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必备英文自我介绍四篇 当来到的一个陌生的.地方时,我们不得不需要向他人介绍自己,自我介绍是一种认识自我的手段。现在你是否对自我介绍一筹莫展呢?下面是精心整理的英文自我介绍4篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。ear ir/Mdam,Im tudent fm Chna. I innd t go toEgland t stud Engli uring ths summr holida.Ihppned to ad your a and nowI a writing to constyu about somedetis. I n tstay in teK fr weks. So whe il your six-wek course srt Hw many studets are here in one clas e her wn be tony Also Id aprecat i f you could tel me thetoa clsshs e e ad th cost f the tuiton(这段最容易机械提问) y the ay, wil live in univrsity doritory or wth hostfamil I prfer the lter eause I wn o epeience Brits tre at acos stanc. Looking forwr to you rey.Your faithuly, Liu 英文自我介绍篇2 Dringthis perod eriously compy with he lesn egultonoft new group, lve plans such as loveom, bt aloa worCosntly sictdemans nthemsles, wih the Mitry of te odtoprocssork, the layoutof leadership t pete h vioustask. Diigen and entprising,inovtie,and cotinuously impe hir workefficiy and oud tha e work of te poblemsinatimel mnr o eport tothe leadeshpnd ek solutionsto tecompns development ad ke greaer contribuions. Fis, sud with great cncetati,cs teper. Athough I took th forklf rvg lics is not long, st started, t peration isnot aiuarlskiled, u i the course of ystu, ad onsciusly tee ft 3 months, I habeen abe to cary t kille opertion conrol, posts for remonthsto baclynosae, the bilittowas ee greaty impred rthefutureto complet t orktlyasoid funation.I wl cotiu in hnx work, t furteimpre mypofessioal lvl, at he same timeto oa etb. cod, strict requrmen, lov nd rspct teirjobs Work insit emads o themselves, diigent, lodrespecttherob,do not wbeforedifficulties donot back irot f te wrk, ig-quaiy compete th wr. Ifuure ok, il huby ask exeienced itructors, and onsanly u up experiee, to makeup fr their n ficiences. At he ame time, continue o larn arit teortical knowledge adrfeionl kils fr t companys cntriioto he delpme of tei own strngth! Thir, snthen tranig,imrove pertonalskill. In der odo hr ork wel, I ke llus imitedtim,strengthn te oeratonkillstaning, imrovehefficency of oadin anuoadig eratns to ensure tesfety f loading an nloaingoperations.Like trucks, efretoeration ust be loadedththenumber piees o gos, seifitons for sious sud to determne th code p standrd, as to ensure the volum flld withheveil.Iremember theeging of forkiftperaions, I have flitic.nceth, I veto stregthen a aspect f kistraining,nd ieve oodreults, summ ua t of forki drivertaning methods Fort, diign i herepar, ecurity protecton As a drver, awysbear inindthe imprtant taskof thir own o ensure tatleers and coads ridfety asthe responsiiliy to maintin highdegre of conctraion in h dving, a in strct accordance wththeoperatng le ad rdtraffi rules, do folpoo. ltle fee, they studidwth geat netration l kids of taffic laws ndregulations, ompan safety drvingfen rea h affic book, will be vaiey of traffi routs meoize n thear, driving ndturs,es bad rod, fu-icit estial. I thvecleeair andmantnance,when a good oct ad bauticin thedual roe o the vehicl grounmntennce, gonminnc,ground cenn, skile ser of vaiou vehice tehnical erormce, fai to rmove, thvhicle is lwaysngodcondition stat. I th wrk f20_, athou aheved ertain acevements ad oress, ut th problems an ot e igored, such s:her own ualty to efurher mproed, he sese of sevice to bempvdand o. In he fture work,Iwill ty make up for these shortcomins, and cpreheively iproveteiroeralquality, uines level, qalit of sviceSo peope s at te choce of he rier on h hcohr wor, wil ertainly wth h fuure ofth adship f hepofessioal partr, but Iilnreret i, eae Iamwillgtopa fr he caus of my ehusias, , I m willi to lv thi dediation to llte wk. 英文自我介绍篇3m ame i xxx i myenls nme,wic is ls thnme of m ido.ima reommendedudt fo ccfl,inhci ve studied fr x yeasduin thete i sayed ther,ive leaed a lot fom th tahrs ho mu
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