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北京语言大学21秋英语国家概况在线作业三满分答案1. 标签:内容2. Betty Friedan&39;s The Feminine Mystique, published in 1963, changed the way large numbers of women thought about themselves and other women.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B3. The UK Landscape is very varied, ranging from the Grampian _ of Scotland to the lowland fens of England which are at or below sea level in places.A.RiverB.MountiansC.PlainD.Lake参考答案:B4. _ is not true about the characteristics of Britain.A.Economic differences between north and southB.Differences of social systems between Scotland and WalesC.Class differences between a white-collar worker and a blue-collar workerD.Cultural differences between immigrants and the British参考答案:B5. Former President Nixon remarked on several occasions that drug abuse is American&39;s “number one enemy” and that “we must declare war against it.”( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B6. The First World War broke out on July 28th, _ and ended on November 11th, 1918.A.1911B.1915C.1916D.1914参考答案:D7. The Hawaiian Islands are one of the most beautiful places on earth.The weather is friendly.The tempeThe Hawaiian Islands are one of the most beautiful places on earth.The weather is friendly.The temperature ranges from 60-90 degrees all year long.Its a little warmer in summer,and a little cooler in winter,but every day is a beach day for somebody.夏威夷岛是世界上最美丽的地方之一。这里天气晴朗宜人,气温整年在华氏60-90度之间变化。夏天稍暖,冬天稍凉,但对于某些人来说每天都是晒太阳的好日子。这是一个介绍夏威夷岛的导游词,基本采用直译的手法。考虑到60-90的温度引起旅游者的误解,就增加“华氏”的解释避免误会。把原文中的beach day转译为“晒太阳的好日子”,否则直译为“海滩日”就会让人费解。8. The novel The English Patient is written by _.A.a British writerB.a Canadian writer参考答案:B9. The diagnosis seems in every case to correspond exactly with all the sensations that I have ever felThe diagnosis seems in every case to correspond exactly with all the sensations that I have ever felt.每次看病的诊断似乎都和我所有的感觉完全相符。10. The two main land masses in New Zealand are _.A.the White Island and the thermal regionB.the North Island and the South IslandC.the Southern Alps and the North IslandD.Auckland and the South Island参考答案:B11. The Conservative party, the Labour party and the Liberal Democrats are the three major national parties in the UK.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B12. The most important single factor which influences British policy-makers is its history.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B13. Sir Francis Bacon heralded a new age of learning in the early _ century.A.sixteenthB.fifteenthC.eighteenthD.seventeenth参考答案:D14. On July 7th, 1937, Japan began an all-out attack on _.A.ChinaB.TaiwanC.KoreaD.Russia参考答案:A15. In addition to such tactics as sit-ins, young students also added _ to educate people about the war in Vietnam.A.teach-inB.rock nroll musicC.class boycottD.“march against fear”参考答案:A16. While the English are largely protestant, the Irish of the Republic largely belong to the Roman Catholic faith.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B17. The victory at Saratoga was viewed as the turning point of the War of Independence.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:B18. We often have_supper at horne. A. us B.our C.oursWe often have_supper at horne.A. usB.ourC.ours参考答案B19. Mount Mekinley, 6187 meters high, on the north of the Alaska, the highest peak on the American continent.( )A.错误B.正确参考答案:A20. 敬启者: 我们已收到你方9月25日关于花生和核桃仁(Groundnuts and Walnutmeat)的哥本哈根的成本加运费电传敬启者:我们已收到你方9月25日关于花生和核桃仁(Groundnuts and Walnutmeat)的哥本哈根的成本加运费电传询价。此复,我们报实盘以9月30日复到为有效,250公吨花生,手拣、去壳、不分等级,每公吨2 000美元,成本加运费哥本哈根和其他欧洲主要港口。装运在收到你方用即期信用证支付的订单货款后2个月内进行。请你方注意,我们已报了最惠价格并且不能考虑接受任何还盘。正如你们所知,这种商品目前需求很大,这样的需求毫无疑问将导致价格的上涨。然而,如果你们立即答复,你们就应可以利用坚挺的市场。诚挚问候Dear Sirs, We thank you for your telex enquiry for both Groundnuts and Walnutmeat CFR Copenhagen dated Sept 25 In reply, we offer firm, subject to your reply reaching us on or before Sept 30250 metric tons of Groundnuts, Handpicked, Shelled and Ungraded at US $2000 net per metric ton CFR Copenhagen and any other European Main Ports Shipment is to be made within two months after receipt of your order, payment by L/C payable by draft at sight Please note that we have quoted our most favorable price and are unable to entertain any counter offer As you are aware that there has been lately a large demand for the above commodities, such growing demand has doubtlessly resulted in increased prices However, you may avail yourselves of the strengthening market if you will send us an immediate reply Yours faithfully, 21. We have duly received your Sales Contract No 5630 (9) 50 tons walnutmeat we have booked with you (We have duly received your Sales Contract No 5630(9)50 tons walnutmeat we have booked with you(10)please find the duplicate with our counter-signaturecovering$Enclosed22. Protestant Church was separated f
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