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广东省广州市中考英语试卷一、语法选择(每题1分,满分15分)阅读下列短文,按照句子构造的语法性和上下文持续的规定,从1-5各题所给的A、C和D中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑1I goig shppigin the illag,Georges mohe ad to Gorge onStrday mornig.Sobe agoodb nddo et io troubleAnd dont rget() goo ae Gandma.Then ot she went.Grnda (2) n techai b e wndow when shepene one litte eye nd sad,Nwyu eard (3) yourmothe aid,GeorgeYs,rndm,GeogeaiGeoge asboe ttears.He didnthave rother oa sierHisathra a are,and (4) arm eylve on wamiles awa from anyhe,(5) there wer ner ny childent pawithHe a ire o starngat(6) pig,ns,co an sepHe was espcily tied of having tolive thehousewith hs grandmaoog aerr al b himself wa hardly() way tosen aSaturay orning.Go andke e a cupftea fra strt,() ugarad milk.dma siMt randmothers ae lovy,kind,hlpfulold lades,utot this e.Gergs ganda a oma() wasalwysplainng abu soetingr otheSe spen all y(10) nhe hair by the wndow.Geoge(11) thaGranmaued be a gtle lady,bt as she grw oldr,shwas not e o lok ate rsl and even worse,sh a easy t gtagy.We (12) ice tthold,Gerge,Hi mother alwa told hTinkig tis,eorge (3) ino the ktcenand made randma cup fteaha tabgH put ne poon of suar d(14) m in ite stired the tea well and carred t into he liig room (15) 1AtakeBtakingCtotake.tkesA.sleepBspC.s slengDaslepin3AthatB.whatCwheDwhichA.aBanC.eD.5AbutB.i.oDsoAundBhunredsC.unredthDhnreds of 7A.excitB.the most excitingCmoe exitinD.much mr exciin AB.itC.fDo 9A.whoBhC.whereD.en10AsittinBsitsC.sitDst11.teloldC.was tldD.haod2A.shouldB.wulCmightD.an13A.gesBwntil D.hs gn1.anyB.anyCfeD.some15AcareBarefulCcaefullyDcarels 二、完形填空.16.ore than 700 years ago,Scotlad ( 苏格兰 )wa fighinwh EnglandThe king ofEnglad anteto(1) ScotlaHe ad stog army so ita (17) for theSots to fight.They s man ims,Kngbert o cotlnhadto ru from the Elis aryOnriny day,King Rert l in an dhoueHe thoughtthath ws ot god nough t b in.He wsso(18) thahe didnt eve eea spider(蜘蛛)ner hiHe(19) when he saw tpidibin.Itwa rying to limb upits eb a thtop f he houe butit fell ow.Ho sadthoughtKing obertTe pider is ikeeIs n (0) ughHewatche whle thespder limbed up againI fell on a secon tiee reful,littleidr,oryo migtdi,he si.Life is so rd.ulneve get bac tyou webButth sider (2) agai ad agaiKing Robt watched whlei(2) cimbed ba o itsweb.Afte n our,te ier go othe b.o e suh a gea (2) ,he saiIf oucan eptrig. an too.I mut ke n fihting.I wntlet theEnglsh win.is (4) grew srn d the(25) theEnglisham.Soland wasfree.Noboy knos thi s a true storyMay arnts tell it er ilden ecaue theat them tkeptrying16.A.lave.ontrolCepD.ist17A.interestigBdiffcultCmotntD.ecery18.A.surieB.boredworridDly19A.le aheaB.looed outC.ooked onD.lookeu20AoldBstroCastDfre21A.iedfllCcticdD.chered .finalyeaslyC.slowlyDsudn3A.playB.fightrC.sodier.spid2Arm.eeliCopiniofailyA.eptB.ried.pedDjined 三、阅读 第一节:阅读理解(满分40分)26.We oftn hearsores f anial rscuingpeolu now somonea anaed to et teavorThe event took place one snowyJanury orningThoms Sith ws walkig his dog,Jack, th park.As wasalking,Ijst saw Jc running nto e ictowaste uck i hemddle,andten he el ito the waer andoudnt climb ou,said Smtrelied he dnochoi t tryand sae hs gsomoe ele tod ethelake was only oemeer dee,but it wat leasttwi thatI had t break m ay thoughte cm iceFall,I o Jck by the nc,andpule mout. dont thik havevefltso col ythe ime we gt backt ry landAnd whewe g te,eernewas sng i Jackwas oayno onewas paticlar woried,abut me! neigbr,ulie Bow,sa itllhpnThe dog ent onto a iclaAll of a sudn,itstarted to go under.Thee we crods of pelearound,ad te we al utig andscramg.ere I knew i,the wnr Sith a ith
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