?56. What kind of person is Maybelle?A. She always says what she means in an honest way.B. She no longer likes reading in her old age.C. She doesnt want to be friends with the writer any more.D. She doesnt want to keep up with the time.57. Why does the writer want to have Internet at his place?A. Because the writer believes that one is never too old to learn.B. Because the writer thinks that it is better late than never.C. Because of the pressure from people of his age.D. Because of the convenience the Internet will bring.58. Arsenius gives _ reasons for driving to the mall.A. two B. three C. four D. fiveBYou can be proud of yourselves, even if you can only make one or two of these green changes. The goal here is to limit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which are closely associated to the big problem of global-warming.59. What is the best title for the passage?A. Strategies to Save Money B. Ways to be Earth-FriendlyC. Strategies to End Global-Warming D. Ways to Limit Carbon Dioxide60. According to the writer, what will happen if our PC is switched off when not in use?A. It will help to save a large amount of money.B. It will help to reduce a great deal of CO2.C. It will save the amount of oil that runs your car for a mile.D. It will be like planting 1.7 million acres of new trees.61. Which strategies suggest recycling or reuse of things?A. Strategies 1 & 3. B. Strategies 2 & 5.C. Strategies 3 & 6. D. Strategies 4 & 5.62. What benefits do these strategies have in common?A. They all help reduce the use of energy like electricity.B. They all cut down the amount of the use of paper.C. They all result in producing less greenhouse gases.D. They all aid to preserve our trees and forest.CWe thought wed get a slight effect with eyes, but it was quite striking how much difference they made. Even at a subconscious(潜意识的) level, it seems people respond to eyes, and that might be because eyes send a strong biological signal we have evolved(进化) to respond to.The finding, which researchers believe sheds light on our evolutionary past, could be turned to practical use. The psychologists say images of eyes could promote ticket sales on public transport and improve monitor systems to prevent antisocial behavior.63. This passage is mainly about _.A. the policy of honesty B. an honesty box to collect moneyC. evolution on honesty D. an experiment on honesty64. The reason for doing the experiment secretly is that the researchers _.A. wanted to get a comparatively more exact resultB. had known they wanted to do something illegallyC. meant to get the co-operation of their colleaguesD. intended to sell the hot drinks at a higher price65. People behave honestly under watchful gaze of eyes because _.A. they want to leave a good impression B. they fear to be laughed at by othersC. theyve got the nature through evolution D. they take the photo for a real pair of eyes66. The underlined phrase sheds light on in t
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