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浙江省嘉兴市秀洲区八年级英语下册Module10OntheradioUnit1Ihopethatyoucanjoinusoneday练习(新版)外研版Unit 1 I hope that you can join us one day.课时训练晨读自测根据句意、汉语提示或用所给词的适当形式完成句子1. Thank you for (show) us around. No problem!Now, come this .2. Look at the red light. When its on, it (mean) were on air. And we should avoid (make) any noise in the background.3. We collect the (late) national and international news and write (report) here.4. It (get) crazy in here just the programme begins.5. I think you need (speak) English well. So keep (study).6. It is where we do (interview) with the big sports star. Lets watch the (present).7. Remember (我所说的): we need to keep (安静的) if the red light is .8. Finally, weve just heard that Germany has (win) the football match, 2-1 England.9. Hey! great news! No, its (糟糕的) news!10. And (到此结束) of the six oclock news.A组 基础知识一、根据汉语提示完成句子1. We must try to (避免) danger in our daily life.2. This is a photo of my house with the moun-tains in the (背景).3. The British (国家的) flag is red, white and blue.4. He mentioned that problem at our (采访).5. May Day is a great (国际的) holiday.二、用方框中所给词或短语的适当形式填空present on air direct show around come this way1. The told the actress to have a rest.2. Who is your favourite TV ?Zhu Jun.3. Let me take you there, .4. I the Smiths the school.5. When will the talk show be this evening?三、选词填空 if why how when what 1. Could you tell me he came here?He drove here himself.2. Teenagers with working experiences know more clearly they will be in the future.3. Could you tell me he will leave?At nine oclock, in ten minutes.4. I dont know he is leaving.Because he has to look after his mother.5. Could you tell me it often snows in your home town?四、将下列各句合并为含有宾语从句的复合句1. He bought a new watch. Did Tony tell you?Did Tony tell you a new watch?2. Does the old man live on that street? I dont know.I dont know the old man on that street.3. When did you find the cat? Could you tell me?Could you tell me the cat?4. What was she doing there? Her mother wanted to know.Her mother wanted to know doing there.5. What does she do? He asked.He asked .B组 能力提升一、完形填空Izzy is a thirteen-year-old girl. She has a lot of 1 , such as dancing, singing, and collecting posters of Taylor Swift, but 2 is her favourite. Izzy is already a columnist(专栏作家) now 3 she is really young.Izzys father works as a reporter(记者) of a newspaper. Izzy often 4 newspapers with her father together. One day she found all advice columns in the newspapers were for adults(成年人). There were no 5 ones for children. With the help of her father, Izzy had her own advice column. She took it 6 and started to give advice to other kids.At first, Izzy was afraid that she couldnt give other children 7 advice. Later she found that she really helped 8 a lot. Izzy receives many emails and 9 from kids all over the country every day. Through her advice column, she gives them her advice to help these kids 10 their problems. Sometimes she also 11 with kids around her and answers those typical questions in her column.“I try to solve their problems with my own 12 because these problems are about us kids. The adults always 13 their experiences when they were young with kids now. But they are 14 different. I also imagine that I am talking to my best 15 when I answer these questions. Maybe these are the reasons why I have so many fans,” Izzy said.( )1. A. dreams B. hobbies C. habits D. plans( )2. A. spelling B. reading C. writing D. speaking( )3. A. because B. so C. although D. however( )4. A. looks for B. looks out C. looks after D. looks through( )5. A. importantB. popular C. different D. similar( )6. A. seriously B. quietly C. truly D. clearly( )7. A. crazyB. right C. usual D. strong( )8. A. they B. them C. she D. her( )9. A. pictures B. drinks C. clouds D. letters( )10. A. set up B. give away C. work out D. cut out( )11. A. sleeps B. borrows C. understands D. communicates( )12. A. experiencesB. books C. fa
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