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论文发表专素一中国学木论文网 vww.591 68,net乙肝病毒论文感染肺癌患论文:苦参素联合恩替卡韦减轻伴乙肝病毒感染肺癌患者化疗副反应【摘 要】目的:观察苦参素联合恩替卡韦对伴有乙肝病毒感染的肺癌患者化疗保护作用。方法:合并hbv感染的非小细胞肺癌患者86例,随机分为观察组(化疗+联合使用 苦参素和恩替卡韦)、对照组(化疗+单用恩替卡韦),二组 均采用tp方案化疗,观察二组化疗前后肝功能、血常规、 hbv dna拷贝数、体重、kps评分变化。结果:治疗后对照 组ii度以上肝功能损伤发生率、ii度以上骨髓抑制发生率、 体重下降及kps评分下降发生率高于观察组;观察组治疗后 血清hbv-dna拷贝数降低,也低于对照组治疗后病毒拷贝数。 结论:恩替卡韦单用可以抑制化疗后hbv复制,而联用苦参素后对hbv复制有更强的抑制作用,且对化疗患者肝功能、 骨髓造血功能均有一定保护作用,并能改善患者体力、体重 等一般状况。【关健词】苦参素;恩替卡韦;非小细胞肺癌;乙肝病 毒;化疗reduce chemotherapy side effects by oxymatrine combined with entecavi in lung cancer with hepatitis b virus infectionzhang zhi-hong , ni bing-qiang , chenri-xin【abstract 】objective : to study the protective 中国学木论文网 vww.591 68,neteffect of oxymatrine combined with entecavi on chemotherapy of lung cancer with hepatitis b virus infection. method : 86 cases of non-small cell lung cancer with hbv infection were divided randomly into two groups.44 cases in observation group were treated with oxymatrine combined with entecavi during the tpchemotherapy, and 42 cases in control group weretreated with entecavi during the tp chemotherapy. liver function, blood test, hbv dna caries, weight and kpsscore changes was observed before and after chemotherapy. result : the ii degrees liver injuryincidence, ii degrees of bone marrow suppression rate,weight loss, and kps score decline in control group was higher than that in observation group. hbv dna caries decreased in observation group after treatment, but also lower than that in control group. conclusion:entecavir can inhibit hbv replication after chemotherapy, but oxymatrine combined with entecavi have a stronger inhibitory effect on hbv replication.the combination have a protective effect on liver function and bone marrow during the tp chemotherapy, and can improve physical strength,中国学木论文网 vww.591 68,netweight and other general conditions.【key words 】 matrine; entecavir; non-small celllung cancer; hepatitis b virus; chemotherapy非小细胞肺癌的化疗是多种药物联合、多疗程应用的过 程,而抗肿瘤药物大多存在不同程度的肝脏毒性。合并乙肝 病毒感染的肿瘤患者化疗后肝功能损伤,其原因可能存在化 学药物肝毒性及乙肝病毒复制活跃所致急性病毒性肝炎双重因素1。肝功能损害导致无法及时化疗或化疗中断,甚 至出现急性肝衰竭,危及患者生命。为此我们摸索有效实用 的临床治疗方法,使非小细胞肺癌合并有乙肝病毒感染者能 得到及时有效的化疗。2008年5月至2010年5月我们在tp 方案化疗患者中联合苦参素、恩替卡韦治疗86例,旨在观察苦参素联合恩替卡韦在乙肝病毒感染患者化疗中的保护 作用。1材料与方法1.1临床资料 病人入选标准:有临床影像检查、 内镜 检查、病理活检或细胞学诊断结果等依据。3个月内未行放化疗等特殊治疗。无心、肺、肾功能不全,外周血常规 检验正常,总胆红素v 30卩mol /1 , alt、ast、alp小于正 常值的3倍。卡氏评分60分。排除标准:同时接受其 他新药抗肿瘤治疗;有紫杉醇、铂类药物或研究中所包含 的药物过敏;合并其它恶性肿瘤。凡具备上述之一者即排
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