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Unit 3 Pardon MeLesson 17: Do Mistakes Matter?Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: pardon, mention, pocket, double, mistake, make a mistake, depend, commonOral words and expressions: Bruce, confused, confusing, depend on, bargainingTeaching aims:1. Know the cultural differences between China and western countries.2. Improve the students abilities of speaking English.Teaching Important Points: 1. Target language: I made a mistake. He looks confused. Buying things in China is confusing.2. Train the students focus abilities and cooperation spirit.Teaching Difficult Points: the difficult cultures of different countriesTeaching Preparation: picturesTeaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, picturesType of Lesson: new lessonTeaching procedures:Step1. Lead inThe teacher shows some pictures to the students with the Multi-media computer. The pictures show the differences between China and Western countries. From the peoples appearance and the colour of the skin,We can tell the differences. The others show cultural differences. We use chopsticks but they use the fork and knives.Divide the class into several groups and finish the task. Encourage the students to speak more. They can use their own pictures to help them. Step2. Listening task Listen to the text and answer the following question: 1. Where is Bruce from?2. What does Bruces father do?3. How much does Li Ming pay for the two pops? 4. How much did Bruce pay for one pop? Ask the students to listen carefully and answer the questions. We can arrange the students to listen to the part that is connected with the two questions.Step3. Read and find the new words: He looks confused. Buying things in China is confusing. I made a mistake. Let the students try to make sentences with the new words. Step4. Reading task: Read the text again and answer the questions: What are Bruce and Li Ming doing? Is Bruce confusing? Where dont people try to change the price, in China or in North America? Encourage the students to ask more questions by themselves. Step5. Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the words given. 1.My brother is _(迷惑的). 2.It is so _(迷惑的) a thing. 3.Does he often _(犯错误)? This part is used to check if they have grasped the new words. Step6.Activity Suppose you and Bruce are shopping, you are bargaining with the clerk. Bruce can bargain, too. Divide the class into several groups and talks about the questions. After a while, let the students act their out in front of the class. Encourage the students to speak loudly in front of the class. Choose the best group and praise them.Step7. Think about: Whats the difference between people in China and North America when they are shopping? Use the formal group to finish the task. When the students discuss, the teacher walks around the classroom to see if they need any help. Step8. Talk about: Where would you like to buy things, in shopping center or market? Let them debate the questions. As usual, the class can be divided into two groups. One group thinks the shopping center is good. The other thinks the market is better. Let them debate for five minutes. Then let one student in each group to sum the opinions of his own group. Step9. Homework Find more information about the differences between China and western countries. Summary: This interesting text is about bargaining in China. Its based on the different cultures between Chinese and Western countries. In some countries in North America, people dont try to bargain, so some foreign friends feel confused when they buy things in China. Try to help them when you meet foreigners. Try to find more differences between Chinese and Western countries on the Internet. Lesson 18: Wait! Dont Eat Yet!Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: society, politely, manner, especially, unless, polite, fork, serve, forever, act, compare, theirsOral words and expressions: custom, tablecloth, rude, toothpick, Spaghetti, sauceTeaching Aims:1. Find the differences between the Chinese and Western customs at table.2. Cultivate the students creation and cooperation spirit.Teaching Important Points:1. The expressions of similarities and differences.2. Grasp the Past Future Tense. Teaching Difficult Points:The expressions of similarities and differences.Teaching Preparation: picturesTeaching Aids: flashcards, audiotape, picturesType of Lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedures:Step1. Lead in: a pair work. The teacher asks the students the following question: Have you ever traveled to other places? Where have you been? Show some pictures with the help of the multi-media. The pictures are from Australia, France, China, England, America and Japan. Let the students discuss for 2 or 3 minutes. Then let them say in front of the class. When the student is speaking, the others can ask him or her
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