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Unit 61. It was felt that he lacked the _ to pursue difficult task to the very end.A. petition B. engagement C. commitment D. qualification2. He does nothing that _the interests of the collective.A. runs for B. runs against C. runs over D. runs into3. Though he views himself as a realist, Cetron says that his findings make him very _ about future. A. optimistic B. sympathetic C. objective D. precautions4. In such a changing and complex society, formerly simple solutions to informational needs become _. A. confusing B. acceptable C. complicated D. feasible5. When it comes to teaching _, many parents believe that if they love their children and treat them kindly, the kids will know how to behave.A. mentality B. morality C. majesty D. majority6 . Exercise seems to benefit the brain power of healthy and sick, young and old_.A. alike B. alive C. together D. included7. History has demonstrated that countries with different social systems and ideologies can join hands in meeting the common challenges to human _ and development.A. evolution B. survival C. rivalry D. dignity8. Although sports _ the household, Joe drew the line when they interfered with family traditions and routine. A. overwhelmed B. affected C. dominated D. influenced9. Shopping for a new swimsuit is one of least _ activities, because I almost always get salesclerk with a sick sense of humor. A. favorable B. popular C. favorite D. beneficial10. It is during summer breaks that we first taste the satisfaction of work that _ into hard currency. A. transfers B. translates C. transmits D. transplants11. Skilled technicians and advanced technologies enable us to build uncompromised quality into all our cars, because our first _ is bringing you pleasure for years to come.A. prestige B. benefit C. privilege D. priority12. With keen _, convincing facts and a global angle, Epstein vividly recorded a brilliant page of the great revolution. A. inspection B. intellectual C. intention D. insight13. Telecommunication developments enable the sending of messages _ television, radio and very shortly, electronic mail to bombard people with many messages.A. via B. amid C. past D. across14. The so-called intelligent behavior demands memory, remembering being a primary_ for reasoning.A. resource B. requirement C. resolution D. response15. Womens central role in managing natural resources are and protecting the environment has been overlooked more often than it has been .A. acknowledged B. emphasized C. memorized D. associated16. Technology has _the sharing of information and the storage and delivery of information, thus making more information available to more people.A. formulated B. furnished C. functioned D. facilitated17. The new government_ the foreign-owned oil fields one after another.A. took over B. took out C. took off D. took on18. One study found that job applicants who make more eye contact are _as more alert, dependable, confident and responsible.A. referred B. perceived C. recommended D. presumed19. Many proverbs _in ancient Greece and Rome and in medieval Europe, spreading from country to country in Latin texts.A. designated B. descended C. originated D. created20. To give you a general idea of our products, we enclose the catalogues showing various products handled by us with detailed_ and means of packing.A. specimens B. inspections C. paraphrases D. specificationsUnit 5Section A1. The recent findings are also applicable to other areas of design engineering.A. practical B. relevant C. convenient D. comparable2. The century-old hostilities between the two tribes eventually terminated through the persistent efforts of the local government. A. diminished B. shrunk C. vanished D. worsened3. The leaders of the two countries are planning their summit meeting with a pledge to maintainand develop good ties.A. strategy B. standpoint C. priority D. promise4. Computers will flourish because they enable us to accomplish tasks that could never before have been undertaken. A. implement B. render C. assign D. complete5. Hemans success is due to his hard work and his ability to formulate plans which will get work done efficiently.A. fulfill B. approve C. conceive D. conduct6. The farm ministers scheduled an emergency meeting in Luxembourg in hopes of easing the worldwide “mad cow” panic.A. crisis B. alarm C. hazard D. peril7. The young man asked his parents not to worry because he was full of optimism about his career.A. confidence B. motivation C. imagination D. resolution8. Ones awareness, both conscious and unconscious, of what happened in the past has a strong influence on ones behavior.A.
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