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各位老师,我今天说课的内容是选自新课标 高中英语必修一Unit 1Friendship的内容,下面就教学内容、教材用书、教材分析、学情分析、教学目标、教学策略、教学方法、教学重点及难点和教学过程几方面进行阐述。一、 【教学内容】(一)教材用书: 新课标人教版高中英语必修一 课题:第一单元 Friendship 课型:听说课(二)教材分析:1. 本单元主要围绕友谊这一话题展开听、说、读、写多种教学活动和任务。涉及的话题有:人为什么要需要朋友,怎样交朋友,如何跟朋友相处和如何处理朋友的关系。2. 本单元中的文章讲述了犹太女孩安妮为躲避纳粹的迫害而藏身于小阁楼中,并把日记当作是自己的朋友,通过写日记来表达自己孤单和郁闷的心情,同时也表达了安妮在战争时期渴望朋友的心情。 3. listening and speaking 是整个单元的基础部分,主要是引出本单元的主题,激发学生对话题的兴趣,同时亦包含相关的语言知识和信息,是教师在整个教学过程中不可或缺和不能忽视的部分。Reading部分承载着整个单元最重要的语言和文化信息,也是整个教学过程中最需要重点处理的部分。Writing是检验学生是否掌握所教内容的最直接输出,同时亦是学生自查缺漏的重要环节。(三)学情分析: 本班学生共53人,是新高一的学生,从中考英语成绩情 况来看,整体英语水平较好,知识基础较扎实,全班大部分的 同学对英语有较浓厚的兴趣。(四)教学目标: 通过阅读理解这篇课文,不仅要让学生学习一些新的重点词汇和短语的表达方式,训练他们的阅读技能,而且还要阅读的过程中懂得友谊的重要性,学会珍惜友谊。 1. 知识技能 1)学习掌握新的重点词汇、短语、句型及语法点:upset, entirely, calm down, be concerned about, on purpose, in order to, face to face; whether/if 句型,直接引语和间接引语等 2. 能力目标 1)用适当的英语词汇去表达对朋友和友谊的态度或看法 2)理解课文大意,学会并熟悉一些阅读技能及其训练:guessing key sentences, skimming, scanning, careful reading等 3. 情感态度与目标 让学生通过阅读课文,意识到友谊的重要性,并学会珍惜友 谊(五)教学策略 1. 小组活动 (Group work) 2. 师生对话及提问 3. 辅助工具:多媒体 (六)教学方法 1. 任务型教学 2. 合作学习 3. 讨论(七)教学重点及难点 1. 学习并掌握重点词汇及短语:upset, entirely, calm down, be concerned about, on purpose, in order to, face to face 2. 语法重点:直接引语和间接引语 (direct speech and indirect speech) (reading部分出现) 3. 培养并提高学生的阅读技能 二、 【教学过程 】(主listening and speaking)Step 1. Lead in 导入 (Warm-up)1. 以small talk 的形式引出要讲的主题friendship,重点在引起学生对话题的兴趣,并在small talk里面融入大部分新的重点词汇及短语upset, entirely, calm down, be concerned about, on purpose, face to face,并板书,让学生有一个粗略的印象。2. 再次强调今天要学的新内容是Friendship。让学生一起朗读黑板上的新单词。Step 2. Listening and speaking (听与说) 1. Listening:1.1 Do you have your good friends? Lets listen to a song “Friend” 将歌词中的一句谚语板书: A friend in need is a friend indeed. 引导学生说出中文相对应的谚语。 2. Speaking: (group work)2.1 首先通过老师和学生的对话,引出对话。然后让学生进行两人对话。T: Talk about your old friend: their appearance, hobbies, etc. T: Who are they?S1: They areT: What do they look like? S1: He is very tall and he has big eyes, a wide mouthT: How old are they? S1: He is . years old.T: What are their favorite sports, actors, subjects, books.? S1: His favorite sport is basketball and his favorite subject is English.T: Why do you like to make friend with them? S1: Because he is very nice and friendly to me. And he often helps me with my homework 2.2 Do you make new friends in high school now? Who are your new friends? Work in groups. Think of the questions above. Four students in a group and then tell your members about your old friends and your new friends. 2.3 Report to the whole class: who are your old friends and new friends and why? Step 3. Do a survey3.1 Ss do the survey in the text, P1 3.2 Check the scores they get on P83.3 Tell your partners your scores and check whether you are good to your friend. Step 4. Discussion (Pre-reading) 4.1. Divide Ss into four groups and give each group one topic to discuss. Topic 1: Why do you need friends? Make a list of reasons why friends are important to you? Topic 2: Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friends? For example, dogs, catsetc. And why? Topic 3: List some qualities of a person who can not make friends easily or who does not have any friends. Topic 4: There is a saying goes “to have a good friend, you need to be a good friend”. What do you think of this saying and how can you be a good friend. 4.2. Ask four Ss to represent their groups to show their opinions. Step 5. Summary 5.1 Ask Ss to summarize what is friendship and why friendship is important. 5.2 Tell Ss that make new friends and keep the old; one is silver and the other is gold. Step 6. Homework 6.1 Review the new words on the blackboard and find them in your book. 6.2 Preview the text and look up the new words and phrases in a dictionary. 注:T: teacher; S1: student 1; Ss: students
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