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Module OneUnit One1. relationship 亲属关系(可数)2. relative亲戚(可数)3. invite邀请(v.)4. invitation邀请(n.)5. perhaps也许6. expensive贵的7. cheap便宜的8. brochure资料手册9. agent代理人10. plan a trip to Beijing计划一次北京之旅11. invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事12. invite sb. to some place邀请某人去某地13. send sb. sth.=send sth to sb.寄给某人某物14. Thats a good idea.真是和好主意。15. talk to sb. about sth.与某人谈论某事16. get sth. from sb. 从某人哪里得到某物17. the travel agent旅行社工作人员18. ask sb. some questions about sth.问某人关于某事的一些问题19. cost 花费20. soon不久21. at the travel agents在旅行社22. come back回来23. on the sixteenth of August在八月十六日24. at the end of August在八月底25. thank you for doing sth.谢谢你做了某事26. tower 塔27. brick 砖28. mountain山29. hold容纳30. raise升起31. national国家的32. nation国家33. international国际的34. ancient古老的35. history历史36. take sb. to some interesting places带某人去一些有趣的地方37. the Summer Palace颐和园38. see sb. doing sth.看见某人做某事39. the Great Wall长城40. Tiananmen Square天安门广场41. in the centre of Beijing在北京中心42. a huge open area一个很大的露天区域43. raise the Chinese national flag升中国国旗44. the Palace Museum故宫45. interest 吸引力46. wonderful精彩的47. another另一个48. different places of interest in Beijing在北京的不同名胜古迹49. holiday plan假期计划Unit twoWords:1. officer官员2. society社团3. prevention预防4. prevent预防5. cruelty残酷6. cruel残酷的7. someone某人8. puppy小狗9. thirsty渴的10. lovely可爱的11. as作为12. prefer更喜欢=like better (prefer doing to doing sth.)13. our animal friends我们的动物朋友14. the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals爱护动物协会15. leave in the street把留在街上16. keep as your pet把 作为宠物收养17. care照料n.18. careful仔细的19. carefully仔细地20. careless粗心的21. diet饮食22. feed喂食23. booklet 小册子24. special 特殊的25. basket 篮子26. blanket毯子27. countryside郊外28. kitten小猫29. take care of照顾=look after=care for30. give them a booklet to read给他们一本小册子读31. feed him 3-4 times every day每天喂它三到四次32. give him a bowl of water to drink给他一碗水喝33. hard dog biscuits硬的狗饼干34. look after照顾35. give him a basket to sleep in给他一个篮子睡觉36. hold him carefully with both hands用双手小心地抱着他37. play with him和它玩38. take notes做笔记39. need to do sth.需要做某事=need do sth.40. make a booklet about 制作一本关于的小册子41. tell sb. how to do sth. 告诉某人怎么做某事42. save拯救, 节约43. safe安全的44. safely安全地45. safety安全46. unkind不友善的47. danger危险n.48. dangerous危险的49. however然而50. clinic诊所51. sick生病的52. vet兽医53. be unkind to sb.对某人不友善54. save animals from danger把动物从危险中解救出来55. keep sb. from danger保护某人免受危险56. save from 挽救以免于57. help animals find new homes帮助动物找到新家58. promise to do sth.承诺做某事59. clinics for sick animals动物诊所60. a quiz about 关于的测验61. display展板62. cave山洞63. guard守卫64. blind瞎的65. hunt猎杀66. police警方67. thief窃贼68. missing失踪的69. make a display about dogs制作一张关于狗的展板70. live with dogs in caves和狗住在山洞里71. hunt animals for food猎杀动物作为食物72. take care of them with love用爱心照顾他们73. in many different ways用许多不同的方法74. help the police catch thieves 帮助警方抓贼75. missing people失踪的人76. on their farms在他们的农场里77. bring other animals to the farmer带其他动物到农场里Unit 3Words and useful expressions:1. foreigner外国人2. foreign外国的3. crowded拥挤的4. over超过(=more than)5. Canada加拿大6. Canadian加拿大人7. the USA美国8. America美国9. American美国人10. Australia澳大利亚11. Australian澳大利亚人12. Japan日本13. Japanese日本人14. the UK英国15. Britain英国16. British英国人17. India印度18. Indian印度人19. over six million people超过六百万人20. for example例如21. penfriend笔友22. nowadays如今23. magazine杂志24. far away from远离25. read about读关于26. which country哪个国家27. interest兴趣爱好28. favourite最喜爱的29. subject科目30. sex性别31. male男性的32. female女性的33. nationality国籍34. write to sb. 写信给某人35. in another country在另一个国家36. at school在学校37. know some things about her penfriend了解关于她笔友的一些事情38. international国际的39. Maths数学40. yourself你自己41. yours你的(东西)42. a letter to your penfriend一封给你笔友的信43. Who would you like to write a letter to?你想写信给谁?44. Toronto多伦多45. junior初级的Module 2Unit 41. neighbourhood 邻近地区2. neighbour邻居3. same同样的4. block一幢楼房5. architect建筑师6. construction建筑(n.)7. company公司8. type打字(v.)9. removal搬迁(n.)10. move搬动(v.)11. furniture家具(不可数)12. the same as与 一样13. make sick people better使病人好转14. work for为工作15. a construction company建筑公司16. type letters打信17. a removal man搬运工18. a removal company搬运公司19. move to把搬到20. uniform制服21. wear (wore, worn)穿着22. ambulance救护车23. quickly快地24. rescue营救(v.)25. parcel包裹26. wear a uniform穿着一套制服27. an ambulance worker救护人员28. drive sb. to开车送某人去29. meet (met, met)遇见30. meeting会议31. lift电梯32. answer the phone接电话33. go to meetings去开会34. take notes做记录35. enjoy doing sth.乐于做某事36. a survey on jobs一份关于工作的调查37. accident事故,突发事件38. motorcycle摩托车39. motorcyclist摩托车手40. catch (caught, caught)抓住41. hurt (hurt, hurt)受伤42. stop (stopped, stopped)制止,
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