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大学英语实用应用文汇总(2)14. E-maile-mail一般由三部分组成: 邮件头(e-mail header),正文(message content), 签名(signature) From: 寄件人邮件地址 To: 收件人邮件地址 Cc: 抄送 Subject: 主题 Date:日期 Bcc:暗送 Attachments:附件 Message content:正文 Signature:签名电子邮件格式(重点记住)From: To: Date: Subject: Dear Snow, / Hello Jason!IThanks! / Best wishes, /Love,Jackson Exercise: 请将下面电子邮件转化成英文E-mail。发件人:Sarah Deng 邮件地址:sdsina.com.cn 收件人:Henry Miller 邮件地址:hm347cam.ac.uk 抄送至:aajohnonline.sh.cn 主题:形式发票 内容:很高兴附上我们上海之旅的形式发票。一切服务都已落实。我们盼望尽快收到你们的房间预定单(Preliminary Rooming List)。 尚有效劳之处,请尽管与我联系。 答案:From: 1)_To: 2)_ Cc: 3)_ Subject: 4)_ Attachments: 5)_ Date: Mon, 10 Nov. 2008 09:09:42 Dear 6)_, I am happy to 7)_. All 8)_ confirmed for this, and we look forward to 9)_. If 10)_ for you, please do not hesitate to 11)_. Yours sincerely, 12)_15. “Help Wanted” Ads与其他广告一样,招聘广告也具有媒介倾向性。报纸上的招聘广告为求经济往往有不少缩写,而网上的招聘广告缩写相对要少些,但无论是报纸招聘广告或网上招聘广告,一般都应包括以下信息:一、联系信息(Contact Information)1. 公司名称(Business Name)2. 公司地址(Business Address)3. 公司电话(Business Phone)4. 公司邮址(Business E-mail Address)或者:5. 联系人姓名(Contact Person Name)6. 联系人电话(Contact Person Phone)7. 联系人邮址(Contact Person E-mail Address)8. 联系人通信地址(Contact Person Mailing Address)二、招聘工作信息(Job Information)1. 就聘职位(Position Title)2. 工作地点(Location)3. 就聘公司名称(Business Name)4. 工作描述(Job Description)5. 就聘资格(Qualifications)6. 福利(Benefits)7. 聘用时间(Days & Hours of Employment)8. 资薪额度(Salary Range) 当然,出于种种原因,并非每个招聘广告都须载有上述所有信息。广告中的信息量该有多少招聘单位或个人会有自己的考虑。但是有一条经验之谈:具体陈述了工作时间、报酬、福利的招聘广告肯定能得到最好的反应。Example:CLASSIFIEDS TYPIST The Reader has a part-time opening in the Classified Department (分类部). Candidates (申请人) should have excellent computer/data input experience, pay close attention to detail and have a minimum typing speed of 65 wpm. Hours are Mondays (8 a.m.2 p.m.) and possible additional hours on Tuesday morning. Starting pay is $10/hour ($11/hour after one year). This opening is strictly input of ads. You will not need to answer phones. Please do not respond if your typing speed is less than 65 wpm. Fax your rsum/cover letter (附函) to: Brett Murphy, Classifieds Manager, 312-828-0682 or send to bmurphychicagoreader.com. No phone calls, please.Questions:1. The business name is _ and it wants to hire a(n) _.2. The applicant is disqualified (不够资格的) if his /her typing speed is _.3. The applicant may expect to increase his/her pay to _ if he/she is good enough after one year.4. The contact person name is _.Exercise: 根据以下信息,完成英文广告。Business Address: 924 25th St. NW, WDC 20037. Fax No.: 202/337-6520 Contact Person E-mail Address: jwinkelpotomachospitality.com Positions: RESTAURANT MANAGER AND Asst. MANAGER Application Dates and Hours: MondayFriday, 09:0016:00 Qualifications: Both positions require fine dining experience. Salary Range: competitive, $8$10/hour 1)_ MANAGER With 2)_ experience. Salary range: 3)_. Please apply4)_ 924 25th St. NW, WDC 20037. Fax: 5)_E-mail: 6)_.16. Company introduction一般的公司介绍包括有企业名称、建立年份、所属行业、产品系列、子母公司、地段/交通、产品优势、技术、出口比例、出口市场等相关的情况。案例1:常见中文写法 (1)集开发生产于一体(2)专业生产各类XX产品(3)便利的水陆空交通/离XX机场(港口)很近(4)经营XX产品已有多年历史 相关英文写法(1)Integrates development and manufacturing in-house(2)Specializes in manufacturing all types of XX and related products(3)Convenient water, land and air transportation / close to XX Airport (Port)(4)We have many years of experience in supplying XXZhejiang ABC Wood Industrial Co., Ltd. is a professional large-scale manufacturer of all types of wood flooring, integrating development and production together. Our parent company is China ABC Wood Industrial Group. Our main products include real wood flooring, wood composite flooring, laminated wood flooring and related products. Our company was established in 2000, and we have many years of history in the wood flooring industry. Located near Shanghai, we enjoy convenient water, land and air transportation.案例2:常见中文写法 (1)绿色(环保)(2)产品远销英国、美国、等西方国家(3)我公司通过ISO9001证书 相关英文写法(1)Environmentally-friendly(2)Our products are exported to England, America and other Western countries(3)We have attained ISO9001 certificationCurrently, ABC flooring is already exported to America, France, Australia, Italy and 20 other countries and regions. Our company has always focused on research, development and innovation, and has recently developed new ultra wear-resistant wood flooring. In 2006, we atta
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