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1111111Part 21.A. Uncle and nephew.B. Father and daughter.C. Uncle and niece. D. Teacher and student. 2. A. It is stressful. B. It is fascinating. C. It is boring. D. It is marvelous. 3.A. Because she was too late for her daughters birthday party.B. Because she bought her daughter a dress that was too cheap.C. Because she forgot to invite her daughter to the movies. D. Because she refused to buy a dress her daughter preferred.4.A. Buy another new dress that her daughter loves.B. Have patience and put a lot of heart into the matter. C. Give her daughter even more money.D. Go travelling with her daughter to New Orleans. Questions 5 to 8 are based on the same passage or dialog. 5.A. Because she has an appointment with Oprah Winfrey. B. Because she is studying the life of Oprah Winfrey. C. Because she is attending a discussion by Oprah Winfrey. D. Because she is having a break with Oprah Winfrey. 6. A. She eats and exercises in a way influenced by Oprah Winfrey.B. Shes set up a book club under the influence of Oprah Winfrey. C. Shes influenced to recommend Oprah Winfreys magazine to others. D. Shes influenced to read books written by Oprah Winfrey.7.A. Because shes finished 25 years of her daily show by 32. B. Because shes an inspiring success story of giving and sharing. C. Because she knows what poverty is through her poor childhood.D. Because she helps girls in South America with their education. 8. A. He is convinced. B. He is still doubtful. C. He is impressive.D. He is persuasive. Part 3 1.A. A house. B. Stocks and shares. C. Their childrens education.D. A car. 2.A. Supporting themselves when they outlive their husbands by many years.B. Saving more for their children. C. Facing the pressure of divorce during old age period.D. Taking care of their husbands when they are elderly. 3.A. By investing more savings in stocks and shares. B. By being more dependent on others advice.C. By getting themselves properly informed.D. By looking ahead and thinking ahead.4.A. Women need to save enough money for buying cars. B. Women need to learn to prepare financially for their old age. C. Women need to learn more economic skills.D. Women need to have an independent retirement.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the same passage or dialog. 5. A. 11 male students and seven female students. B. Seven male students and 11 female students. C. 18 male students and 11 female students. D. Seven male students and 18 female students. 6. A. Question number five. B. Question number four. C. Question number three. D. Question number two. 7. A. Most people favor 26-30 as the ideal age to get married to an attractive partner and have two children. B. Most people favor 21-25 as the ideal age to get married to an attractive partner and have two children. C. Most people favor 26-30 as the ideal age to get married to an intelligent partner and have two children. D. Most people favor 21-25 as the ideal age to get married to an intelligent partner and have two children. 8. A. There are not equal numbers of males and females. B. The survey was based upon a very small sample. C. The questionnaire doesnt include enough questions. D. The students didnt give exact answers to the questions.22222222Part 2 Long Conversations(每小题:3 分)Directions: In this section, you will hear some long conversations. At the end of each conversation, some questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C, and D, and decide which the best answer is.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the same passage or dialog.1. A. Because he is too anxious to show himself for an interview. B. Because he is too sure of his intelligence and concentration. C. Because he is interrupted by the woman yelling at him. D. Because he is worried for limited years of experience.2. A. He has only 50,000 dollars. B. He has just paid off his debt. C. He is in great need of money. D. He is in debt for his new house.3. A. They continued to work together in a small cafe. B. They went out after their third day of work together. C. They talked for two hours in a small cafe. D. They found out that they had the same dream.4. A. Pessimistic. B. Doubtful. C. Encouraging. D. Indifferent.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the same passage or dialog.5. A. He picked up the engagement ring from Tiffanys on 6th Avenue. B. He took Molly to his favorite place for an early dinner. C. He took Molly to their favorite place in Central Park. D. He said something wrong like bury me or scary me.6. A. Because he was too frustrated. B. Because h
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