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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 Asian Design Grows Up亚洲设计的崛起 The magazine you hold in you hands the 13th year weve sponsored the Industrial Design Excellence Awards,presented by Industrial Designers Society of America.Although the society is American,the judges are international and the competition is about the best designed products in the world for business,industrial,consumer,medical,and scientific markets.Since 1996, the awards have expanded greatly. The 2003 competition drew entries from 15 countries. Asias designers were the big surprise this year, with seven awards-three gold, three sliver,and one bronze.你手上拿的杂志报道了我们13年来我们赞助的优秀工业设计大奖,是由美国工业设计师协会提出的。尽管是在美国,这评判标准是国际化的,是全球商业、工业、消费、医疗和科学的市场上最好的工业设计产品之间的竞争。从1996年起,颁奖典礼极大地扩张。2003年的比赛吸引了来自15个国家的作品参与。亚洲的设计者在今年获得大惊喜,收获七项大奖,三枚金牌、三枚银牌和一枚铜牌。 Look at LCD personal TV from Samsung Electronics of Korea, a gold winner. Or Winsurfing Sails(Figure3-1)Collection by meyerhoffer for Hong Kong-based Neil Pryde International, an ambitions attempt to capture the spirit of the sport.金牌得主,来自朝鲜三星电子的个人液晶电视。或者迈耶霍夫成功从香港快利国际有限公司收集的比率(数字3-1) ,试图占领运动精神的雄心。 Then theres the silver-winning paper shredder from Michael Graves&Associates and Memcorp in Hong Kong, combining pencil sharpener and trash can.然后就是银牌获得者,迈克尔的碎纸机和了来自香港的削铅笔机和垃圾桶的结合器。 Business Weeks Bruce Nussbaum,who has produced all of our annual design award special reports, says over the past 20 years theres been nothing less than a global design revolution. “First it was putting a pretty extrior on a product,then incorporating functionality and ease of use,”he notes.”Now were seeing designers creat an experience for the customer, rather than a mere product.Thats the leading edge of design in Europe, the U.S.,and Japan.”Korea has also long used design to move from manufacturer into a producer of well-known branded products. Now China is following.商业周刊的布鲁斯努斯鲍姆,获得了我们每年所有的设计奖而受到了特别的报道,说在过去20年,是一个不折不扣的全球设计革命。“首先是把一个漂亮外观赋予的产品,然后考虑它的功能和易用性,”他说。“现在我们看到设计师创造一个客户体验,而不是一个纯粹的产品。这是在欧洲、美国和日本的前沿设计。“韩国也一直运用设计将普通产品变为知名品牌产品。现在中国是紧跟其后。 Take the nascent industrial design work coming out of major Chinese companies, as reported Hong Kong Correspondent Frederik Balfour and Beijing Bureau Chief Dexter Roberts. China is exporting locally designed and manufactured Haier appliances and Legend computers. Now such international companies as General Motors, LG Electronics, and Electrolux have set up design shops in Shanghai and Beijing. Some 200 schools in China are turning out 8,000 designers a year to work for Local and global companies.以新兴工业设计工作走出中国主要公司,香港记者弗雷德里克贝尔和北京分社社长德克斯特罗伯茨报道。中国出口本土设计、制造海尔电器和电脑。现在这样的国际公司像通用汽车公司,LG电子,和伊莱克斯已将设计商店设立在上海和北京。中国的200多所设计院校每年有8000多名毕业生毕业,为当地和全球的公司工作。 When Business Week first lent its support to IDEA,”the hope was that American designers could come to emulate the great European and Japanese designs of 70s and 80s,” says Nussbaum. “It was difficult even to get companies to spend money on design. Theyve since become converts and made it a central function of their companies , which Europe had done for decades.”当商业周刊最初借给其支持的想法“这个希望就是美国的设计师能够仿效欧洲设计和70年代、80年代的日本设计,” 努斯鲍姆说。“最初让企业把钱花在设计上是很困难的,自那以后他已经成为信徒,并让它成为他公司的中心功能,欧洲做了几十年”。We would be remiss if we did not also salute our own Business Week design team, Associate Art Director Don Besom and Assistant Photo Editor Sarah Greenberg Morse, who collaborated on this years special report.副艺术总监唐塞姆和助理照片编辑莎拉格林伯格莫尔斯,他曾在今年的特别报道。如果我们没有向我们自己的商业周刊设计团队致敬,我们将会被怠慢, Whether its conceptual work or tweaking existing products, good design is 年creasingly providing the competitive edge for old and new products. Take a look. We think youll agree.不管它是概念上的工作或调整现有产品,好的设计是在不断上升的为新旧产品提供竞争力看一看。我们认为你会同意的。工业设计专业英语 机电工程学院 09工业设计本 丁敏 工业计u 设专业英语专心-专注-专业
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