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The Fifth PeriodThe Object ComplementTeaching Aims:1.Revise one of the members of the sentencethe Object Complement to make the students acquire a correct and clear knowledge of it.2.Do plenty of exercises to enable the students to master and use it freely.Teaching Important Point:Revise and master some different kinds of words and phrases as Object Complements.Teaching Difficult Point:How to choose proper words or structures as an object complement,especially between“infinitive”“-ing”form and “-ed”form.Teaching Methods:review,explantion and inductive methods.Teaching Aids:1.the blackboard2.the multimediaTeaching ProceduresStep GreetingsGreet the whole class as usual.Step Grammar StudyT:In the last period weve learnt something about the Ojbect Complement.Today well learn more about this grammar item.First,look at the sentences on the screen.Underline the Object Complement and tell what part of speech each of the object complement is.1.The doctor advised Mary to have more exercise.2.How shall we set the whole thing going?3.Please get your blood tested in the next room.4.They made him captain of the ship.5.Why dont we dye it blue?6.He found everything there in good order.7.He ordered them away. (Teacher tells the class to prepare,then asks some students to give the answers.)Suggested answers:1.to have more exercise (infinitive)2.going (present participle)3.tested (past participle)4.captain of the ship (noun)5.blue (adjective)6.in good order (preposition phrase)7.away (adverb)T:From these sentences we can see what can be used as object complement.They are.(Bb. infinitive;v.-ing/p.p./n./adj./prep-phrase/adv.)T:We often use the infinitive as object complement.The sentence structure is like this.Bb:Subject+Predicate(vt.)+Object+Infinitive (to do)Do you know which of the verbs can be used in this sentence structure?S1:advise,invite,persuade,encourage,allow,permit,ask,require,expect,wish,want,order,force,forbid,warn.(Teacher writes these words on the blackboard.)T:Some verbs can be followed by the infinitive as object complement without“to”.The sentence structure is like this.Bb:Subject+Predicate(vt.)+Object+Infinitive(do sth.)Can you tell me which of the verbs can be used in this structure?S2:have,make,let,hear,observe,see,watch,feel,notice,listen to.(Teacher writes these words on the blackboard.)T:If we turn the sentence structure into the passive voice,the word“to”can not be omitted.Are you clear about that?Ss:Yes.T:Besides the infinitive,we can also use the present participle and the past participle as object complement.This is the sentence structure.Bb:Subject+Predicate(vt.)+Object +v.-ing/p.p.Can the verbs we mentioned just now be used in this sentence structure?S3:Some of the verbs of sensation,such as “hear,observe,see,watch,feel,notice,listen to” can be used in this sentence structure.S4:The verb“have”can also be used in this sentence structure,too.T:You are both right.Now look at the screen.Compare the sentences in each group and pay attention to their differences:1.I often hear them sing this song.Suddenly he heard someone knocking gently on the window.He once heard the song sung in German.2.Suddenly he felt the atmosphere grow tense.She felt something crawling up her back.I felt a great weight taken off my mind.3.She was often seen to act like that.Dont you see a girl running towards us?She was glad to see her children well taken care of in the nursery.4.I wont have you say such things.Im sorry to have you waiting so long.Youd better have your shoes mended.5.I have to get him to start at once.He tried to get the engine running.She got a new coat made.T:Look at the first group of sentences.We use the infinitive as object complement to express the whole of an action or event,and we use the present participle to suggest part of an action.S5:But when shall we use the past participle as object complement?T:As we know,the object is the logical subject of the object complement.When we try to express a passive meaning,the past participle should be used.Do you understand?Ss:Yes.T:Look at the fourth group.The first sentence means:cause somebody to do something.The second one means:cause somebody to do something all the time and the third sentence means:have someone else to do something.Is that clear?Ss:Yes.T:In the last group we can see the verb “get”has the same meaning as the verb“have”,but we must say“get sb.to do sth.”.Are you clear about that?Ss:Yes.T:Some of the verbs,such as “believe,consider,feel,find,think,know,etc.”can be followed by“to be+adj./n.”as object complement.Sometimes“to be”can be omitted.Look at the sentence structure on the blackboard.Bb:Subject+Predicate(vt. believe,consider,feel,find,think,know,suppose)+Object+(to be)+adj./n
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